What’s happening with Reconciliation? Indigenous Watchdog Updates as of Oct. 4, 2021

Calls to Action Status as of Oct. 4, 2021

Not StartedStalledIn ProgressComplete

Status Change

The following Calls to Action (C2A)have changed their status since the last update on Sept. 5, 2021.

C2ADescriptionStatus ChangeWhy?
58Papal apology to survivorsFrom STALLED to IN PROGRESSCanadian Conference of Catholic Bishops will work with Holy See to “try” and arrange a visit to Canada

Indigenous Watchdog Updates

The following represents a statistical snapshot of stakeholder actions: federal. provincial, territory and municipal governments, churches, business, associations, organizations etc. All the actions itemized in the following have been integrated into the Indigenous Watchdog website. The curated data from multiple sources delivers some insight into what is happening with reconciliation across the country in each of the 5 Legacy Themes (Child Welfare, Education, Language and Culture, Heath and Justice and the 15 Reconciliation Themes.

Two of the Reconciliation themes, “Equity for Aboriginal People in the Justice System” and “Education for Reconciliation” have been included in the Legacy Education and Justice themes respectively to keep all actions related to Education and Justice in one place.

Section2020Mar. 31June 14Sept. 5Oct. 4 2021 Totals
Current Reality2651313435
Current Problems18955564911171
Legacy Calls to Action963542396122
Reconciliation Calls to Action5551733661

Sneak Peak: A re-designed indigenous Watchdog website will be ready for launch in the fall. This will be part of a significant expansion of content across the entire site: re-organized, optimized, intuitive and searchable to answer your questions easily and effectively. 60+ entirely new sections with additional content now added throughout Indigenous Watchdog with considerably more on the way…

For complete details on each of the content updates, please go the relevant Call to Action Home Page or Call to Action # for full details.

Child Welfare

Home Page – Current Reality

Update to Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Sept. 29, 2021 – The Federal Court has dismissed Ottawa’s appeals of two human rights tribunal rulings concerning First Nations child welfare compensation and protection
Sept. 24, 2021 – The Federal government has launched its third application for judicial review for the federal court to quash an Aug. 26 ruling ordering Canada to fund First Nations child welfare agencies so they can build or buy property, buildings, vehicles and other infrastructure required to deliver services

Home Page – Current Problems in Child Welfare

Update to “Court/Legislative Challenges” – Manitoba clawback of Children’s Special Allowance
Sept. 8, 2021 – The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs filed its written submissions in its challenge of the provincial Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act absolving itself from any liability and denying First Nations children in care the right to access the courts

Call to Action # 1

Commit to reducing the number of Aboriginal children in care

Update to “Why In Progress?” and “Government Commitments to Child Welfare: Federal”
Sept. 29, 2021 – The Federal Court has dismissed Ottawa’s appeals of two human rights tribunal rulings concerning First Nations child welfare compensation and protection. “Canada remains committed to compensating First Nations children who were removed from their families and communities and to continue implementing significant reform of the First Nation Child and Family Services Program,” Statement from Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller
NEW SECTION: CHRT Non-Compliance and Procedural Orders and Judicial reviews
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society listing of all 20 Non-Compliance and Procedural Orders from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and details on three judicial reviews

Call to Action # 3

Fully Implement Jordan’s Principle

Update to “Why Stalled?”
Sept. 29, 2021 – The Federal Court dismissed Ottawa’s appeals of two human rights tribunal rulings concerning First Nations child welfare compensation and protection. The court also upheld a second decision about to whom Jordan’s Principle applies, after the tribunal ruled that certain non-status children should be covered under the policy


Call to Action # 62

Consultations and collaboration on Indigenous education reform: K-12 curriculum content, post secondary funding

Update to “Mandatory Government K-12 Indigenous Curriculum Development Actions”: Ontario
Sept. 21, 2021 – Ontario government announced a plan to expand mandatory First Nation, Métis and Inuit content and learning in the elementary curriculum


Call to Action # 21

Provide ongoing funding for existing and new Aboriginal Healing Centres

Update to “Investments in Indigenous Healing Centres in Provinces and Territories” Nunavut
Sept. 8, 2021 – The health centre in Kinngait opened at the beginning of August. Sanikiluaq also received a new health centre this year

Health – Suicide Prevention

Update to “Suicide Prevention Initiatives”: New Brunswick – No Child Left Behind
Sept. 14, 2021: NB Government’s “No Child Left Behind” includes 13 calls to action addressing challenges faced by Indigenous children and youth and shortcomings in the provision of mental health services with suicide rates 3 x higher than non-Indigenous youth


Home Page – Current Problems in Justice

Update to “Systemic Racism in RCMP Policing” – Investigation into shooting deaths in New Brunswick”
Sept. 24, 2021 – The provincial government has appointed Manju Varma as the commissioner on systemic racism to develop an understanding of the nature and impact of systemic racism in New Brunswick. Follows the death of 26-year-old Chantal Moore and Rodney Levi by the police

Call to Action # 33

Develop culturally relevant FASD prevention programs

NEW SECTION: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: FASD Report
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: CAMH released Developing a Multi-source Surveillance System for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, prepared for the Public Health Agency of Canada

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Home Page – Current problems with UNDRIP

