Who’s doing what to advance reconciliation? And who isn’t? Status updates May 13, 2022

Read the one line descriptions below and feel the pulse of reconciliation – currently weak and getting weaker.

Read the 44 “Current Problems” across 13 “Themes” in multiple jurisdictions across Canada: Federal, BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, Nfld and Lab., Nunavut, Ontario – including court cases that are national in scope and ask yourself: why are 37% of the 94 Calls to Action either “Stalled” or “Not Started”

That’s not exactly a strong testament to how reconciliation is advancing across the country.

Call to Action Status as of May 13, 2022

Not StartedStalledIn ProgressComplete

Status Change

The following Call to Action has changed its status since the last update on Feb. 11, 2022

C2ADescriptionStatus ChangeWhy has the status changed?
70National review of archival policiesFrom IN PROGRESS to COMPLETEReconciliation Framework: The Response to the Report of the TRC Taskforce” released

The following represents a year-to-date statistical snapshot of stakeholder actions within various “Themes” that are either advancing reconciliation or creating roadblocks:

Section20202021Feb. 14, 2022May 13, 2022
Current Reality2647712
Current Problems1892131544
Legacy C2As961592027
Reconciliation C2As5588820
Government Commitments to Tr & Rec.8
Other Issues8
Indigenous Success Stories17


  1. Current Reality only includes the specific 94 Calls to Action
  2. Current Problems includes all “Calls to Action” plus “Other Issues” and “Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation” sections
  3. “Other Issues” represents Actions and Commitments by stakeholders in each of those “Theme” areas

What follows is a snapshot of what has been updated on the Indigenous Watchdog website since the last Status Update posted on Feb. 11, 2022. See the relevant Themes for full details.

Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

Government Commitments

GovernmentDateDescription of Action or Commitment
FederalMar 3Commitment to legislation to eliminate legacy of enfranchisement
 Apr 7Budget 2022 investments of $11B on reconciliation initiatives
 Apr 21Canada and ITK sign Inuit Nunangat Policy recognizing Inuit homeland
Federal, ManitobaApr 25Donation and funding of HBC store in Winnipeg to Southern Chiefs organization
Federal, BCMay 11 22nd anniversary of Nisga’a Agreement, Canada’s first Modern Treaty
BCMar 11Reconciliation Agreement with Sts’ailes First Nation
BCApr 21Civil Litigation Directives uphold Indigenous Rights
NunavutMar 25Nunavut and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Partnership Committee

Current Problems with Government Commitments

GovernmentDateDescription of Problem
ManitobaMar 4Supreme Court won’t hear Métis appeal of MB government lawsuit
 Apr 22Auditor-General states MB fails to implement Path to Reconciliation Act
QuébecApr 1QC govt. reneges on commitments to eliminate systemic racism

