Who’s doing what to advance reconciliation and who isn’t? Status Updates as of Aug. 20, 2022

Call to Action Status as of August 20, 2022

Not StartedStalledIn ProgressComplete
StatusLegacy Calls to Action
(1-42) + 50-52, 62-65
Reconciliation Calls to Action
Not Started6, 9, 26, 34, 42, 51, 52, 6445, 46, 47, 89
Stalled8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29, 30, 32, 4158, 62, 71, 77, 78, 87, 92, 93
Complete13, 1549, 59, 68, 70, 80, 83, 84, 85, 94
Legacy Calls to Action includes “Equity for Aboriginal People in the Legal System” (50-52) and “Education for Reconciliation” (62-65) in order to keep all “Justice” and “Education” Calls to Action aggregated in one location

Status Change

The following Calls to Action have changed their status since the last update on July 5, 2022

C2ADescriptionStatus ChangeWhy has the status changed?
58Apology of Pope for role of Catholic Church in operating residential schoolsIn Progress to StalledPope’s apology failed to acknowledge liability of Catholic Church as an institution, ignored sexual abuse, genocide and Doctrine of Discovery

Indigenous Watchdog Updates

The following presents a year-to-date statistical snapshot of stakeholder actions within various “Themes” that are either advancing reconciliation or creating roadblocks.

Section 2020 2021 Feb. 11, 2022 May 13, 2022July 4, 2022Aug. 20, 2022
Current Reality26477 1296
Current Problems18921315444042
Legacy C2As961592027 1922
Reconciliation C2As55888202119
Govt. Commitments 864
Total3665075011195 93
Other Issues81113
Indigenous Success Stories17139


  • Current Reality only includes the 94 specific Calls to Action
  • Current Problems includes all “Calls to Action” plus “Other Issues” and “Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation” sections
  • “Other Issues”presents information on: Drinking Water Advisories, Food Insecurity, Urban Commitments to Reconciliation, Housing, Environment and Treaties and Land Claims

Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

BCJuly 8Investments of $8.4M to advance reconciliation in community social services sector
SKJuly 12$61.5M Gaming revenue to support Indigenous-led social and economic initiatives
ABJuly 19Government signs “Relationship Agreement” with Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations
QCAug. 5Report on the “Nunavik Itinerant Court Situation” presents 60 recommendations

Current Problems with Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

StakeholderIndigenous GroupDateDescription
Fed. Govt.First NationJuly 12Senate Committee finds that the Federal government is failing First Nations Fishery
NBFirst NationJuly 13United Fisheries Conservation Alliance responds to Senate report
Fed. Govt.First NationAug. 9Parliamentary Budget Office report reveals a gaping disconnect between money spent and successful outcomes (Macdonald-Laurier Institute)
ONFirst NationAug. 11Ontario Chief Hare comments on Ontario Throne Speech (Background Content)
Fed. Govt.First NationAug. 17Canada’s takeover of First Nation finances left a legacy of substandard homes and contaminated water
QCInuitAug. 12CDPDJ addresses crisis in Nunavik health and social services system and other basic services

Legacy Calls to Action

Child Welfare

Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Court Challenges”: Manitoba
Aug. 4, 2022: Manitoba decides not to appeal court ruling on Child Special Allowance (CSP) payment
Aug. 4, 2022: Manitoba Métis Federation applauds government decision to not appeal court ruling on unlawful clawback of Child Special Allowance (CSP) funds
Aug. 5, 2022: Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs demands full restitution of Child Special Allowance (CSA) funds unlawfully taken from First Nations children
C2A # 3

All levels of government to fully implement Jordan’s Principle

Update to “Actions and Commitments”: Manitoba
July 20, 2022: Southern Chiefs Organization supports Jordan Principle Coordinator position at HSC Children’s Hospital


Home Page: Current Problems
Update to “Education Initiatives”
July 6, 2022: How Commonwealth Universities profited from Indigenous dispossession through Land Grants
Update to “Curriculum Revisions”: Ontario
July 13, 2022: Ontario removes Indigenous Science Framework from curriculum
Aug. 8, 2022: Ontario removes Indigenous content from elementary science curriculum
Call to Action # 10

