Calls to Action

Painted tiles being placed together for Project of Heart, during the B.C. National Event

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada believes that in order for Canada to flourish in the twenty-first century, reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canada must be based on the following 10 principles:

For complete listing all 94 TRC Calls to Action , click on the following link:

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report consists of a six volumes on Canada’s Residential Schools as follows:

  • Volume 1: The History, Part 1: Origins to 1939
  • Volume 1: The History, Part 2: 1939 – 2000
  • Volume 2: The Inuit and Northern Experience
  • Volume 3: The Métis Experience
  • Volume 4: Missing Children and Unmarked Burials
  • Volume 5: The Legacy
  • Volume 6: Reconciliation
  • Honouring the Truth, Reconciling the Future
  • The Survivor’s Speak

Featured Updates

94 Calls To Action List

A description of the current status of each Truth and Reconciliation “Theme”. Select each of Child Welfare, Education, Language and Culture, Health, Justice and Reconciliation to see the status of each individual Call to Action: how many of each theme have been completed and links to dive deeper to learn more.

Not Started

In Progress




0/5 Completed

Child Welfare (1-5)

Current Reality The 2021 census also found that 3.2 per cent of Indigenous children in Canada were in foster care, compared to just 0.2 per cent……

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Commit to reducing the number of Aboriginal children in care

In Progress


Publish annual child welfare reports: Indigenous vs non-Indigenous

Not Started


Fully implement Jordan’s Principle

In Progress


Enact Indigenous Child Welfare legislation

In Progress


Develop culturally appropriate parenting programs for Indigenous families

In Progress

0/11 Completed

Education (6-12)

Current Reality Between 1996 and 2016, a 2 per cent cap on annual increases was in place; between 2004-05 and 2013-14, provincial expenditures increased roughly……

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Repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Code



Develop a joint strategy to eliminate education and employment gaps

In Progress


Eliminate discrepancy in education funding for First Nations on-reserve vs off-reserve



Prepare and publish annual education reports: Indigenous vs non-Indigenous

Not Started


Draft Indigenous Education legislation with Indigenous people engaged

Not Started


Provide funding to end backlog for First Nations post-secondary education

In Progress


Develop culturally appropriate early childhood education programs



Consultations on Indigenous education reform (curriculum content, funding)



Commitment to Indigenous education (K-12 curriculum, teacher training)

In Progress


Denomination schools must teach course on Indigenous spirituality

Not Started


Establish a National Research Program with multi-year funding

In Progress

2/5 Completed

Language and Culture (13-17)

Current Reality Canada is home to around 60 indigenous tongues in 12 separate and distinct language families Most languages have multiple dialects, often with issues……

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Acknowledge Indigenous rights, include Indigenous language rights



Enact an Indigenous Languages Act



Appoint an Indigenous Language Commissioner



Create post-secondary degrees and diploma programs in Indigenous languages

In Progress


Enable residential school survivors to reclaim Indigenous names


0/7 Completed

Health (18-24)

Current Reality Oct. 22: RECOMMENDATION 5 from the CMHA  report “Over Promised, Under Delivered” identifies specific problems with the collection of health data from multiple……

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Recognize and implement healthcare rights of Indigenous peoples



Establish measurable goals to identify and close health gaps



Address distinct needs of Métis, Inuit and off-reserve First Nations

In Progress


Provide ongoing funding for existing and new Aboriginal Healing Centres

In Progress


Recognize value of Indigenous healing practices and use in health system

In Progress


Increase the hiring and retention of Indigenous healthcare workers

In Progress


All students to take a course in Indigenous culture and awareness training

In Progress

1/21 Completed

Justice (25-42)

Current Reality Sept. 27, 2024: Indigenous Bar Association disheartened by divisive vote on Law Society of BC Resolution 3 which contained troubling elements of Residential……

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Affirm independence of RCMP from government civil litigation