Background Information

OntarioApr 26Chiefs of Ontario Election Priorities 2022

Current Problems across all Calls to Action

C2A ThemeDateDescription of Problem
Child WelfareFeb 11Québec Court of Appeal finds sections of Bill C-92 unconstitutional
 Mar 17AFN supports Indigenous challenge to Québec’s opposition to Bill C-92
 Mar 17Class Action lawsuit for using Birth Alerts to apprehend Indigenous children
 Mar 29Representative for Children and Youth finds child welfare funding in BC is discriminatory
 Apr 4CHRT: Univ. of Ott to conduct independent review of govt. FN Child Protection program
 Apr 6CHRT: AFN comments on reform of FN Child & Family Services Program
 Apr 19Systemic racism at Batshaw Youth and Family Centre in Montreal
 Apr 29Commission of Inquiry into treatment of Innu children in Nfld. And Lab. begins
 May 6All funding for at-risk Indigenous families awarded to non-Indigenous agency in AB
EducationApr 27Ryerson University changes name to Toronto Metropolitan University
Lang. & CultureMar 1Anishinabeg artist refused entry to festival due to lack of French in his program
 Apr 14Nunavut Tungavit says that Nunavut Education Policy is an existential threat
 Apr 25Nunavut Govt. claims Inuit children have no rights to be taught in Inuktuk
HealthFeb 17COVID issues on northern Ontario vs southern Ontario
 Feb 23“Remembering Keegan”: A B.C First Nation Case Study for Reflection
 Apr 29Update on search under Bill 79 in Québec to find information on 55 missing children
JusticeFeb 15Concerns raised on “Broken Trust” process in Thunder Bay ignoring FN families
 Feb 17Canada uses AB statute of limitations at Supreme Court case with Blood Tribe
 Mar 2Investigation of Prince Albert Police Services over death of baby
 Mar 7Call for reinvestigation after discovery of additional 14 deaths of Indigenous people in Thunder Bay
Mar 28Supreme Court to decide if denial of conditional sentences for Indigenous people is systemic racism
 Apr 6VPD professional misconduct for arrest of FN grandfather and his 14 yr-old grand-daughter
 Apr 28RCMP Reconciliation Plan released in response to recommendations from Inuit Tapariit Kanatami
UNDRIPMay 3Dept. of Justice states that UNDRIP is “Interpretive only” and under jurisdiction  of Cdn. Law
National Centre Mar 19Missionary Oblates to open up Rome archives to National Centre
Church Apologies Apr 1Pope Francis offers “partial apology” to residential school survivors at Rome meeting
Missing ChildrenFeb 1554 unmarked graves discovered at Keeseekoose FN in SK (St. Philips/Fort Kelly IRS)
 Mar 1169 unmarked graves discovered Kapawe’no FN AB (Grouard Mission/St. Bernard’s IRS)
 Apr 2114 unmarked graves discovered at Gordon FN in SK (Gordon’s IRS)
Bus & Recon.Mar 15Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion budget increases 4x to $21.4B
 May 12Federal Impact Assessment Act ruled unconstitutional in Alberta
HousingFeb 25Supreme Court rules against City of Prince George on Indigenous homeless camp
EnvironmentFeb 22Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion budget increases 4x to $21B
 April 9“Colonization” listed as a cause of climate crisis in UN Report on Climate Change
 Apr 18DFO withheld critical science data on fish farming threats to Pacific Salmon Fishery
Treat & Land ClaimsFeb 23Matawa First Nation Management oppose Regional Assessment for Ring of Fire
 Feb 25Essipit and Pekuakamiulnuatsh FN launch Québec lawsuit over Duty to Consult failure over lack of Caribou protection
 Mar 8Nuchatlaht Nation Aboriginal Title case advances to BC Supreme Court
 Mar 16Coalition opposition to Ottawa’s Ring of Fire Environmental Assessment
 Apr 20Robinson-Huron & Superior Treaties, 1850 enter negotiations with Canada and Ontario
 May 8Legacy of 1907 illegal land transfer leaves Peguis FN struggling with recurring flooding

Current Reality Across all Calls to Action

C2A ThemeDateDescription of Action or Commitment
Child WelfareFeb 11Québec Court of Appeal finds section of Bill C-92 unconstitutional
 Apr 4CHRT: University of Ottawa to conduct independent review of ISC Child Protection
 Apr 7Budget 2022 Child Welfare funding of $4,280M over 5 years
EducationApr 7Budget 2022 Education investments of $310.6M over 5 years
Lang. & CultureJan 12Canada represents NA and Western Europe on UNESCO Task Force on Indigenous languages
UNDRIPApr 7Budget 2022 investments in UNDRIP of $75M  over 5 years to implement Bill C-15
 Mar 30Status Update on release of BC UNDRIP Action Plan 2022-2027
Church ApologiesApr 1Pope issues “qualified” apology in Rome to residential school survivors
 May 13Pope Francis to visit Edmonton, Québec City and Iqaluit on Canada tour July 24-30
Missing ChildrenFeb 15Update Residential School Deaths table: Keeseekoose FN in SK – 54 unmarked graves
 Mar 2 Update Residential School Deaths table: Kapawe’no FN in AB – 169 unmarked graves
 Apr 21Update Residential School Deaths table: Gordon FN in SK – 14 unmarked graves