Federal government to draft Indigenous Education legislation with informed consent of Indigenous people

Update to “First Nations Control of Education”
July 14, 2022: 22 First Nations sign historic $1.1B education agreement with Québec and Canada
Call to Action # 12

All levels of government to develop culturally appropriate early childhood education programs

Update to “Provincial/Territorry Commitments to ECE”: Fed. Govt. and Saskatchewan
Aug. 15, 2022: Saskatchewan and Canada offer free training for ECE education
Call to Action # 62

All levels of government to consult on Indigenous education reform: curriculum content, funding

Update to “Why Stalled?”
July 13, 2022: Ontario removes Indigenous Science Framework from curriculum
Aug. 8, 2022: Ontario removes Indigenous content from elementary science curriculum
Update to “Mandatory Govt. commitments to Indigenous curriculum reform”: NT
July 6, 2022: NWT updates “Education Act Modernization”
Update to “Actions and Commitments”: Alberta
Aug. 3, 2022: Calgary Foundation invests $1M in University of Calgary for their Indigenization Strategy
Call to Action # 65

Federal government through SSHRC to establish a National Research Program with multi-year funding

Update to “National Inuit Strategy on Research”
July 5, 2022: “RETAKING THGE LEAD: Establishing Nunavik’s New Research Governance organization”

Language and Culture

Home Page – Current Reality
New Infographic: Declining Indigenous Language Speakers as per 2021 Census
Aug. 17, 2022: Government releases 2021 Census stats on declining Indigenous speakers by age group
Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Explore Problems by Stakeholders”: Fed. Govt.
Aug. 14, 2022: Ottawa should offer Indigenous language training exemptions to public servants
Update to “Concerns about Québec’s Bill 96”
Aug. 17, 2022: Québec Superior Court repeals two provisions of Bill 96
Call to Action # 13

Federal government to acknowledge Indigenous Rights include Indigenous language rights

NEW THEME: “Indigenous Languages and the Papal Visit”
July 28, 2022:Dance with the Universe“: Indigenous language, reconciliation and the papal visit
Call to Action # 14

Federal government to enact an Indigenous Languages Act

Update to “Explore by Stakeholder”: Fed. Govt. and NT
July 18, 2022: $17.7M investment in “Canada-NWT Agreement on Aboriginal Languages”
Update to “Explore by Stakeholder”: NT
July 26, 2022: Release of NWT “What We Heard (Official Languages)” report
Update to “Explore by Stakeholder”: Fed. Govt. and Saskatchewan
July 26, 2022: Federal government invests $11.4M over two years to support Indigenous languages in Saskatchewan


Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Systemic Racism”: Fed. Govt.
July 11, 2022: First Nations Health Managers Association to launch “Rise Against Racism” campaign
July 22, 2022: Canadian Medical Association (CMA) condemns forced and coerced sterilization
Update to Systemic Racism: NB
Aug. 8, 2022: NB Aboriginal Peoples Council calls on federal government to provide equal access to federal health supports for all Indigenous people
Update to “Ongoing Health Crisis”: Fed. Govt.
July 11, 2022: Canada needs to implement pandemic readiness in dealing with TB
Call to Action # 18

All levels of government to recognize and implement healthcare rights of Indigenous people

Update to “Govt. Recognition of Indigenous Rights to Health”
July 6, 2022: Government of BC and University of BC partner to teach anti-Indigenous racism
Call to Action # 21

Federal government to provide ongoing funding for existing and new Aboriginal Healing Centres

Update to”Investments in Indigenous Healing Centres
July 5, 2022: Funding to Biindigen Well-Being Centre in Hamilton
July 7, 2022: Wije’winen Health Centre opens in Halifax
Call to Action # 23

All levels of government to increase the hiring and retention of Indigenous healthcare workers

Update to “Commitment to Aboriginal Health Care Workers“: Fed. Govt.
Aug. 16, 2022: Government of Canada announces recruitment and retention allowances to triple through 2025 for Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) nurses in remote and isolated communities


Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Systemic Racism in Policing”: New Brunswick
July 5, 2022: Mandate of NB’s Systemic Racism Commissioner perpetuates the problem: former Senior Advisor
Update to ‘Systemic Racism in Policing”: Saskatchewan
Aug. 15, 2022: Native Women’s Association of Canada calls for return of Dawn Walker to Canada in recognition of discrimination against Indian women within the Canadian justice system
Call to Action # 29

Federal government to resolve legal issues for those excluded from the TRC Settlement Agreement process

Update to “Settlements for Parties Excluded from the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement”: Indian Day Schools
July 12, 2022: Indian Day School deadline to file could be extended for federal lawsuit claimants
July 14, 2022: Anishinabek Nation expresses disappointment in Indian Day school class action deadline extension
Call to Action # 41

Federal government to appoint a public inquiry into MMIWG

Update to “The Path Forward: Reclaiming Power and Place
July 11, 2022: Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’ xw Nation breaks ground for historic Gukwdzi (Big House) Project, a safe place to practice and showcase their culture, traditions and languages
Call to Action # 42

All levels of government to commit to recognize and implement Aboriginal Justice Systems

Update to “Actions and Commitments”: Manitoba
June 1, 2022: Bill 7 “The Police Services Amendment Act (Enhancing Independent Investigation Unit Operations” receives Royal Assent. Also establishes Director of Indigenous and Community Relations
Update to “Actions and Commitments”: BC
July 7, 2022: BC, Canada and First Nations Justice Council (FNJC) continue to advance Indigenous Justice priorities in BC
Update to “AFN – Canada MOU on Joint Policing: Alberta
July 18, 2022: Establishing a Siksika Nation police force in Alberta

Reconciliation Calls to Action

Canadian Government and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People

Home Page – Current Reality
Update to “Indigenous Updates”
July 11, 2022: Assembly of First Nations call on premiers to discuss UNDRIP and affirm and implement rights, title and jurisdiction
Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Indigenous opposition to UNDRIP”
July 18, 2022: How a conservative US network undermined Indigenous energy rights in Canada
Update to “Indigenous Responses to Bill C-15 UNDRIP
July 11, 2022: Assembly of First Nations call on premiers to discuss UNDRIP and affirm and implement rights, title and jurisdiction
Call to Action # 43

All levels of government to fully adopt and implement UNDRIP as the framework for reconciliation

Update to “Provincial Opposition
July 11, 2022: Assembly of First Nations call on premiers to discuss UNDRIP and affirm and implement rights, title and jurisdiction

Royal Proclamation and Covenant of Reconciliation

Home Page – Current Reality
Statement of Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on Doctrine of Discovery
July 27, 2022: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCAB) want Vatican to issue new statement on Doctrine of Discovery
Home Page – Background Content
NEW SECTION: “What is the Doctrine of Discovery?”
July 29, 2022: Doctrine of Discovery is a ‘legal fiction’ but rescinding it won’t herald immediate change, experts say
Call to Action # 46

Parties to Residential School Settlement Agreement to develop and sign a Covenant of Reconciliation

Update to “Why Not Started?”
July 27, 2022: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCAB) want Vatican to issue new statement on Doctrine of Discovery
Update to “Official Responses of Church Parties”: Catholic Church
July 27, 2022: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCAB) want Vatican to issue new statement on Doctrine of Discovery
Call to Action # 47

All levels of Government to repudiate Doctrine of Discovery and terra nullius

Home Page – Background Content
NEW SECTION: “What is the Doctrine of Discovery?
July 29, 2022: Doctrine of Discovery is a ‘legal fiction’ but rescinding it won’t herald immediate change, experts say

Settlement Agreement Parties and UNDRIP

Hone Page – Current Reality
Update to “Pope Francis Apology”
July 27, 2022: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCAB) want Vatican to issue new statement on Doctrine of Discovery
Call to Action # 49

Religious denominations and faith groups to Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery and terra nullius

Update to “Why Complete?”
July 27, 2022: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCAB) want Vatican to issue new statement on Doctrine of Discovery
New section: “Background Content” – What is the Doctrine of Discovery?
July 29, 2022: Doctrine of Discovery is a ‘legal fiction’ but rescinding it won’t herald immediate change, experts say

