What’ s New in Indigenous Watchdog: 215 New Entries: March 1 – March 31, 2024

Calls to Action (C2A) Status: April 1, 2024

Not StartedStalledIn ProgressComplete
StatusLegacy Calls to Action
(1-42) + 50-52, 62-65
Reconciliation Calls to Action
Not Started2, 9, 10, 26, 34, 42, 51, 52, 6445, 46, 47, 55, 56, 89
Stalled6, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29, 30, 3558, 62, 71, 77, 78, 87, 92, 93
Complete13, 15, 4149, 59, 67, 68, 70, 80, 83, 84, 85, 94

Legacy Calls to Action include “Equity for Aboriginal People in the Legal System” (50-52) and “Education for Reconciliation (62-65) in order to keep all “Justice” and “Education” Calls to Action in one location

See also “Perspectives” post for a complete 6-page colour-coded Status Updates document summarizing all 94 Calls to Action

Indigenous Watchdog Updates

The following presents a year-to-date statistical snapshot of stakeholder actions across ALL themes that are either advancing reconciliation (Legacy and Reconciliation C2As and Government Commitments) or creating roadblocks (Current Problems)

Section20222023Jan. 2024.Feb. 2024Mar. 2024YTD
Current Reality50311337
Current Problems31510469010698294
Legacy C2As18831935372698
Reconciliation C2As11715813171747
Govt. Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation48112914730
Other Issues: Government Commitments7814820122052
Background Content20432243894
Indigenous Success Stories38375618


  • Current Reality includes ALL 94 Calls to Action and Other Issues
  • Legacy C2As, Reconciliation C2As, Government Commitments and Other Issues represent positive steps that are advancing reconciliation
  • Current Problems includes all those in “Calls to Action” plus “Other Issues” and “Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation
  • “Other Issues” presents information on Drinking Water Advisories, Food Insecurity, Suicide Prevention, Urban Commitments to Reconciliation, Housing, Environment and Treaties and Land Claims
  • Background Content provides additional context for Calls to Action and/or Themes
  • Multiple entries for an “Action or Commitment” or “Current Problem” have only been counted once


  • The “Legacy Calls to Action” total does not include the 12 Faculty of Law entries for French-language universities in Call to Action # 28 (6 French and 6 English translations)
  • The “Other Issues: Government Commitments” does not include the 8 entries in “11 Major City Reconciliation Initiatives”

Current Reality Updates

Mar. 19JusticeAuditor-General reports funding for the First Nations-Inuit Policing program fails to spend all the allocated funds with a risk of $45M going unspent in 2023-24
Mar. 19HousingAfter 4 audits and 20 years the Auditor-General found that the federal government and CMHC made little progress in improving the housing in First Nations communities
Mar. 22Missing ChildrenThe international Commission on Missing Persons issued an interim report recommending finding for searches continue beyond 2025

New Sections

Feb. 27, 2024Language & ReconciliationFirstVoices.comFirst Nations Cultural Council’s new version of its free, open-source language platform in BC showcasing 85 languages
Mar. 7-8Urban Commitments 11 Major City Reconciliation InitiativesReconciliation actions taken by the 10 largest cities with Indigenous populations + Thunder Bay (8 complete; 3 pending)
Government Commitments
Actions and Commitments
Current Problems
Background Content
Indigenous Success Stories

