What’s New In Indigenous Watchdog: 218 new Entries: Feb. 1 – Feb. 29, 2024


  • 14 of the Positive Actions relate to Call to Action # 27 which identifies the progress the 12 English Law Societies in Canada and the Federation of Law Societies are making. The French Societies are in progress
  • 6 of the Current Problems relate to the James Smith Cree Nation inquest into the mass stabbing in Saskatchewan and the subsequent death of Myles Sanderson

Calls to Action (C2A) Status: March 1, 2024

Not StartedStalledIn ProgressComplete
StatusLegacy Calls to Action
(1-42) + 50-52, 62-65
Reconciliation Calls to Action
Not Started2, 9, 10, 26, 34, 42, 51, 52, 6445, 46, 47, 55, 56, 89
Stalled6, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29, 30, 3558, 62, 71, 77, 78, 87, 92, 93
Complete13, 15, 4149, 59, 67, 68, 70, 80, 83, 84, 85, 94

Legacy Calls to Action include “Equity for Aboriginal People in the Legal System” (50-52) and “Education for Reconciliation (62-65) in order to keep all “Justice” and “Education” Calls to Action in one location

See also “Perspectives” post for a complete 6-page colour-coded Status Updates document summarizing all 94 Calls to Action

Indigenous Watchdog Updates

The following presents a year-to-date statistical snapshot of stakeholder actions across ALL themes that are either advancing reconciliation (Legacy and Reconciliation C2As and Government Commitments) or creating roadblocks (Current Problems)

Section20222023Dec. 2023Jan. 2024.Feb. 2024YTD
Current Reality50312134
Current Problems31510465990106196
Legacy C2As18831925353772
Reconciliation C2As1171589131730
Govt. Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation48112891423
Other Issues: Government Commitments7814817201232
Background Content20427322456
Indigenous Success Stories38347512


  • Current Reality includes ALL 94 Calls to Action and Other Issues
  • Legacy C2As, Reconciliation C2As, Government Commitments and Other Issues represent positive steps that are advancing reconciliation
  • Current Problems includes all those in “Calls to Action” plus “Other Issues” and “Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation
  • “Other Issues” presents information on Drinking Water Advisories, Food Insecurity, Suicide Prevention, Urban Commitments to Reconciliation, Housing, Environment and Treaties and Land Claims
  • Background Content provides additional context for Calls to Action and/or Themes
  • Multiple entries for an “Action or Commitment” or “Current Problem” have only been counted once

Current Reality Updates

Feb. 9Child WelfareSupreme Court affirms First Nation, Inuit and Métis self-government and jurisdiction over their child welfare services
Feb. 21JusticeBC Supreme Court rules that Indigenous laws are subordinate to and subject to Canadian law
Feb. 21Royal ProclamationBC Supreme Court rules that Indigenous laws are subordinate to and subject to Canadian law

Call to Action Status Updates

Feb. 5, 2024CBC announces a National Indigenous Strategy, a 3-year plan to improve employment and representation of Indigenous people
7Feb. 7, 2024Federal government launches a pay transparency website: Equi’Vison

New Sections

DateThemeSectionWhere and/or what?
Feb. 27, 2024Business & ReconciliationIndigenous ProcurementCurrent Problems and Background Content
FebruaryCall to Action # 27Law SocietiesCommitment to Call to Action # 27 by 12 Law Societies cross Canada (French to follow)
FebruaryCall to Action # 28Faculties of LawCommitments to Call to Action # 28 by 18 English Faculties across Canada (French to follow)
Government Commitments
Actions and Commitments
Current Problems
Background Content
Indigenous Success Stories