Review and amend their respective Statutes of Limitations

Not Started


Ensure lawyers receive cultural competency and Indigenous rights training

In Progress


Mandatory law school course on Aboriginal people and the law

In Progress


Residential School Settlement Agreements for those excluded from the TRC process



Commit to eliminate overrepresentation of Aboriginal people in custody



Provide stable funding to implement alternatives to imprisonment

In Progress


Amend Criminal Code to depart from mandatory minimum sentences

In Progress


Develop culturally relevant FASD prevention program

In Progress


Reform criminal justice system to address needs of people with FASD

Not Started


Eliminate barriers to creation of new Aboriginal healing lodges



Deliver culturally relevant services to inmates on social issues

In Progress


Provide more supports for Aboriginal programs in halfway houses

In Progress


Commit to eliminate overrepresentation of Aboriginal youth in jail

In Progress


Develop national plan to publish data on Indigenous criminal victimization

In Progress


Create funded and accessible Indigenous-specific victim programs

In Progress


Appoint public inquiry into MMIWG



Commit to recognize and implement Aboriginal Justice Systems

Not Started

11/45 Completed

Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)

The Royal Commission emphasized that Aboriginal peoples’ right to self-determination is essential to a robust upholding of Canada’s constitutional obligations to Aboriginal peoples and compliance……

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Fully adopt and implement UNDRIP as the framework for reconcilation

In Progress


Develop national action plan and strategies to achieve UNDRIP goals

In Progress


Government of Canada to develop with Indigenous peoples a Royal Proclamation of Reconciliation

Not Started


Parties to Settlement Agreement to develop and sign a Covenant of Reconciliation to advance reconciliation

Not Started


All levels of government to repudiate Doctrine of Discovery and terra nullius

Not Started


Church Parties to Settlement Agreement to adopt and comply with principles of UNDRIP

In Progress


Church Parties to Settlement Agreement and Faith groups to repudiate Doctrine of Discovery and terra nullius



Enact legislation to establish a National Council for Reconciliation



Provide multi-year funding to sustain National Council of Reconciliation

In Progress


Provide Annual Reports on progress towards Reconciliation

Not Started


Prime Minister to deliver a State of Aboriginal People’s report

Not Started


Provide education to civil servants on Indigenous issues, history and treaties

In Progress


Apology from the pope to Catholic Church residential school survivors



Develop ongoing education strategies teach impacts of colonization



Develop and teach curriculum on Aboriginal spirituality, history and culture

In Progress


Allocate permanent funding for healing, language and reconciliation projects

In Progress


Federal Government to provide multi-year funding for community-based youth programs

In Progress


Provide funding for national review of museum policies and best practices



Establish a reconciliation funding program to commemorate Canada 150



Fully adopt and implement UNDRIP, ensure access to records, add resources

In Progress


Provide funding for national review of archival policies and best practices



Deliver residential school death records to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation



Develop a National Residential School Death Register

In Progress


Establish an online registry of residential school cemeteries

In Progress


Inform families of child’s burial location, determine commemoration ceremonies and reburial

In Progress


Identify, protect, maintain and commemorate residential school cemeteries

In Progress


Commit to Indigenous principles and protocols for residential school cemeteries

In Progress


All archives to collaborate with NCTR on collection of all records



$10M funding for NCTR and $10M for communities for reconciliation



Develop reconciliation framework for Canadian heritage and commemoration

In Progress


Establish a statutory holiday “National Day for Truth and Reconciliation”



Commission and install a Residential School National Monument in Ottawa

In Progress


Commission and install a Residential school monument in each capital city

In Progress


Establish strategies for funding Indigenous reconciliation projects



Restore and increase funding for the CBC to support reconciliation



Aboriginal Peoples TV network to continue supporting reconciliation



Journalism and media schools to offer education programs in Indigenous history, UNDRIP and issues

In Progress


Provide public education to tell national stories of Indigenous athletes



Ensure long-term Indigenous athlete development and support for North American Indigenous Games

In Progress


Amend Physical Activity and Sport Act to ensure Indigenous inclusivity

Not Started


Ensure national sports policies and programs and initiatives are inclusive

In Progress


Ensure Indigenous territorial protocols are respected for International sporting events

In Progress


Corporate sector to adopt UNDRIP as a reconciliation framework and apply to policy and operations



Revise information kit for citizenship test with Indigenous content



Replace the Oath of Citizenship with a new oat with Indigenous content
