What’s New In Indigenous Watchdog: 207 New Entries: Jan. 1 – Jan. 31, 2024

77 Positive Actions vs 90 Negative Actions

Calls to Action (C2A) Status: February 1, 2024

Not StartedStalledIn ProgressComplete
StatusLegacy Calls to Action
(1-42) + 50-52, 62-65
Reconciliation Calls to Action
Not Started2, 9, 10, 26, 34, 42, 51, 52, 6445, 46, 47, 55, 56, 89
Stalled6, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29, 30, 3558, 62, 71, 77, 78, 87, 92, 93
Complete13, 15, 4149, 59, 67, 68, 70, 80, 83, 84, 85, 94

Legacy Calls to Action include “Equity for Aboriginal People in the Legal System” (50-52) and “Education for Reconciliation (62-65) in order to keep all “Justice” and “Education” Calls to Action in one location

See also “Perspectives” post for a complete 6-page colour-coded Status Updates document summarizing all 94 Calls to Action

Indigenous Watchdog Updates

The following presents a year-to-date statistical snapshot of stakeholder actions across ALL themes that are either advancing reconciliation (Legacy and Reconciliation C2As and Government Commitments) or creating roadblocks (Current Problems)

Section20222023Dec. 2023Jan. 2024.YTD
Current Reality5031211
Current Problems3151046599090
Legacy C2As188319253530
Reconciliation C2As11715891313
Govt. Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation48112899
Other Issues: Government Commitments78148172020
Background Content204273232
Indigenous Success Stories383477


  • Current Reality includes ALL 94 Calls to Action and Other Issues
  • Legacy C2As, Reconciliation C2As, Government Commitments and Other Issues represent positive steps that are advancing reconciliation
  • Current Problems includes all those in “Calls to Action” plus “Other Issues” and “Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation
  • “Other Issues” presents information on Drinking Water Advisories, Food Insecurity, Suicide Prevention, Urban Commitments to Reconciliation, Housing, Environment and Treaties and Land Claims
  • Background Content provides additional context for Calls to Action and/or Themes
  • Multiple entries for an “Action or Commitment” or “Current Problem” have only been counted once

Current Reality Updates

Jan. 19Drinking Water Advisories144 Long-Term Drinking Water Advisories have been lifted since 2015, 28 Long-term DWAs still exist in 26 communities

New Sections

Government Commitments
Actions and Commitments
Current Problems
Background Content
Indigenous Success Stories