Government Commitments

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/02/23 Premier Kinew and Minister Vandal announce support for the Arctic Gateway Group in northern Manitoba
2024/02/22 Development agreement signed with Amlamgog First Nation
2024/02/19 Louis Riel portrait updated to recognize Métis leader as first premier of Manitoba
2024/02/19 Leaders meet for first Yukon Forum of 2024
2024/02/19 Inherent rights highlighted at the 8th annual Anishinabek Nation Lands and Resources Forum
2024/02/15 Manitoba premier says he’s confident landfill search for remains will start this year
2024/02/15 Haida Nation recognition Bill making its way through the Senate first
2024/02/14 Budget 2024 must stand up the Indigenous loan guarantee program
2024/02/09 Greens tap Fairy Creek land defender Rainbow Eyes for deputy leader
2024/02/06 Métis Nations, federal ministers sit for a bilateral mechanism meeting to hash out relationship, priorities
2024/02/06 Celebrating Louis Riel
2024/02/06 Métis National Council Commends Indigenous and Northern Affairs Committee’s Adoption of Bill C-53
2024/02/01 Métis Nation Leaders and Cabinet Ministers agree to co-development principles and advance shared priorities to make life better for Métis
2024/02/01 Chair of Ministerial Working Group on Regulatory Efficiency for Clean Growth Projects issues statement
Home Page: Drinking Water Advisories: Other Issues
2024/02/08 Conservative MP walks back comments on First Nations water plants amid criticism
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/02/23 The Government of Canada invests in Indigenous communities to enhance community-based marine response capacity as part of the Oceans Protection Plan
2024/02/23 The struggle to trust while conserving nature in the North
2024/02/22 Indigenous Green Economy Initiative
2024/02/16 Manitoba chooses safe drinking water over sand extraction project
Home Page: Housing: Other Issues
2024/02/27 Government of Yukon shares latest progress report for the Yukon’s Housing Action Plan
2024/02/23 More supports coming for people experiencing homelessness in Victoria
2024/02/22 Building more homes that Canadians can afford in Cape Breton / Unama’ki
2024/02/05 Official opening of a new living environment for 42 Indigenous families studying in Trois-Rivières
2024/02/01 Government of Saskatchewan Announces New Supportive Housing in Regina
Home Page: Treaties and Land Claims: Other Issues
2024/02/21 Matsqui First Nation receives $59M for loss of land 116 years ago
Home Page: Urban Commitments to Reconciliation: Other Issues
2024/02/21 Local group asks for new seat on Hamilton council to represent Indigenous community

Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 4: Child Welfare (1-5)
2024/02/09 Supreme court affirms Indigenous self-government, jurisdiction over child welfare laws
Call to Action # 7: Education (6-12)
2024/02/23 SD73, Aboriginal Education Council sign agreement to support Indigenous students
2024/02/02 Minister O’Regan launches first of its kind pay transparency website: Equi’Vision
Call to Action # 11: Education (6-12)
2024/02/05 Official opening of a new living environment for 42 Indigenous families studying in Trois-Rivières
Call to Action # 13: Language and Culture (13-17)
2024/02/10 Ottawa's largest school board seeking Algonquin, Inuktitut language specialists
2024/02/01 Everyone has a role in strengthening Indigenous languages this month
Call to Action # 14: Language and Culture (13-17)
2024/02/26 Government of Canada supports the revitalization of the Kaska language in the Liard First Nation
Home Page: Health (18-24): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/19 This is what reconciliation looks like and it’s the Churchill Health Centre
2024/02/05 Cancer-care centre an ambition for Nunavut
Call to Action # 18: Health (18-24)
2024/02/26 Government of Yukon receives national recognition for progress towards reconciliation through health and wellness systems
2024/02/15 More doctors, more nurses, shorter wait times in Manitoba
2024/02/09 Cutting wait times, delivering better health care in Ontario
2024/02/05 Ontario Connecting Indigenous Communities to More Mental Health Supports
2024/02/01 Ontario Connecting Over 300,000 People to Primary Care Teams
Call to Action # 20: Health (18-24)
2024/02/05 Cancer-care centre an ambition for Nunavut
Call to Action # 22: Health (18-24)
2024/02/23 Lesa Semmler: Weaving Our Wisdom
Call to Action # 23: Health (18-24)
2024/02/21 SCO Supporting Lab Training to Bring Health Care Home to Lake Manitoba First Nation
Call to Action # 24: Health (18-24)
2024/02/08 CMA engages in national conversations in advance of apology to Indigenous Peoples
Call to Action # 27: Justice (25-42)
2024/02/19 Law Society of Prince Edward Island
2024/02/19 Law Society of Manitoba
2024/02/19 Law Society of Alberta
2024/02/19 Law Society of British Columbia
2024/02/19 Law Society of Ontario
2024/02/19 The Law Society of New Brunswick
2024/02/19 Nova Scotia Barrister’s Society
2024/02/19 Law Society of Saskatchewan
2024/02/19 Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
2024/02/19 Law Society of Yukon
2024/02/19 Federation of Law Societies of Canada
2024/02/19 Law Society of Nunavut
2024/02/19 The Law Society of the Northwest Territories
Call to Action # 28: Justice (25-42)
2024/02/05 University of Saskatchewan College of Law
2024/02/03 Queen’s University Faculty of Law
Call to Action # 36: Justice (25-42)
2024/02/12 James Smith inquest boosts Indigenous prison programs. Grassroots groups say their work is more effective
Call to Action # 41: Justice (25-42)
2024/02/23 Provincial Indigenous Women’s Reconciliation Council Receives $550,000 for Violence Prevention Efforts
2024/02/08 Co-chairs issue statement on progress made towards shared priorities at roundtable on missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, and gender-diverse people in Canada
2024/02/01 Ontario Protecting Children and Youth from Sex Trafficking in Kenora Region
Home Page: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (43-44): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/02/02 Proposed Land Act Amendments are Next Step in Implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
Call to Action # 43: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (43-44)
2024/02/02 Proposed Land Act Amendments are Next Step in Implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
Call to Action # 62: Education for Reconciliation (62-65)
2024/02/19 'Correcting history': Louis Riel's portrait as Manitoba's honorary 1st premier unveiled
Call to Action # 65: Education for Reconciliation (62-65)
2024/02/07 Lambton College and Aamjiwnaang First Nation collaborate to enhance biodiversity and preserve Traditional Knowledge
Call to Action # 84: Media and Reconciliation (84-86)
2024/02/05 CBC/Radio-Canada launches new effort to improve representation of Indigenous peoples
Call to Action # 88: Sports and Reconciliation (87-91)
2024/02/20 P.E.I. sports leaders urged to find ways to bring Indigenous youth into the game
Call to Action # 92: Business and Reconciliation (92)
2024/02/29 Natural Resources Canada announces funding to support Ontario’s clean energy future through pre-development work of the Bruce C Project
2024/02/27 Dean Janvier working on ‘Nation Building’ through economic empowerment
2024/02/26 World Energy GH2 and Horizon Maritime welcome Chief Mi’sel Joe as Strategic Advisor and Director
2024/02/23 Scotiabank partners with Nch’ḵay̓ Development Limited Partnership, Des Nedhe Financial LP and Chippewas of Rama First Nation to establish a new investment dealer in Canada
2024/02/15 CIB committing $138.2 million to Nova Scotia Energy Storage Project
2024/02/15 Opinion: Facilitate real reconciliation through Indigenous financial institutions
2024/02/07 Poilievre to endorse First Nations proposal for greater control over resource revenues
2024/02/06 Hydro One submits final Environmental Study Report for the St. Clair Transmission Line
2024/02/02 Breaking down barriers to get Indigenous businesses online
2024/02/01 Nations Royalty Established to Unite First Nations & Indigenous Groups as Shareholders in New Growth-Oriented Public Company
2024/02/01 MCK to partner on wind-farm project