Legacy Calls to Action

Call to ActionDateDescription of Action or Commitment
Child Welfare  
C2A # 1Apr 7Budget 2022 Child Welfare funding of $4B over 6 yrs, $341M over 10 yrs and $87.3M over 5 yrs
C2A # 3Apr 7Budget 2022 Child Welfare funding of $4B for Jordan’s Principle
C2A # 4Mar 11Wabaseemong Independent Nations in ON sign Tri-Partite Child Welfare Agreement
C2A # 4Apr 5NWT to amend Child and Family Services Act to align with Bill C-92
C2A # 4Apr 7Budget 2022 investments of $340.8M over 10 years + $87.3M over 5 years
C2A # 7Apr 7Budget 2022 Education investments of  $310.6M over 5 years
C2A # 7Mar 30Northern Voices, Northern Solutions: Task Force of Northern Post- Secondary Education
C2A # 12Mar 4Ontario invests $1M in Ste. Ste. Marie daycare to promote Anishinabek culture and language
C2A # 62Apr 29AMC response to Manitoba update on Indigenous Education Policy Framework
Language and Culture  
C2A # 17Feb 17Manitoba Vital Statistics Act doesn’t allow Indigenous characters in traditional names
C2A # 18Feb 22Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations in SK creates FN Ombudsman Office with Canada
C2A # 18Apr 7Budget 2022 health investments of $270M over 5 years
C2A # 23May 4Program to train Inuit doctors at the University of Ottawa
C2A # 23May 12NS universities partner on medical education pilot to deliver services to remote parts of NS
C2A # 26Feb 17Canada use AB statute of limitations at Supreme Court case with Blood Tribe
 Apr 29Canada uses Statute of Limitations to restrict claims in Drinking Water Class Action lawsuit
C2A # 30Feb 10Correctional Investigator 2020-2021 Annual Report recommendations
 Mar 23Dept. of Justice funds Restorative Research, Innovation and Education Lab at Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University
C2A # 31Mar 14Dept. of Justice funds Restorative Research, Innovation and Education Lab at Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University
C2A # 36Feb 10Correctional Investigator 2020-2021 Annual Report recommendations
C2A # 41Feb 18Manitoba action to address Pillar 4 of Action Plan to prevent gender-based violence
 Apr 7University of Winnipeg hosts conference on MMIWG2S – The University Responds Conference
 May 6Federal Pathways funds programs to reduce violence against Indigenous women
C2A # 50Mar 17Fed. Govt. supports Mistissini Governance project to revitalize Cree legal principles and traditions
Back. Cont.Feb 15Concerns raised on Broken Trust process in Thunder Bay ignoring FN families
 Feb 25Thunder Bay OPP announce criminal investigation into members of Thunder Bay Police Services
 Mar 7Calls for reinvestigation after the discovery of additional 14 deaths of Indigenous people in TB