Government Commitments

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/01/29 B.C. prepares legislation to share decision-making power with Indigenous groups over public lands
2024/01/25 New phase in the dialogue on Hydro-Québec’s Action Plan 2035
2024/01/18 Empowering and supporting communities
2024/01/18 Trudeau government transfers land management to Nunavut in historic deal
2024/01/17 Trudeau in Nunavut to sign long-awaited devolution agreement
2024/01/16 Wab Kinew and the rocky political road to becoming the first Anishinaabe premier of a province in Canada
2024/01/15 Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai on recent meetings with Kluane First Nation, White River First Nation and Carcross/Tagish First Nation
2024/01/06 Statement by Minister Anandasangaree, Minister Vandal and Minister Hajdu on the Eighth Anniversary of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report
2024/01/05 Federal government and Nunavut invest more than $194 million in critical infrastructure and transit projects across the territory
Home Page: Drinking Water Advisories: Other Issues
2024/01/18 Athabasca Chief Allan Adam consulting with Ottawa on First Nations Clean Water Act
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/01/30 Ontario Supporting Growth and Innovation in the Forest Sector
2024/01/30 PAGC Task Force Raises Alarm on Upcoming Wildfire Season, Urges Proactive Measures
2024/01/26 Canada boosts conservation and restoration efforts with investments in 27 new Indigenous-Led Natural Climate Solutions
2024/01/19 Funding will improve cultural safety for Indigenous people during emergencies
2024/01/18 Manitoba First Nations, governments sign deal to study protection of pristine Seal River watershed
2024/01/16 CER releases Crown Consultation and Accommodation Report for the NEBC Connector Project
Home Page: Housing: Other Issues
2024/01/29 AHMA Welcomes Long-Awaited Changes to RTA for Supportive Housing Operators
2024/01/29 Council of Yukon First Nations unveils downtown Whitehorse outreach van
2024/01/26 Warming centre hopes to take the chill off in Whitehorse
2024/01/24 The new supportive housing complex will complete this year
2024/01/22 Government of Canada Launches Request for Proposals Process for an Indigenous-Led National Housing Centre
2024/01/18 Federal Government Supports New Homes in Northwest Territories
2024/01/17 More affordable housing in Nova Scotia
2024/01/12 Helping housing providers fight inflation
Home Page: Suicide Prevention: Other Issues
2024/01/29 Manitoba Government Expands Funding for Youth Mental Health
Home Page: Treaties and Land Claims: Other Issues
2024/01/27 Snuneymuxw land agreement will see 80 hectares returned to Vancouver Island First Nation
2024/01/11 Robinson Huron Nations sign Treaty settlement agreement
2024/01/11 Snuneymuxw and B.C. land transfer fosters economic development
Home Page: Urban Commitments to Reconciliation: Other Issues
2024/01/31 Thunder Bay Launches Groundbreaking Indigenous Economic Impact Study
2024/01/15 Winnipeg 150 graphic showcases city’s journey to reconciliation, connection to earth

Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 7: Education (6-12)
2024/01/24 Feds provide $25M for First Nations employment project
2024/01/23 Feds spending $25M on skills training for Indigenous people in Quebec
Call to Action # 17: Language and Culture (13-17)
2024/01/23 Ontario Making it Easier and More Affordable for Indigenous Communities to Access Vital Government Services
Call to Action # 18: Health (18-24)
2024/01/18 Co-developing distinctions-based Indigenous health legislation
2024/01/10 Canada signs over $355 million bilateral agreement with Nova Scotia to improve health care over three years
2024/01/09 Ontario Connecting More Indigenous Youth to Mental Health Services in Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation
Call to Action # 22: Health (18-24)
2024/01/23 Maamwesying Ontario Health Team and Espanola Regional Hospital and Health Centre solidify Collaboration Agreement with signing ceremony