Church Apologies and Reconciliation

Home Page – Current Reality
Update to ‘Pope Francis Apology”
July 25, 2022: Pope Francis delivered his apology in Maskwacis, Alberta on Treaty Six territory on the site of the former Ermineskin Indian Residential School. Pope’s apology failed to acknowledge role of Catholic Church as an institution, ignored sexual abuse, genocide and Doctrine of Discovery, access to records and return of Indigenous artifacts in the Vatican museum
Home Page – Current Problem
New Section: Indigenous Leader Responses to Pope Francis Apology
July 22, 2022: Letter from AFN National Chief and Regional Chief to Prime Minister and Governor-General prior to Pope’s visit
July 22, 2022: Inviuluit statement declining an invitation to participate in papal visit
July 25, 2022: Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and AFN respond to Pope Francis’ apology
July 25, 2022: National Chief RoseAnne Archibald finds Pope Francis’ apology falls short
July 26, 2022: Pope’s apology doesn’t acknowledge church’s role as ‘co-author’ of dark chapter: Murray Sinclair
July 26, 2022: Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) response to Pope Francis apology
July 26, 2022: Métis National Council president on split reaction to Pope Francis apology
July 26 2022: First Nation Summit calls for Pope Francis to rescind Doctrine of Discovery
July 27, 2022: Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada comments after Pope Francis apology
July 27, 2022: BC Representative for Children and Youth statement on Pope Francis visit to Canada and other Indigenous leader comments
July 27, 2022: In U.S., Indigenous groups echo Canadian complaints that Pope’s apology falls short
July 28, 2022: Manitoba Métis Federation statement after trip of Pope Francis to Canada
Update to “Pope Francis Apology”
July 26, 2022: Pope’s apology doesn’t acknowledge church’s role as ‘co-author’ of dark chapter: Murray Sinclair
July 27, 2022: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCAB) want Vatican to issue new statement on Doctrine of Discovery
July 28, 2022: Pope Francis acknowledges sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable people for first time
July 30, 2022: Pope Francis affirms that Indigenous People suffered genocide at residential schools
July 30, 2022: Why Pope Francis may be reluctant to rescind the Doctrine of Discovery?
Update to “Failure in fund-raising efforts”
Aug. 20, 2022: Deal freeing Catholic entities from $25M campaign for residential schools released
Call to Action # 58

Apology from the pope for the Catholic Church’s role in abuses experienced at residential school

Status Change from “IN PROGRESS” to “STALLED”
July 25, 2022: Pope Francis delivered his apology in Maskwacis, Alberta on Treaty Six territory on the site of the former Ermineskin Indian Residential School. Pope’s apology failed to acknowledge role of Catholic Church as an institution, ignored sexual abuse, genocide and Doctrine of Discovery, access to records and return of Indigenous artifacts in the Vatican museum
Update to “Pope Francis Apology”
July 13, 2022: Ottawa commits $30M for Indigenous communities and organizations for Pope’s visit
July 23, 2022: Pope Francis schedule for visit to Canada
July 25, 2022: Full text and comment on Pope Francis apology to residential school survivors at Maskwacis
July 26, 2022: Pope’s apology doesn’t acknowledge church’s role as ‘co-author’ of dark chapter: Murray Sinclair
July 27, 2022: Address of Pope Francis at the Citadelle de Québec in Québec City
July 27, 2022: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCAB) want Vatican to issue new statement on Doctrine of Discovery
July 29, 2022: Pope’s apology in Iqaluit, Nunavut
July 30, 2022: Pope Francis affirms that Indigenous People suffered genocide at residential schools
NEW SECTION: Indigenous Plans for Pope’s Visit
July 25, 2022: Métis Nation Saskatchewan representatives and delegation to join in events with the Vatican in Edmonton, Maskwacis and Lac Ste. Anne
July 25, 2022: Nishnawbe Aski Nation survivors to attend events in Edmonton & Québec City during Papal visit
July 25, 2022: AFN-QL asks that the Catholic Church as an institution represented by Pope Francis make an official apology while on their ancestral territory
July 26, 2022: Inuit planning and preparations set the stage for a warm welcome for Pope Francis to Inuit homeland
Home Page – New section
Indigenous Leader Comments after Pope’s Apology
July 26, 2022: Pope’s apology doesn’t acknowledge church’s role as ‘co-author’ of dark chapter: Murray Sinclair
July 27, 2022: Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Chief Rosanne Casimir comments after Pope’s visit to Lac Ste. Anne

