What’s Next for the MMIWG Report

The Commission of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls submitted their final report, “Reclaiming Power and Place” on June 3, 2019 with 231 Calls for Justice

In December, 2019, the federal government announced that the target date for the government’s response to the Final Report would be June 2020 with release of the National Action Plan to address violence against Indigenous women, girls, and LGBTQ and two-spirit people. That represents 58 or 25% of the 231 Calls for Justice broken down as:

Government Ministry#
Human and Indigenous Rights and Governmental Obligations11
Culture 7
Health and Wellness7
Human Security 8

That leaves another 173 Calls for Justice for other stakeholders who have some accountability for addressing the Calls to Justice specific to their jurisdictions. Another 58 Calls for Justice (25%) fall under the broader “Industries, Institutions, Services and Partnerships” a follows:

Industries, Institutions, Services and Partnerships#
Media and Social Influencers 1
Health and Wellness Service Providers9
Transportation Service Providers and the Hospitality Industry 1
Police Services  11
Attorneys and Law Societies 1
Educators   2
Social Workers and Those Implicated in Child Welfare15
Extractive and Development Industries 5
Correctional Service Canada 13

The remaining Calls for Justice are targeted at specific vulnerable population groups:

  • Inuit (46)
  • Métis (29)
  • 2SLGBTQQIA (32)
  • All Canadians (8)

The intent of Indigenous Watchdog is to provide the framework to track and report on how these Calls to Justice are progressing in reality. Who is doing what over what timeframe and with what targeted outcomes? Future posts will report on progress from the federal government on the recommendations from the MMIWG Interim report as well as from other jurisdictions.

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