2024/01/23 Mental-health support for Indigenous paramedic service in Quebec a ‘landmark partnership’
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/01/17 New report on landfill search is now in families' hands, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs says
Call to Action # 28: Justice (25-42)
2024/01/31 University of Calgary Faculty of Law
2024/01/31 University of Toronto Faculty of Law
2024/01/31 Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law
2024/01/31 University of Alberta Faculty of Law
2024/01/31 University of British Columbia’s Peter A. Allard Law School
2024/01/31 University of Victoria Faculty of Law
2024/01/31 University of Manitoba – Robson Hall Faculty of Law
2024/01/31 University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law
2024/01/31 University of Ottawa Faculty of Law – Common Law
2024/01/31 Dalhousie University – Schulich School of Law
2024/01/31 Lakehead University Faculty of Law
2024/01/31 McGill University Faculty of Law
2024/01/31 Toronto Metropolitan University Lincoln Alexander School of Law
2024/01/31 University of Western Ontario – Western Law
2024/01/31 York University – Osgood Hall Law School
Call to Action # 30: Justice (25-42)
2024/01/09 RCMP launches Race-Based Data Collection pilot project
Call to Action # 31: Justice (25-42)
2024/01/30 Empowering communities to boost access to justice
Call to Action # 41: Justice (25-42)
2024/01/30 Provincial Government Contributes Funding to Support Survivors of Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence
2024/01/29 Cindy Gladue's family relieved at court's rejection of Bradley Barton's latest appeal
2024/01/26 Feather Alert for MMIP in California praised after first year
2024/01/16 Expansion of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program Will Offer More Wraparound Supports for Sexual Assault Survivors
2024/01/12 Former AMC official named special adviser on MMIWG2S+ in Manitoba
2024/01/11 Government of Canada announces support for 34 Ontario-based organizations to prevent and address gender-based violence
2024/01/09 Government of Canada announces support for 18 Alberta-based organizations to advance gender equality
2024/01/09 Manitoba Government Works to Keep Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit Manitobans Safe with Appointment of Special Advisor
Call to Action # 42: Justice (25-42)
2024/01/11 Justice centre expansion will create safer communities, change lives
Call to Action # 66: Youth Programs (66)
2024/01/29 Manitoba Government Expands Funding for Youth Mental Health
Call to Action # 69: Museums and Archives (67-70)
2024/01/24 Project Naming is putting names to faces – one photo at a time
Call to Action # 71: Missing Children and Burial Information (71-76)
2024/01/23 Ontario Making it Easier and More Affordable for Indigenous Communities to Access Vital Government Services
Call to Action # 88: Sports and Reconciliation (87-91)
2024/01/11 Arctic Winter Games coming to Whitehorse in 2026
Call to Action # 92: Business and Reconciliation (92)
2024/01/31 Deloitte Canada launches Nation Building Advisory practice – A first in professional services
2024/01/26 Kruger Energy Awarded Two Wind Projects in Québec
2024/01/24 Greenwood Sustainable Infrastructure (GSI)-Led Joint Initiative with Ocean Man First Nation to Build One of the Largest Solar Projects in Canada
2024/01/24 Tahltan Nation Development Corporation and Finning Canada Launch TNDC Mobile Training Centre – Building Capacity for Generations to Come
2024/01/24 Refinancing Clearwater loan worth millions in annual cash flow for Mi'kmaw owners
2024/01/18 Proposed carbon capture pipeline will benefit Indigenous communities, says Pathway Alliance VP
2024/01/18 New Supply Chain Report Shows Mining Supports Businesses and Communities throughout British Columbia
2024/01/16 TNDC’S HEO Program Receives $600,000 Grant From TD Bank Group
2024/01/10 TC Energy holding talks to sell stake in natural gas pipelines to Indigenous groups