Youth Programs

Call to Action # 66

Federal government to establish multi-year funding for community-based youth organizations for programs

Update to “Inuit Tapariit Kanatami”
July 8, 2022: 2022 Virtual National Inuit Youth Summit: Inuit Empowering Inuit
Update to “Actions and Commitments” Atlantic Region
July 14, 2022:Atlantic Opportunities and Prospects for Indigenous Youth” examines youth labour market trends and education, training and employment opportunities in Atlantic Canada

Missing Children and Burial Information

Call to Action # 74

Federal Government to inform families of residential school child’s burial location, reburial options

Update to “Why In Progress?”
July 20, 2022: The Govt. of Canada and the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) announce the new National Advisory Committee on Residential Schools Missing Children and Unmarked Burials
Update to “Fed. Govt. Nat. Advisory Committee and Interlocutor
July 20, 2022: The Government of Canada and NCTR announce the new National Advisory Committee on Residential Schools Missing Children and Unmarked Burials”
Call to Action # 75

All levels of government to identify, protect and commemorate residential school cemeteries

Update to “Why In Progress?”
July 20, 2022: The Govt. of Canada and National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) announce the new National Advisory Committee on Residential Schools Missing Children and Unmarked Burials
Update to “Fed. Govt. Nat. Advisory Committee and Interlocutor
July 20, 2022: Government of Canada and NCTR announce the new National Advisory Committee on Residential School Missing Children and Unmarked Burials
Call to Action # 76

All levels of government commit to Indigenous residential school cemeteries principles and protocols

Update to “Why In Progress?”
July 20, 2022: The Govt. of Canada and the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) announce the new National Advisory Committee on Residential Schools Missing Children and Unmarked Burials
Update to “Fed. Govt. Nat. Advisory Committee and Interlocutor
July 20, 2022: Government of Canada and National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) announce the new National Advisory Committee on Residential School Missing Children and Unmarked Burials

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR)

Home Page – Current Reality
Update to “Other News”
July 20, 2022: Government of Canada and National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) announce National Advisory Committee on Residential School Missing Children and Unmarked Burials
Aug. 19, 2022: NCTR and the University of Manitoba announce that the Honourable Murray Sinclair, Mizhana Gheezhik (The One Who Speaks of Pictures in the Sky) will be joining The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation as a Special Advisor/Elder-in-Residence this fall
Hone Page – Current Problem
Update to “Catholic organizations refusal to hand over records””
July 28, 2022: National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) Chief Archivist unearths photographs from Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate archives in the Vatican
Call to Action # 78

Federal government to commit $10M funding for communities for reconciliation

NEW THEME: National Advisory Committee on Residential School Missing Children and Unmarked Burials
July 20, 2022: Government of Canada and National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) announce the new National Advisory Committee on Residential School Missing Children and Unmarked Burials


Call to Action # 79

Federal govt. to develop reconciliation strategy for Canadian heritage and commemoration

Update to “Actions and Commitments”: Parks Canada and Historic Sites and Monuments Bd.
July 22, 2022: Govt. of Canada transfers land from Batoche National Heritage site to Métis Nation – Saskatchewan

Sports and Reconciliation

Call to Action # 88

All levels of government to ensure long-term Indigenous athlete development, support for NAIG

Update to “Actions and Commitments”: Canada Games Host
July 8, 2022: Canada Games 2022 to showcase Indigenous culture and traditions
Call to Action # 90
Update to “Ontario Summer Indigenous Games”
July 7, 2022: Giant Tiger provides support for Ontario Summer Indigenous Games
July 18, 2022: International Experience Canada (ICE) joins team as Presenting Sponsor of Ontario Summer Indigenous Games 2022