Current Problems

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/02/29 Why Did Trans Mountain Dig Through an Indigenous Burial Site?
2024/02/29 AFN National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak Calls for Continued Support for B.C. Land Act Amendments
2024/02/28 Algonquins of Ontario organization removes nearly 2,000 members after ancestry disputes
2024/02/27 History of Canada’s largest national park reveals exclusion of First Nations people and injustice 
2024/02/22 NDP Hits Brakes on Land Act Reconciliation Plan
2024/02/15 Devolution in Nunavut: Is this Really Namminiqsurniq (Self-Determination)?
2024/02/15 What does the duty to consult First Nations, Inuit and Métis mean?
2024/02/15 B.C. resets talks on plan to give First Nations more say over public land
2024/02/14 Is BC ‘Returning All Traditional Lands’ to First Nations?
2024/02/14 First Nations, Jim Balsillie slam government over lack of consultation on AI bill
2024/02/13 B.C. regional chief decries 'fear mongering' over proposed changes to Land Act
2024/02/08 One substantial amendment accompanies Bill C-53 to Parliament for third reading 
2024/02/02 Métis National Council president airs frustrations after Liberal ministers meeting
Home Page: Child Welfare (1-5): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/22 He felt abandoned in Manitoba's emergency shelters. Here's what he says needs to change in child welfare
2024/02/22 Sts’ailes, frustrated with the feds, signs and funds its own child welfare agreement
2024/02/16 Deaths of 2 Nunavut care home residents, aged 12 and 19, trigger multiple investigations
2024/02/08 Indigenous leaders brace for Supreme Court's child welfare law decision
Home Page: Education (6-12): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/22 Employment rates among Black, Indigenous groups in N.S. fall short of goals set 10 years ago
2024/02/12 President of Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. says dropping charges against Gill twins ‘not acceptable’
2024/02/09 Mother in Inuit identity fraud case pleads guilty, charges against daughters withdrawn
2024/02/07 Feds’ labour data shows wage gap for Indigenous workers
Home Page: Language and Culture (13-17): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/06 Funding loss threatens Indigenous language program in Victoria
Home Page: Health (18-24): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/29 Victim of forced sterilization in Ottawa to push law that would penalize doctors
2024/02/29 Treaty 6 and 8 grand chiefs call for action on mental health crisis in Alberta
2024/02/29 Spouse seeking answers after young N.W.T. mother, prescribed Advil, dies of double pneumonia
2024/02/28 Environmentalists push the federal government on complete ban on ‘forever chemicals’
2024/02/27 First Nations people in B.C. continue to be hit harder by toxic drug crisis, statistics show
2024/02/27 Nunavut government closing group home at centre of multiple probes
2024/02/27 Her mom's lung cancer was caught too late. It's part of a pattern in Nunavik
2024/02/26 Indigenous youth want more Indigenous-led models, support to access health care in Winnipeg, report says
2024/02/16 Grassy Narrows chief calls out feds amid 'ridiculous' delays to mercury treatment centre construction
2024/02/14 Nova Scotia judge approves Mi’kmaw class action against physicians
2024/02/06 Cree chief pleads for help to end community's wave of violence in open letter to Sask. premier, PM
2024/02/05 Burnell Place offers safe stay to patients from remote First Nations in Manitoba
2024/02/02 First Nations communities push for all-season road in northern Manitoba
2024/02/01 NDP, Plains Cree doctor slam Alberta premier’s transgender policy changes
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/29 Proposed class-action lawsuit aims to compensate children of residential school survivors
2024/02/29 Police watchdog finds police used ‘reasonable’ force on man at Sucker Creek First Nation
2024/02/29 James Smith Cree Nation killer showed severe psychopathic traits, forensic psychologist testifies
2024/02/28 Mi’gmaw communities in New Brunswick start alternative to standard policing
2024/02/27 Man convicted of manslaughter in the death of two Métis hunters granted unescorted absences from prison
2024/02/27 James Smith Cree Nation mass killer died from cocaine overdose, inquest hears
2024/02/26 New inquest targets cause of Saskatchewan mass killer Myles Sanderson's death after his arrest
2024/02/26 Jury at coroner's inquest watches Myles Sanderson police pursuit, arrest before his death in custody
2024/02/21 Wet’suwet’en Law Cannot ‘Coexist’ with BC Court Order, Judge Determines
2024/02/14 Manitoba child advocate calls for more supports after family killed
2024/02/14 Survivors of provincially run schools in Quebec share their stories of abuse
2024/02/12 First Nations man charged with five counts of first-degree murder
2024/02/09 Family of James Wood speak about his death following interaction with Winnipeg police
2024/02/09 Police Reform Talks Stalled over Calls to Oust the RCMP
2024/02/06 Saskatchewan MLA says more support needed for Indigenous women leaving incarceration
2024/02/02 James Smith Cree Nation tragedy ‘could have been avoided’ says AFN national chief
2024/02/01 James Smith Cree Nation chiefs, other leaders say funding needed to enact recommendations
2024/02/01 Frank Gruben: Family, friends, N.W.T. premier call for more information
2024/02/01 No Justice Yet for Women Who Accused Prince George RCMP Officers of Assault
Home Page: Royal Proclamation and Covenant of Reconciliation (45-47): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/02/21 Wet’suwet’en Law Cannot ‘Coexist’ with BC Court Order, Judge Determines