Current Problems

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/01/31 Funding for environmental project stokes more friction between Métis Nation Ontario and Ontario chiefs
2024/01/29 A new, reset relationship starts with meaningful consultation
2024/01/27 Next-generation leaders must stay in the Arctic
2024/01/26 Chiefs of Ontario call for 1-year pause on staking mining claims in the province
2024/01/25 Reconciliation at federal, provincial levels moving slowly: Lemay
2024/01/21 Anishinabek Nation leadership confirms position on the Métis Nation of Ontario
2024/01/18 Chrétien-era effort to soften UN’s Indigenous language a ‘stain’ on Canada: Hajdu
2024/01/18 Nova Scotia Court of Appeal Upholds Class Action Decision of January 27, 2022
2024/01/15 Feds approve $2B loan guarantee to help TMX over finish line
2024/01/11 BC Hydro must pay up for overcharging remote First Nations
2024/01/05 First Nation appeals court decision
2024/01/04 Bill recognizing Métis self-government remains in limbo. Here's what you need to know
2024/01/01 Consulting Indigenous communities on critical minerals is key to net zero ambitions
Home Page: Child Welfare (1-5): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/01/30 Critics say Quebec’s child welfare legislation falls far short
2024/01/30 Inquiry examining treatment of Innu in provincial child welfare system wraps up formal hearings in Sheshatshiu
2024/01/27 Judge overturns landmark $150K human rights award for mother who claimed discrimination
2024/01/22 Innu inquiry to hold 1st formal hearings, focusing on history of child welfare in Innu communities
2024/01/17 First Nations groups concerned after delay in $20B child-welfare reform talks
2024/01/04 Ottawa is supposed to process First Nations families' child services requests within days. Sometimes it makes them wait a year
Home Page: Education (6-12): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/01/07 Indigenous faculty raise concerns about Dalhousie University's proposed identification process
Home Page: Health (18-24): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/01/29 Mushkegowuk First Nations Enhancing Their Response To Illegal Drug And Alcohol Crisis
2024/01/27 FSIN concerned about Government’s reduction changes
2024/01/26 Marlborough Hotel video sparks calls for better accommodations
2024/01/24 First Nations leaders hold emergency meeting in Ottawa on mental-health crisis
2024/01/24 Nishnawbe Aski Nation holds emergency meeting in Ottawa amid surge in sudden deaths on First Nations
2024/01/24 Prevention measures, not crisis management needed to address emergency situation in Bigstone Cree Nation
2024/01/17 Former Cree grand chief spends 4 days in an ER hallway after travelling to Montreal for health care
2024/01/11 Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Calls for Comprehensive Healthcare Approach Following Addition of 36 Acute Beds
2024/01/10 OPINION: Kendra Thomson and Louis Busch discuss hearing the voices of Indigenous Peoples with neurodevelopmental disabilities
Call to Action # 18: Health (18-24)
2024/01/19 Youth wellness hub initiative announced
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/01/31 Increased RCMP resources, community collaboration among James Smith Cree Nation inquest jury's recommendations
2024/01/31 Frank Gruben: The RCMP response and the need for missing-persons legislation
2024/01/30 Jury deliberating at inquest into mass stabbing on James Smith Cree Nation
2024/01/25 Time to end 'inhumane' delays in search for women's remains, Manitoba chiefs say as new report completed
2024/01/25 RCMP collecting race-based data is a ‘double-edged sword,’ says Indigenous leader
2024/01/25 Repurpose youth justice resources to better support young people, Rep says
2024/01/24 Treaty commissioner questions 'colonial' nature of James Smith massacre inquest
2024/01/24 Winnipeg hotel that zip-tied First Nations woman ‘Out of Order’
2024/01/24 Parole officers appear at James Smith Cree inquest in Saskatchewan
2024/01/22 Video of First Nations woman restrained by hotel staff sparks outrage
2024/01/19 Experts delve into killer's psychology at James Smith Cree Nation massacre inquest
2024/01/19 Laughed about Beating a Land Defender
2024/01/18 RCMP officers mocked people being arrested at Wet'suwet'en blockade as 'orcs' and 'ogre'
2024/01/17 Too many 'tragic ends': First Nations call for public inquiry into justice system
2024/01/15 Public inquest into stabbing massacre on James Smith Cree Nation begins Monday
2024/01/11 Probe into release of Myles Sanderson should be made public ahead of inquest: lawyer
2024/01/10 PAGC Demands Inquiry into Custodial Death of Young Mother