Federal Government to ensure national sports policies and programs are inclusive

Business and Reconciliation

Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Legislative and Institutional Barriers”
Aug. 11, 2022: Inuit organizations challenge Nunavut’s move to transfer mining companies property tax liabilities to Inuit organizations
Call to Action # 92

Corporate Canada to adopt UNDRIP as a reconciliation framework to apply to policy and operations

Update to “Indigenous Business Organizations”
July 8, 2022: National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association (NACCA): Defining Indigenous Business in Canada
Update to ‘Industry Association Commitments”
Aug. 10, 2022: Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) releases Reconciliation Report 2021 that evaluates theirm progress

Other Issues

Drinking Water Advisories

Home Page – Current Reality
Update “Drinking Water Advisories Infographic”
July 18, 2022: Federal government updates progress on eliminating Drinking Water Advisories


Home Page – Current Problems
Update “Environmental Impacts”
Aug. 17, 2022: UNESCO investigates whether Wood Buffalo is a threatened World Heritage site
Aug. 18, 2022: Ontario is resisting Canada’s plans for Indigenous-led conservation areas
Home Page – Background Content
Update to “Indigenous Alliances”
July 11, 2022: Catalyzing Action – Indigenous Clean Energy leaders gather for first time on Inuit land in Iqaluit, Nunavut for the 20/20 Catalyst Program
Update to Indigenous Leadership Initiative: Guardians
Aug. 2, 2022: Coastal First Nations – Great Bear Initiative receives $1M from the Clean Coast, Clean Water Initiative
Aug. 4, 2022: Coastal Guardians protect bears through traditional laws


Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Indigenous Housing Reports”
Aug. 11, 2022: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Chiefs endorse Housing Strategy – look to Canada and Ontario to address housing crisis
Home Page – Background Content
Update to “Government Programs”
July 21: Govt. of Canada supports housing strategy of Cree Nation Government in Eeyou Istchee
Aug. 13, 2022: NWT Budget 2022 housing investments for Métis communities

Urban Commitments to Reconciliation

Background Content: Update to “Individual Municipal Commitments”: Barrie and Midland
July 6, 2022: Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle (BANAC) enters formal relationship with Georgian Bay General Hospital in Midland
Aug. 4, 2022: Thorold fast tracks Indigenous Medicine Wheel Healing Garden for Sept. 30, 2022 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Treaties and Land Claims

Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Aboriginal Rights and Title”: New Brunswick
July 27, 2022: The Wolastoqey title claim in N.B., a centuries old issue and the honourable solution (Policy Option)
Update to “Aboriginal Rights and Title”: Manitoba
Aug. 4, 2022: Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs asks Federal government to honour promises made on 151st anniversary of Treaty 1 and Treaty 2
Update to ‘Land Claims”
Aug. 3, 2022: Govt. of Canada formally apologizes to Peepeekisis Cree Nation in Saskatchewan for Fishing Hills Colony Scheme
Home Page – Background Content
Update to “Specific Claims”: Saskatchewan
Aug. 4, 2022: Canada and Muskeg Lake Cree Nation settle 1919 Soldier Settlement Board Surrender Specific Claim

Indigenous Success Stories

ThemeDateIndigenous GroupDescription
Child WelfareAug. 12First NationThree First Nations in Alberta building their own Child Welfare systems
EducationJuly 19First NationChiefs of Ontario launch “Education Agreement Resources”
Language and CultureJuly 8InuitMeta makes Inuktitut official language on Facebook
July 8First NationNeqotkuk First Nation declares Wolastoqey the official language of community
July 13First NationMohawk Online announces $5M donation to the Kahnawà:ke Cultural Arts Centre
July 17First NationMi’kmaw Language Legislation proclaimed
JusticeAug. 19First NationMichelle O’Bonsawin, the Supreme Court of Canada’s first Indigenous justice
Business and ReconciliationAug. 2MétisDr. Marie Delorme receives National Award for Excellence in Aboriginal Relations
Environment July First NationFirst Nations Climate Leadership partnership with the federal government

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