Home Page: Museums and Archives (67-70): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/02/19 This man fell into a hole and uncovered ancient remains. It raised questions about how Toronto builds on Indigenous lands
Home Page: Missing Children and Burial Information (71-76): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/02/29 Senate committee hears from information commissioner on residential schools records access
2024/02/20 Canada needs legislation to protect historical Indigenous burial sites: Winnipeg conference
2024/02/01 ‘No one will ever take my grandchildren again, ever’: Gathering hears from residential school survivors
Home Page: Media and Reconciliation (84-86): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/02/02 Indigenous reporter fears more journalists will be targeted after arrest as police cleared Canada camp
2024/02/01 What charges against journalist Brandi Morin mean for Canadian democracy
Home Page: Business and Reconciliation (92): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/02/29 Formation of new procurement organization may muddy the waters for Indigenous businesses
2024/02/27 Feds reviewing Indigenous procurement policies as they grapple with ArriveCan revelations
2024/02/14 Alberta First Nation sends notice of opposition to Obsidian Energy drilling plans
Home Page: Drinking Water Advisories: Other Issues
2024/02/12 Piapot First Nation demands MP apologize, retract 'baseless' water plant burning remark
2024/02/06 Heated debate on clean drinking water legislation leads to accusations of stereotyping
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/02/29 Detection of Blastomyces DNA in Constance Lake First Nation Homelands Announced as a Significant Breakthrough
2024/02/29 The protection of wetlands is tied to Indigenous and human rights 
2024/02/27 Report finds deficient communication with First Nations during hazardous spills
2024/02/22 Treaty One Nations shocked they weren’t notified when raw sewage spilled into Red River
2024/02/22 Update on flooding at Ch’ëdähdëk Forty Mile Historic Site: Damage assessed and Request for Proposals issued for long-term conservation plan
2024/02/20 ‘This mining is destroying us’: Alaskan tribal group applies for Canadian status
2024/02/16 First Nation challenges LNG project over climate, salmon concerns
2024/02/15 First Nations’ Rights and Interests Must Be Part of the Future of Forests
2024/02/15 Manitoba First Nations concerned over major issues in province's forestry plan
2024/02/14 First Nations urge Environment Minister not to green light Chalk River nuclear waste dump 
2024/02/14 PM dismisses Algonquin concerns over Chalk River nuclear waste dump
2024/02/13 First Nations say Ring of Fire development could have negative effects on water systems
2024/02/08 Report on Alberta emission ‘astonishing’ says Athabasca Chipewyan chief
2024/02/07 4 First Nations in Manitoba declare state of emergency because of winter road issues
2024/02/06 Indigenous and Environmental Groups Denounce Government Inaction on First Anniversary of Imperial Oil Tailings Disaster
2024/02/01 What will mining the Ring of Fire cost the planet?
Home Page: Food Insecurity: Other Issues
2024/02/29 NDP calls for an overhaul of Nutrition North Canada after APTN report
2024/02/27 Federal minister says ‘clearer data’ needed to assess Nutrition North program
2024/02/15 Joint APTN and CBC News investigation examines the impact of rising food prices in Canada
Home Page: Housing: Other Issues
2024/02/27 'Our guys don't have somewhere to go': Trudeau government criticized for taking too long to fund Indigenous housing
2024/02/16 AFN National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak calls for full implementation of National Encampments Response Plan recommendations
2024/02/16 Alberta investing $4M to redevelop Indigenous-led homeless shelter in Lethbridge
2024/02/15 Federal housing advocate says Indigenous people grossly overrepresented in Canada’s homeless population
2024/02/14 Recovering from years of federal intervention, Kehewin First Nation rebuilds
2024/02/04 Calls for accountability, national Indigenous fire strategy after fatal house fire in Peawanuck
Home Page: Treaties and Land Claims: Other Issues
2024/02/28 First Nations praise ruling 'forcing' Crown to protect interests
2024/02/28 Court judgment gives Canada, Ontario 60 days to pay out $10B treaty settlement
2024/02/23 Cat Lake First Nation Files Court Injunction to Stop First Mining Gold
2024/02/22 New film documents struggle of Wet’suwet’en land defenders
2024/02/21 Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation challenges Quebec over its free entry mining regime
2024/02/21 Wolastoqey fishers say proposed elver fishery shutdown infringes on treaty rights
2024/02/18 7 First Nations in Alta. want answers on carbon capture and storage plans
2024/02/14 First Nation sends notice of opposition over drilling plans in northern Alberta
2024/02/13 When First Nations push back against mining
2024/02/11 Sask. chief files class-action lawsuit over $5 annuity payments signed 150 years ago
2024/02/09 Algonquin Nation nuclear waste site court challenge a ‘litmus test’ for federal United Nations Declaration Act
2024/02/09 Ross River Dena Council appealing ruling on proposed Kudz ze Kayah mine
2024/02/08 Judge rules in favour of big timber companies in Aboriginal title claim
2024/02/07 Manitoba chief proposes class action against feds over 'effectively worthless' $5 treaty payments
2024/02/07 Kebaowek First Nation launches judicial review of Chalk River waste disposal project
2024/02/06 What should consultation with Indigenous Peoples look like?
2024/02/01 First Nations mull legal action, plan protests over Ontario's online mining claims system