2024/01/09 N.S. human trafficking numbers drop, but problem isn't going away, say experts
2024/01/09 ONWA Calls for Action to Address Violence Against Indigenous Women
2024/01/08 ‘No other way’: Former Anishinaabe Mountie playing a role in Winnipeg landfill search
2024/01/04 Class action seeks compensation for Indigenous day school survivors in Quebec
Home Page: Museums and Archives (67-70): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/01/25 Art Gallery of Ontario’s associate curator of Indigenous art, Taqralik Partridge, departs 
Home Page: Missing Children and Burial Information (71-76): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/01/29 Iqaluit to host national gathering on unmarked graves at residential schools
2024/01/25 Cree leaders, scientists to excavate ‘communal grave’ near former Alberta residential school
2024/01/24 Excavation planned at suspected burial site near Blue Quills residential school at Saddle Lake
2024/01/24 PEI minister orders inquiry for councillor who posted anti-Indigenous sign
2024/01/24 First Nation organization denounces Alta. government, RCMP for lack of assistance in excavating communal grave
2024/01/11 AMC asks Winnipeg mayor to stop development in area of former cemetery
2024/01/11 Statement from Ontario Regional Chief Hare and Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Reg Niganobe regarding Ancestors that were uncovered at a Toronto construction site
2024/01/10 At least 33 Canadian churches have burned to the ground since May 2021. Only 2 were accidents
Home Page: Media and Reconciliation (84-86): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/01/29 PEN Canada calls for dismissal of charges against Brandi Morin
Home Page: Business and Reconciliation (92): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/01/23 Wyloo Metals CEO gives update on Ring of Fire mining projects, though First Nations resistance continues
2024/01/22 Report raises questions around growing mining exploration in northern B.C.
2024/01/08 Survey: Over Half of Indigenous Canadians Polled have Experienced Workplace Discrimination
Home Page: Drinking Water Advisories: Other Issues
2024/01/25 Attawapiskat member files UN human rights complaint over decades-long struggle for clean drinking water
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/01/30 Eyes turn to B.C. as U.S. pauses approval of LNG projects
2024/01/29 15 Fairy Creek land defenders sued for $10M by Teal-Jones
2024/01/26 Study says harvesting trees is damaging boreal forest in Quebec, Ontario 
2024/01/26 First Nations question the economic toll of shipping through the Salish Sea 
2024/01/26 Western Arctic community say lives impacted by delay in opening of ice road
2024/01/25 Removing Roadblocks for Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas
2024/01/25 Canadian tar sands pollution is up to 6,300% higher than reported, study finds
2024/01/22 Climate change is robbing Inuit of their food and culture, yet compensation is out of reach
2024/01/21 Federal Green deputy leader convicted of criminal contempt for Fairy Creek logging blockades
2024/01/15 Siksika Nation State of Local Emergency Update: January 14, 2024
2024/01/11 Radioactive waste site ‘shoved down our throats,’ critics say
2024/01/11 These Ontarians rely on roads made of snow and ice. But what happens when winter is too warm?
2024/01/10 Canada’s next big LNG project may be the sleeper climate issue of 2024
2024/01/04 Canada’s Nature Agreement underscores the need for true reconciliation with Indigenous nations
Home Page: Housing: Other Issues
2024/01/29 Meeting over dire Inuit housing conditions encouraging, says national advocate
2024/01/18 Advocate says new plan to triage homeless in Edmonton lacks humanity
2024/01/17 Nunavut needs more housing, but in the capital, that can’t happen without more water
Home Page: Treaties and Land Claims: Other Issues
2024/01/29 ‘The mining rush for green energy’: Why Ontario chiefs are asking for a moratorium on claims
2024/01/29 AFN National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak Urges Consultation with First Nations on Chalk River Radioactive Waste Facility
2024/01/24 Ontario First Nations want a year-long pause on mining claims. Will the Ford government listen?
2024/01/24 MCK files Lawsuit against Quebec and Canada for Failure to Consult regarding Northvolt Project
2024/01/17 Dogs, Snipers and Axes: Inside the RCMP’s Actions in Wet’suwet’en Territory
2024/01/10 Yukon judge sends Canada, Yukon and Kaska back to negotiating table over proposed mine
2024/01/08 Trial of prominent Wet'suwet'en leader and land defenders begins
2024/01/04 Hydro-Quebec plan for economic partnerships with Indigenous communities met with skepticism