Update to “Muskrat Falls Mitigation Plan and Innu of Labrador lawsuit
Sept.24, 2021 – The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Labrador Innu have requested the Court defer releasing a decision on the injunction application to provide an opportunity for discussions to take place

Royal Proclamation and Covenant of Reconciliation

Home Page – Current problems with Royal Proclamation & Covenant of Reconciliation

Update to “Muskrat Falls Mitigation Plan and Innu of Labrador lawsuit
Sept.24, 2021 – The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Labrador Innu have requested the Court defer releasing a decision on the injunction application to provide an opportunity for discussions to take place

National Council for Truth and Reconciliation

Call to Action # 55

Provide annual reports on Progress towards Reconciliation

NEW SECTION: Reconciliation Barometer
Sept. 28, 2021 – A group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous academics will release their first forecast of what reconciliation in Canada is, and where it is headed. “The Reconciliation Barometer“, is designed to strip out the rhetoric and place the undertaking of reconciliation under statistical scrutiny

Church Apologies

Home Page – Current Reality

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops apology and possible papal visit to Canada
Sept. 24, 2021 – In an open letter, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops expressed their “profound remorse” for their participation in the system, which led to the suppression of Indigenous languages and culture. They also pledge to work towards the “possibility” of a papal visit to Canada

Home Page – Current Problem with Church Apologies

Update to “Pope Francis refuses to Apologize”
Sept. 24, 2021 – The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops pledges to work with the Holy See on the possibility of a pastoral visit by the Pope to Canada
Update to “Court in Saskatchewan is refusing to release documentation of Catholic Church In-Kind Services
Sept. 29, 2021 – A Globe and Mail analysis of the documents found that nearly half of the 192 log entries list “community work and presence” by a pastor or religious sister, normal pastoral work not necessarily tied to any Indigenous In-kind services

Call to Action # 58

Apology from the pope to Catholic Church residential school survivors

Update to Why in Progress?”
Sept. 24, 2021 – The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops in an open letter pledged to work with the Holy See on the possibility of a pastoral visit by the Pope to Canada
NEW SECTION: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Open Letter “Apology”
Sept. 24, 2021 – In an open letter, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops expressed their “profound remorse” for their participation in the system, which led to the suppression of Indigenous languages and culture. They also pledge to work towards the “possibility” of a papal visit to Canada

Missing Children and Burial Information

Home Page – Current Problems in Missing Children and Burial Information

Update to “Cowassess First Nation discovers 715 unmarked graves
Sept. 30, 2021 – Chief Cadmus Delorme said the First Nation has since identified about 300 of the 715 unmarked graves, including possible parishioners and members of surrounding communities

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

Home Page – Current Reality

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation unveils a “Survivors’ Flag” to mark the first official National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.
Sept. 23, 2021 – This commemorative flag was created by Survivors to share their expression of remembrance with the broader public and to honour all residential school Survivors, families, and communities impacted by the residential school system in Canada

Home Page – Current Problems with Commemoration

Prime Minister Trudeaus’ vacation on the inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Sept. 30, 2021 – PM Trudeau ignored his commitment – and the Liberal party’s – to honour the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by choosing to take a vacation to Tofino in BC


Call to Action # 80

Establish a statutory holiday “National Day for Truth and Reconciliation”

Updates to Provinces supporting Sept. 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation” as a statutory holiday
Sept. 9, 2021 – Bill C-5, sponsored by PEI Senator Brian Francis, designates Sept. 30 as the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation that will be a statutory holiday
Sept. 9, 2021 – Newfoundland and Labrador will observe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, 2021. As part of next steps, government will review how this day for reflection will be adopted by the public service next year, as well as province-wide.
Sept. 16, 2021 – Sept. 30 to be recognized as a statutory holiday throughout Nunavut in 2022. Need to amend Nunavut’s Public Service Act, Legislation Act and Labour Standards Act

Call to Action # 82

Commission and install a Residential School monument in each capital city

Calgary announces plans to build a Residential School monument. Edmonton has already announced their own plans to erect a monument
Aug. 26, 2021 – Plans are underway to create a permanent memorial for victims of Canada’s residential schools to replace a fire-damaged one that includes hundreds of children’s shoes on the steps of Calgary City Hall

Business and Reconciliation

Home Page – Current Problems with Business and Reconciliation

“Bill 55 – An Act to Amend the Property Assessment and Taxation Act” makes Inuit accountable for property taxes on mining developments
Sept. 17, 2021 – The Bill makes Inuit Organizations liable for unpaid property taxes if a mining company becomes insolvent or fails to pay. That will enable the GN to collect property taxes from Inuit Organizations including by seizing Inuit funds or selling off assets
Ontario Lottery and Gaming (OLG) fails to honour a revenue sharing agreement made 13 years ago with a consortium of 132 Ontario First Nations.
Sept. 29, 2021 – While privatizing the operations of casinos in the province, the OLG unilaterally agreed to allow private operators to keep all non-gambling revenue and did not inform its First Nations partners about the changes
Update to “Individual Business Issues” – Antiquated royalty payments to First Nations in Yukon Mining Acts
Sept. 15, 2021 – In collaboration with Yukon First Nations, the Government of Yukon is developing new mining legislation that will improve the management of the Yukon’s mineral resources in a way that respects First Nations’ relationships with the land and supports a modern and sustainable mining industry

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