Calls to Action: Status – Feb. 14, 2022

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Ongoing problems and issues in fixing Indigenous health

What is the reality behind the statistics? We’ve all seen the numbers over the years that tell the unrelenting truth around the significant gaps in Indigenous health outcomes compared to the rest of Canada. Beyond the numbers, what are some of the current and ongoing problems and issues that sustain those negative results? The following

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The House of Commons states Canada committed genocide against Indigenous people. Why did it take so long?

“What unfolded hearkens to such words as extermination and genocide. Canada, this is your legacy.”. Elizabeth A. Fenn, Pulitzer Prize historian from the Forward to “Clearing the Plains: Disease, Politics of Starvation and the Loss of Indigenous Life. James Daschuk. March 2, 2019 Three months laters on June 3, 2019 the Missing and Murdered Indigenous

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