Reconciliation Calls to Action

C2A ThemeDateDescription
C2A # 43Mar 30Status Update on release of BC UNDRIP Action Plan 2022 Calls-2027 with 89 Calls to Action
C2A # 44April 7Budget 2022 investments in UNDRIP of $75M over 5 years to implement Bill C-15
PD & for Civil Servants  
C2A # 57Feb 11NWT plans to increases Indigenous representation in government
 Mar 15Public Service Alliance of Canada supports Class Action lawsuit against Federal Indigenous Ministries
 Apr 5Yukon policy on hiring Indigenous civil servants extended to 2029
C2A # 55Feb 15Reconciliation Barometer Final Report measures progress towards Reconciliation
Church Apologies  
C2A # 58Mar 28Inuit Tapariit Kanatami requests of Pope Francis in Rome meetings
 Apr 1Pope Francis offers partial apology in Rome for Church individuals but not the Catholic Church itself
 May 13Pope Francis to visit Edmonton, Québec City and Iqaluit on Canada tour July 24-30
 Apr 1Indigenous responses to Pope Francis apology: Assembly of First Nations
 Apr 3Indigenous responses to Pope Francis apology: National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
 Apr 3Indigenous responses to Pope Francis apology: Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
 Apr 3Indigenous responses to Pope Francis apology: BC Assembly of First Nations
 Apr 3Indigenous responses to Pope Francis apology: Métis
 Apr 4Indigenous responses to Pope Francis apology: Nishnawbe Aski Nation
 Apr 7Indigenous responses to Pope Francis apology: Residential School survivors
 Apr 16Indigenous responses to Pope Francis apology: Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Community in Kamloops  
Museums and Archives  
C2A # 70Feb 24Reconciliation Framework Final Report released. C2A COMPLETE
Missing Children  
C2A # 75Feb 1554 unmarked graves discovered at Keeseekoose FN in SK (St. Philips/Fort Kelly IRS)
 Mar 2169 unmarked graves discovered Kapawe’no FN in AB (Grouard Mission/St. Bernard’s IRS)
 Apr 2114 unmarked graves discovered at Gordon FN in SK (Gordon’s IRS)
 Feb 18Federal ($699,574) and Ontario ($ 900K) government 2021-2024 disbursements: Spanish IRS in ON
 Mar 29Federal government disbursements: Williams Lake FN, BC $2.9M
 Apr 20Federal government disbursements: Sipekne’katik FN, NS $326,700
 Apr 4Federal and Ontario government disbursements: Lac Seul FN, ON$8,743,763
 May 3Federal government disbursements: Big Stone Cree Nation, AB $2,009,322 2021-24
 May 4Federal government disbursements: Sagkeeng FN, MB $610,093
 Mar 13Manitoba commits $2.5M funding to Indigenous communities for help finding unmarked graves
 Mar 19Missionary of Oblates of Mary Immaculate to open residential school archives in Rome to NCTR
 Apr 7Budget 2022 investments of $275M
C2A # 81Apr 29Steering Committee for new Ottawa memorial will hold first meeting in May
Sports & Reconciliation  
C2A # 90Mar 22Aboriginal Sports Council funding to select coaches for 2023 Apprentice Coach Program

Other Issues

Other IssueDateDescription of Action or Commitment
Suicide Prev.May 9Update on 2nd anniversary of SK “Pillars for Life” Suicide Prevention Plan
Drinking WaterApr 7Budget 2022 investments oif $398M over 2 years
Apr 25Update Infographic on Drinking Water Advisories
Apr 28Update on Class Action lawsuit claims process
Treat. Land Claims Apr 11Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation settles Treaty Land Entitlement Claim
HousingApr 7Budget 2022 investments of $4B over 7 years
Urban Commit.Mar 23Toronto releases Reconciliation Action Plan guiding city’s actions from 2022 – 23
EnvironmentMay 11ITK, Canada and UK partner on Climate Change projects in Inuit Nunangat

Indigenous Success Stories

Child WelfareMar 11Wabaseemoong Independent Nations sign Child Welfare Coordination Agreement
EducationMar 15Association of Iroqouis and Allied and Indians tripartite agreement
 May 11Ben Switzer Bnesi, 2022 Debwewin Citation for excellence in journalism and storytelling
Lang. & CultureMar 4Indigenous kokum scarves legacy of relationship with Ukrainian immigrants
HealthMay 4USask researchers provide Indig. leadership for national heart failure research
Missing ChildrenApr 82022 World Press Photo of the Year: Kamloops IRS
Bus & Rec.Jan 31Nasittuq Corporation: Inuit company managing the Northern Warning System
 Feb 3Victoria Kakuktinniq and Canada Gooses’s Project Atigi
 Mar 23Bank of Canada assumes Chair of Central Bank Network of Indigenous Inclusion
Treat. & Lnd ClApr 22Cree, Inuit and Naskapi Forum established in northern Québec
 Apr 29Williams Lake FN wins $135M settlement 160 years after land theft by settlers
EnvironmentFeb 11Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Climate Change Strategy
 Feb 23Imappivut Marine Planning Initiative: Indigenous Protected Area
 Mar 15Indigenous component of Climate Atlas of Canada
 Apr 9Colonization listed as a cause for climate crisis in UN report
 Apr 20Inuit Circumpolar Council and Royal Cdn Geological Society collaboration project
 May 11Inuit Tapariit Kanatami partners with Canada and UK on 13 Climate Change projects

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