Government Commitments

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/03/28 B.C. government affirms Haida Nation title over all of Haida Gwaii in draft agreement
2024/03/28 Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation responds to the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to uphold and protect our First Nation’s Constitution, Treaty and Self-Government rights
2024/03/28 Collective rights of Indigenous communities trump individual Charter rights in some cases, Supreme Court rules
2024/03/27 ‘It’s all Haida land’: Nation’s title to be officially recognized over the entirety of Haida Gwaii
2024/03/22 'We have to try': Ottawa, Manitoba commit $40M to search landfill for slain women
2024/03/07 BUDGET 2024-25: Paving the way for unprecedented growth and development in Nunatsiavut
2024/03/06 Inuvialuit Regional Corporation and Canada move forward on reconciliation as Treaty Partners
Home Page: Drinking Water Advisories: Other Issues
2024/03/01 First Nations who've gone years without clean drinking water hope compensation signals a 'new dawn'
2024/03/01 Duncan’s First Nation celebrates the opening of a new water treatment plant
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/03/22 Inuit Circumpolar Council welcomes new shipping regulations in the Arctic
2024/03/19 Historic Indigenous-Led Conservation Agreement for Northwest Territories Nears Completion in Canada
2024/03/15 Nunatsiavut Government and Government of Canada take major step forward toward establishing Inuit Protected Area along the northern coast of Labrador
2024/03/12 Government of Canada supports Indigenous climate action with new funding stream under the Indigenous Leadership Fund
2024/03/11 Supporting Liability Management on Indigenous Land
2024/03/08 Government of Yukon preparing for wildfire season
2024/03/07 Kahnawake gets guarantee from Quebec that community will get help cleaning up spill
2024/03/01 Ontario Makes Historic Investment to Expand Forest Sector Innovation
Home Page: Housing: Other Issues
2024/03/26 CIB launches Infrastructure for Housing Initiative
2024/03/26 Canada-Manitoba Partnership will Provide Rent Support for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
2024/03/19 Indigenous Services Canada and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation further commit to improve First Nations housing
2024/03/12 Report Finds Indigenous-Led Housing Essential to Addressing Increased Risk of Homelessness for Indigenous Peoples with Diverse Abilities
Home Page: Suicide Prevention: Other Issues
2024/03/19 Snowy owl logo identifies Nunavut’s guardians of suicide prevention
Home Page: Treaties and Land Claims: Other Issues
2024/03/15 Minister’s update on Haida Nation Aboriginal Title agreement
2024/03/14 English River First Nation and the Government of Canada sign agreement on Canada’s failure to uphold the cows and ploughs promise in Treaty 10
2024/03/11 The Latest Risk to the BC Natural Resource Sector: Government Uses Little Known Law to Freeze Mining Rights Unless First Nations Consent
2024/03/05 First Nations and Ontario One Step Closer to Building All-Season Roads in the Ring of Fire
Home Page: Urban Commitments to Reconciliation: Other Issues
2024/03/31 City of Toronto
2024/03/31 City of Ottawa
2024/03/31 City of Montreal
2024/03/08 City of Victoria
2024/03/08 City of Winnipeg
2024/03/08 City of Calgary
2024/03/07 City of Vancouver
2024/03/07 City of Thunder Bay
2024/03/07 City of Saskatoon
2024/03/07 City of Regina
2024/03/07 City of Edmonton
2024/03/04 Host First Nations support the Vancouver Park Board dissolution

Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 1: Child Welfare (1-5)
2024/03/14 New family wellness centre planned for Iqaluit
Call to Action # 4: Child Welfare (1-5)
2024/03/11 First Nations in northwestern Ontario taking ownership of child-family services on road to federal reform
Call to Action # 7: Education (6-12)
2024/03/11 Indigenous employment centre receives ‘life-changing’ cash from feds
2024/03/07 SCO and SCED Encourage First Nations Citizens to Apply for Work with our Wehwehneh Bahgahkinahgohn Project
2024/03/04 Premier Unveils the Saskatchewan Labour Market Strategy
Call to Action # 13: Language and Culture (13-17)
2024/03/27 Ontario MPPs can now speak their own Indigenous languages at Queen's Park
Call to Action # 16: Language and Culture (13-17)
2024/03/14 Province announces funding for northern Indigenous language programs
Call to Action # 18: Health (18-24)
2024/03/26 Government of Canada signs two bilateral agreements with New Brunswick to improve health care and long-term care in the province
2024/03/25 Canada signs close to $256 million bilateral agreement with Newfoundland and Labrador to improve health care over three years
2024/03/22 Ontario Connecting Up to 34,000 People to Primary Care Teams in Simcoe, Bruce and York Regions
2024/03/18 Government of Canada signs two bilateral agreements with Saskatchewan to support initiatives to improve health care
2024/03/14 Chief of Vuntut Gwitchin hopes proposed law will improve health care delivery
2024/03/12 Government of Canada signs agreements with Yukon delivering nearly $86 million to improve health care
2024/03/08 New mental-health, addictions care expands for young people in Vancouver
Call to Action # 20: Health (18-24)
2024/03/05 Government of Canada signs two bilateral agreements with Nunavut for better health care, closer to home
Call to Action # 21: Health (18-24)
2024/03/12 Ottawa invests $13M in Indigenous health centre set for east Hamilton
Call to Action # 22: Health (18-24)
2024/03/16 Cape Breton researchers work toward official recognition of Indigenous medicine
2024/03/14 Anishinabek Nation embracing diabetes with knowledge and care
Call to Action # 24: Health (18-24)
2024/03/05 Nunavut-bound doctors now getting cultural training
Call to Action # 28: Justice (25-42)
2024/03/19 Université du Québec à Montréal Faculty of Political Science and Law
2024/03/19 Université de Moncton Faculty of Law
2024/03/19 Ottawa University Faculty of Law – Civil Law
2024/03/19 Université de Sherbrooke Faculty of Law
2024/03/19 Université de Montréal Faculty of Law
2024/03/19 Université Laval Faculty of Law
2024/03/19 Université d'Ottawa Faculté de droit
2024/03/19 Université de Montréal Faculté de droit
2024/03/19 Université de Sherbrooke Faculté de Droit
2024/03/19 Université du Québec à Montréal Faculté de Science Politique & Droit
2024/03/19 Université de Moncton Faculté de droit
2024/03/19 Université Laval Faculté de droit
2024/03/04 University of Windsor - Windsor Law
Call to Action # 29: Justice (25-42)
2024/03/18 SCO and Anish Corporation to Host International Gathering for Sixties Scoop Survivors
Call to Action # 31: Justice (25-42)
2024/03/27 A Year of Rapid Growth and Improvement: Reviewing the Progress of BC’s Indigenous-led Gladue Services
Call to Action # 37: Justice (25-42)
2024/03/12 Response to National Joint Board of Investigation into the release and supervision of Myles Sanderson
Call to Action # 41: Justice (25-42)
2024/03/21 Manitoba counting on Indigenous matriarchs to help guide MMIWG2S strategy
2024/03/19 Consultations begin on Parliament Hill about Red Dress Alert system
2024/03/06 Government of Yukon announces funding recipients under the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence
Call to Action # 42: Justice (25-42)
2024/03/08 Funding for Community Projects Working to End Gender-Based Violence
Call to Action # 44: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (43-44)
2024/03/27 Parks Canada partnering with Indigenous groups to implement Indigenous systems of law, governance
Call to Action # 61: Church Apologies and Reconciliation (58-61)
2024/03/28 Tk’emlúps to sign reconciliation covenant with Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver
Call to Action # 62: Education for Reconciliation (62-65)
2024/03/14 Draft social studies curriculum: Join the conversation
Call to Action # 84: Media and Reconciliation (84-86)
2024/03/14 Supporting Indigenous-led storytelling through permanent funding for the Indigenous Screen Office
Call to Action # 88: Sports and Reconciliation (87-91)
2024/03/25 Manitoba Indigenous Summer Games revived following lengthy hiatus
2024/03/06 Indigenous athletes get ready to compete in 2024 Arctic Winter Games
Call to Action # 89: Sports and Reconciliation (87-91)
2024/03/08 Northern & Remote Communities Recreation Fund (NRCRF)
Call to Action # 92: Business and Reconciliation (92)
2024/03/28 Western Forest Products Completes Sale of Ownership Interest in Newly Formed Mid-Island Partnership
2024/03/27 CN details Indigenous relations policy
2024/03/14 Nisga'a Nation prepares to purchase natural gas pipeline project
2024/03/08 Feds announce millions to help First Nations negotiate mining deals
2024/03/07 Investor Engagement Yields Major Changes to Indigenous Rights at Canada’s Largest Bank – BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU)
2024/03/07 Suncor strikes deal to explore oilsands extraction with Fort McKay First Nation
2024/03/06 CIB and First Nations Bank of Canada create first-of-its-kind loan product
2024/03/05 Ministers urge mining companies to 'seize' the moment as First Nation challenges mount
2024/03/05 EllisDon Publishes 2023 Impact Report Addressing Vital Environmental, Social, and Governance Matters
2024/03/04 Rouillier Drilling is Strengthening Its Commitment to Indigenous Communities with the Creation of a New Company: Forage Anicinape

