BC Assembly of Forst Nations – Protocol on Cooperation and Communication signed by 10 BC First Nation organizations and Institutions. The signatories commit to coordinating their efforts to support capacity development in governance and governance administration in First Nation communities in BC. The protocol voices the pressing need to assist all First Nations in BC in moving beyond the existing fiscal relationship with the Crown and the delivery of delegated programs services.
The protocol also addresses the need for relevant and effective information sharing to support First Nations in key fiscal issues, capacity development, and exercising their inherent right of self-determination, self-government, including authorities and jurisdictions.
The Signatories include:
- British Columbia Assembly of First Nations
- The First Nations Summit
- The Union of BC Indian Chiefs
- The First Nations Financial Management Board
- The First Nations Tax Commission
- The First Nations Finance Authority
- The Lands Advisory Board
- The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of BC
- The First Nations Public Service Secretariat
- The New Relationship Trust