Background Content

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/01/26 ‘For northerners by northerners:’ A look back at devolution in Yukon
Home Page: Child Welfare (1-5): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/01/17 SCO Launches Sixties Scoop Education and Awareness Campaign
Home Page: Education (6-12): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/01/30 Universities must uphold Indigenous rights to self-determine
2024/01/26 The case of unusual, thought-provoking art
2024/01/23 Innu Nation takes aim at Mi’kmaw profs over identity report
2024/01/19 Grandmother Moon is sacred and should be respected
2024/01/12 Here’s What It Takes to Indigenize Higher Ed
2024/01/12 College of the North Atlantic and Qalipu First Nation renew MOU
2024/01/09 University of Saskatchewan: President's perspective: Campaign creates new opportunities for USask
2024/01/08 Book review: The Seven Nations of Canada, 1660-1860
Home Page: Language and Culture (13-17): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/01/23 Haudenosaunee astronomy presentation heading to New York planetarium
2024/01/23 Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Strategy Symposium
2024/01/19 Sask. cultural camp using Cree immersion to revitalize language
2024/01/17 New Signage Proudly Marks Entry to the Territory of the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3, and Encourages Respect for Aki and Nibi
2024/01/04 Ministers Anandasangaree, Vandal, Hajdu, and Parliamentary Secretary Atwin issue a statement of support on National Ribbon Skirt Day
2024/01/04 Mi'kmaw women celebrate National Ribbon Skirt Day as a day of empowerment
Home Page: Health (18-24): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/01/10 SCO Announces Leader Working to Transform Health for Southern First Nations
Call to Action # 18: Health (18-24)
2024/01/23 Student mental health programs receive another $1M in Bell Let’s Talk funding
Call to Action # 29: Justice (25-42)
2024/01/22 Project to offer Wolastoqew day school survivors in New Brunswick specific healing programs
2024/01/04 Class action seeks compensation for Indigenous day school survivors in Quebec
Home Page: Sports and Reconciliation (87-91): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/01/15 Toronto’s pro hockey franchises stage Indigenous Celebration games
Home Page: Business and Reconciliation (92): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/01/29 Move beyond checking boxes when it comes to reconciliation
2024/01/18 Flipping Indigenous regional development in Newfoundland upside-down: lessons from Australia
2024/01/17 Indigenous leaders applaud Oil and Gas Industry collaboration at IRC Reconcili-Action Conference
2024/01/10 First Nations, Métis settlements join forces for deal backed by Indigenous Opportunities Corporation 
Call to Action # 92: Business and Reconciliation (92)
2024/01/23 First Nations Finance Authority surpasses $2 billion milestone in financing to First Nations governments with the issuance of its 10th debenture
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/01/26 Two First Nations Take A Significant Step Forward in Managing Their Own Emergencies
2024/01/23 Learning to Plan for the Next 500 Years
2024/01/16 Ring of Fire: A path to prosperity and environmental risk
2024/01/08 Calgary researchers using high-tech drones to map Alberta First Nation
Home Page: Food Insecurity: Other Issues
2024/01/23 Investing in self-determination and food sovereignty: Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Development Corporation acquires a majority stake in ColdAcre Food Systems Inc.
2024/01/09 Bison bounce back in the American West, giving Indigenous nations hope for restorations of their own
Home Page: Treaties and Land Claims: Other Issues
2024/01/25 'It was a transformational moment'; APC Fisheries Convention in Cape Breton marks 25 years since Marshall decision

Indigenous Success Stories

Home Page: Child Welfare (1-5): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/01/05 Opting out of a broken child-welfare system in Winnipeg to build something better
Home Page: Museums and Archives (67-70): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/01/08 Six Nations artist and curator Tom Hill was 'a champion for Indigenous artists'
Home Page: Media and Reconciliation (84-86): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/01/19 Venus on being the first Indigenous winner of Canada's Drag Race
Home Page: Sports and Reconciliation (87-91): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/01/19 Lacrosse all-star Gaylord Powless inducted into North American Indigenous Athletics Hall of Fame
Home Page: Business and Reconciliation (92): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/01/24 Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business celebrates five award recipients at the 40th Anniversary Gala Award Dinner
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/01/24 Opinion: Saskatchewan river delta advocate's life set terrific example
2024/01/16 $2 million gift from the Krawczyk Family Foundation breathes new life into Indigenous environmental justice in Canada

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