Current Problems

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/03/28 Native Women’s Association forced to lay off half its staff amid funding shortfall
2024/03/21 Innu Nation disputes Canada's recognition of NunatuKavut in Federal Court
2024/03/14 Indigenous Services, Crown-Indigenous Relations table plans to cut spending
2024/03/11 Painful discrimination still confronts too many Indigenous people: Ken Coates for Inside Policy
2024/03/09 Brian Mulroney's complicated relationship with Indigenous peoples in Canada
2024/03/04 Why did Indigenous-led conservation funding set off furious backlash from First Nations?
2024/03/01 Brian Mulroney held the line on settler colonialism: activist
Home Page: Child Welfare (1-5): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/03/28 Canada, Manitoba point fingers at each other in response to off-reserve child welfare lawsuit
2024/03/25 Manitoba to pay $530-million in settlement over children’s allowance
2024/03/20 Men switched at birth to get formal apology from Manitoba government
2024/03/20 Conservatives push motion to ‘axe the tax’ at committee meeting on Indigenous child welfare
2024/03/19 Nehiyaw and Dene Nations of Treaty No. 8 Adoption and Private Guardianship Law
2024/03/15 ‘Our Children are not for sale’: Treaty 8 chiefs
2024/03/13 AMC looking for answers on cuts ahead of federal budget in April
2024/03/04 ‘When am I coming home?’: Vulnerable Nunavut kids face loneliness, despair as millions spent sending them south
2024/03/02 No home. No options: Ontario Indigenous kids ‘damaged’ by system sending them south
Home Page: Education (6-12): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/03/27 'Time for some action': Review to look at systemic racism in Yukon education
2024/03/20 Alberta’s ‘Astonishingly Bad’ New K-6 Social Studies Curriculum
2024/03/11 Cree sisters accuse childhood abuser of Indigenous identity fraud in court
Home Page: Language and Culture (13-17): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/03/06 Canada should provide Indigenous languages with constitutional protection
2024/03/02 The N.W.T. has 11 official languages, yet service in Indigenous languages continues to be a struggle
Home Page: Health (18-24): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/03/27 Top health officials acknowledge need to 'refocus efforts' on TB elimination
2024/03/24 Nursing shortage, overcrowded homes in Pimicikamak Cree Nation make tuberculosis cases difficult to monitor
2024/03/22 Money budgeted for mental health, addictions needs to reach rural Sask., say advocates
2024/03/21 Mental health one affect of colonization says Mohawk psychologist
2024/03/20 ‘I Am on a Path of Discovering My Own Racism’
2024/03/20 Cross-sector approach needed to address health and wellness in First Nations
2024/03/18 Inuit leaders, MPs urge action on TB elimination as federal budget nears
2024/03/15 Feds failing at health care reconciliation and nursing is at the heart of the issue: union
2024/03/15 Flip-flop in regulating mental health counsellors will slow getting urgent services to Indigenous people: Treaty 6, 8
2024/03/14 Edmonton police investigating death of Dene man in university hospital
2024/03/14 Flip-flop in regulating mental health counsellors will slow getting urgent services to Indigenous people
2024/03/13 State of emergency over substance abuse in Shamattawa leads to vehicle searches, patrols of snowmobile trails
2024/03/13 First Nation says racism, doctor shortage persists in BC Interior
2024/03/12 Nursing shortage creating ‘health crisis’ in First Nations in Manitoba
2024/03/08 First Nations Life Expectancy Has Plummeted. How to Change That
2024/03/07 Indigenous public health advocates share strategies for dismantling colonial structures
2024/03/05 Deaths spark calls for youth outreach, reopening of Port Hardy ER overnight
2024/03/05 Father who lost son to fentanyl poisoning hopes anti-drug campaign goes national
2024/03/03 Cat Lake First Nation declares state of emergency after nursing station destroyed in fire
2024/03/01 Mamakwa confronts Conservative ministers about NAN state of emergency
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/03/30 'Native policing is community policing:' A glimpse into Indigenous police services in Alberta
2024/03/28 Doctors who perform coerced sterilizations need to be held criminally liable, says senator
2024/03/27 Saskatoon police using bicycle bylaw as 'a ruse' to stop, search and catalogue Indigenous men, lawyer says
2024/03/25 Dozens show up to protest comedy troupe’s show in Vancouver
2024/03/21 Inuit organization calls for inquiry into how Canada handled fugitive priest
2024/03/21 Ontario Regional Chief Glen Hare and Ontario First Nations Leadership Express Fear Surrounding Lack of First Nations Law and By-Law Enforcement
2024/03/20 The OPP doesn’t have to enforce First Nations laws. Indigenous leaders say that’s outrageous — and they want the Ford government to act
2024/03/19 Retired judge concludes Catholic priest Rivoire sexually abused children in Nunavut
2024/03/19 Money allocated for First Nations, Inuit policing going unspent says auditor general
2024/03/13 B.C. judge warns of 'tsunami' of Indigenous identity fraud cases
2024/03/13 Alberta announces intention to create organization with ‘police-like services’
2024/03/12 Report examines how James Smith Cree Nation mass killer was released from custody before massacre
2024/03/11 Opposition parties call for the day school settlement agreement to be reopened
2024/03/11 Brokenhead bringing in First Nations police to replace RCMP