Background Content

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/02/26 Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Passes Key Resolutions Addressing Treaty Rights, Governance, and Environmental Concerns
Home Page: Child Welfare (1-5): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/12 Indigenous leaders laud beautiful, happy Supreme Court ruling on child welfare jurisdiction
2024/02/12 The Troubling Basis for the Supreme Court’s Child Welfare Law Decision
2024/02/11 Indigenous leaders and federal ministers react to Supreme Court’s child welfare law decision
2024/02/09 Feds, provinces must now recognize inherent rights of self-government say leaders after historic win at Supreme Court
Call to Action # 4: Child Welfare (1-5)
2024/02/27 Tsilhqot’in Nation aims for control of child and family services
Home Page: Education (6-12): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/27 Mazda Canada Invests In Long-Term Partnerships With Indspire & Pathways to Education
2024/02/15 'We are not Oji-Cree': 22 First Nations across Manitoba, Ontario clear the air on distinct identity
2024/02/05 ‘We belong in these spaces’: From the Arctic to Rome, Gwich’in Chef leading Indigenous foods program in B.C. 
Home Page: Language and Culture (13-17): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/27 FirstVoices launches new edition of language preservation website
Home Page: Health (18-24): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/29 SCO Set to Host Health Gathering Featuring International Speakers to Share Knowledge
2024/02/26 Trail equity at heart of new Brandon-based research project
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/14 James Smith Cree Nation unveils new emergency alert system
Call to Action # 66: Youth Programs (66)
2024/02/05 Indigenous youth share their experiences with accessing mental health services, and offer solutions to improve outcomes
Home Page: Business and Reconciliation (92): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/02/27 National Indigenous Economic Organizations Spearhead First Nations Procurement Organization
2024/02/21 Opinion: Facilitate real reconciliation through Indigenous financial institutions
2024/02/21 Indigenous Prosperity Foundation Announces Inaugural Board of Directors
2024/02/09 Indigenous leaders, banking executives, and government collaborate at economic reconciliation roundtable
2024/02/07 Media Advisory – Event: UBC hosts seminar on Indigenous Peoples’ right to traditional economies, sustainable development, and food security in an age of climate change
2024/02/06 Sara Kopamees Interviews the First Nations Major Projects Coalition for Canadian Industry Magazine’s Annual Indigenous Business Edition
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/02/09 Bypassing Indigenous rights is making the green transition more expensive 
2024/02/07 Yukoners head home after 'transformational' Indigenous exchange in New Zealand
2024/02/01 This pristine Canadian river has legal personhood, a new approach to conserving nature
Home Page: Food Insecurity: Other Issues
2024/02/26 CAA North and East Ontario and Ottawa Redblacks Join Forces to Support Tungasuvvingat Inuit’s Food Security Program
2024/02/13 Charity in Iqaluit has big plans to fight food insecurity in the city
Home Page: Urban Commitments to Reconciliation: Other Issues
2024/02/20 NAFC Presents Inaugural Forum to Showcase Urban Indigenous Social Economy Initiatives

Indigenous Success Stories

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/02/14 NAFC CEO Jocelyn W. Formsma Honoured with the 2024 Indspire Public Service Award
2024/02/02 Indspire Honours Indigenous Excellence with Announcement of 2024 Indspire Awards Recipients
Home Page: Language and Culture (13-17): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/22 'Shelley Niro: 500 Year Itch': Matriarchy, memory, actors and relations
2024/02/17 A passion for preserving language led to this Makkovik resident being named Inuk Woman of the Year
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/02/15 Remembering Mona Hardy: A Legacy of Activism and Advocacy

Featured Content

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