2024/03/08 Saskatchewan pays $77K for police inquiry and then limits who can read it
2024/03/08 Protesters say they're fed up with NDP government inaction after promise to search landfill for slain women
2024/03/07 Vancouver police, First Nation ties have ‘broken down’ since settlement: review
2024/03/06 RCMP says body-worn cameras going ahead after Nunavut pilot project
2024/03/06 Frustrations raised concerning province’s plan for bail system
2024/03/05 Day school settlement has paid out $5.7B in claims. A Supreme Court petition says survivors were shortchanged
2024/03/04 MNC Statement on Bilodeau Unescorted Absences
2024/03/02 Five critical questions answered by the coroner's inquest into the death of Myles Sanderson
2024/03/01 ‘This is ground zero’: Saskatchewan father speaks to students about MMIWG
Home Page: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (43-44): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/03/25 First Nations group condemns BC United statement on Haida land agreement
Home Page: Church Apologies and Reconciliation (58-61): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/03/14 The Church has chosen to burn bridges with Inuit instead of aiming for justice
Home Page: Museums and Archives (67-70): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/03/30 The Pope supports restitution of Indigenous items to Canada. So why haven't they come home?
2024/03/08 ‘Box it up and we can repatriate it:’ First Nation in B.C. says it wants its totem pole returned 
Home Page: Missing Children and Burial Information (71-76): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/03/28 Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc says decision on whether to excavate unmarked graves in Kamloops still unresolved
2024/03/21 Quesnel city council condemns controversial residential school book distributed by mayor's wife
2024/03/07 Knowledge event held to share lessons learned in search for unmarked graves at residential schools
Home Page: National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (77-78): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/03/31 Why Indigenous people are fighting for data sovereignty
Home Page: Business and Reconciliation (92): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/03/18 Ottawa to release review of ArriveCan contractor’s use of Indigenous program 
Home Page: Drinking Water Advisories: Other Issues
2024/03/28 Sask. First Nation a late addition to federal settlement over unsafe drinking water
2024/03/10 After 5 years, Oneida still has no clean water. Why a class action settlement could be a 'relief'
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/03/15 Carbon pricing cut short-sighted, lacking consultation
2024/03/14 Gitanyow Condemns B.C. Government’s Move To Proceed With Ksi Lisims LNG Review
2024/03/12 Proposal announced to address cross-border mining pollution
2024/03/11 First Nations, Métis and environmental groups request investigation of harmful tailings pond substance
2024/03/08 Why this First Nation is Right to Sue the Alberta Energy Regulator over Last Year’s Toxic Tailings Leak
2024/03/06 ‘Everything is going downhill’: Athabasca Fort Chipewyan files lawsuit against Alberta regulator over Kearl spill
2024/03/06 As disasters mount, First Nations' safety has never been more pressing: Woodhouse
2024/03/05 Indigenous organization levels complaint against Canadian mining company
2024/03/04 Akwesasne residents have concerns about proposed hydrogen facility in N.Y. state
2024/03/04 Trade deal could put corporate profits over people, say groups
Home Page: Housing: Other Issues
2024/03/26 CMHC won’t say whether Prairie nations will get compensation after being shortchanged $274M for housing
2024/03/25 Grand chief in Alberta says his community’s housing money hasn’t changed since the ‘90s
2024/03/19 Feds, CMHC have made ‘little progress’ with First Nations housing problems
2024/03/06 Homeless reception centre generates big numbers as well as ‘abject misery’: advocate
Home Page: Treaties and Land Claims: Other Issues
2024/03/30 Province, Wolastoqey argue over striking portions of big title claim
2024/03/29 A year after declaring state of emergency, 11 Manitoba First Nations start self-governance plans
2024/03/27 ‘The Gold Rush is over’: First Nations chiefs celebrate mining exploration court decision
2024/03/26 New battery plant will pave over important wetlands says Mohawk council
2024/03/25 Chief Na’Moks: The RCMP’s specialized C-IRG unit exists to crush Indigenous resistance 
2024/03/20 Kaska chief says his nation ‘can’t support’ proposed mine after consultation
2024/03/20 Ontario and Quebec have major plans for mineral extraction, but First Nations there say they are not being properly consulted and are taking the provincial governments to court. 
2024/03/15 Wolastoqey Nation pushes back against closure of baby eel fishery in New Brunswick
2024/03/12 For traditional Mi'kmaw adult eel fishers, it's not about the money
2024/03/06 Injunction pauses road to gold in northern Ontario
2024/03/05 Province shuts down Chiefs of Ontario's request for a moratorium on staking mining claims
2024/03/04 Demanding a proper say, Cat Lake First Nation's injunction pauses First Mining Gold's road work for project
Home Page: Urban Commitments to Reconciliation: Other Issues
2024/03/06 My reconciliation journey – one bench at a time
2024/03/05 Leaders from 11 Western Canadian cities issue formal request to Statistics Canada: halt release of annual Crime Severity Index rankings until formal consultations are held with smaller communities and Indigenous leadership

Background Content

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/03/27 NTI Board of Directors Allocate Funding for Inuit Early Learning and Child Care Funding, Infrastructure, and Improve Compassionate Travel Program
2024/03/19 We need more Wab Kinews
2024/03/05 Treaty 6 creating a revenue sharing model for Alberta’s consideration
Home Page: Education (6-12): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/03/28 Why Lakehead University renamed its Indigenous resource centre in Thunder Bay
2024/03/25 ONWA Releasing a Special 13-Part Wellness Video Series for Indian Residential School Survivors and their Families
2024/03/21 Recognition of the knowledge and competencies of the FNEC’s Foundations in Teaching in a First Nations Context: An important milestone in our collaboration with the university community
2024/03/18 Guelph students among Canadian kids learning math concepts through Métis beading practices
2024/03/01 A Walk Through Squamish Legends, Lifeways and Histories
Call to Action # 12: Education (6-12)
2024/03/25 Sharing land-based knowledge for generations – ELCC conference
Home Page: Language and Culture (13-17): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/03/31 Grand chief pens children's book to promote Cree language, and address bullying
2024/03/29 Career fair emphasizes two-eyed seeing in preparing Mi'kmaw youth for post-secondary
2024/03/28 We can all help save Indigenous languages
2024/03/27 Land purchase protects sacred Lightning Rock site
2024/03/24 'The river's calling us home' — anticipation builds for first powwow in Saint John
2024/03/19 Indigenous Languages Have a Permanent Place at WAG-Qaumajuq
2024/03/14 The Palais des congrès de Montréal invites business travellers to discover Indigenous tourism
2024/03/14 New project revisits wampum belts through a contemporary lens
2024/03/09 Meet the Indigenous performers reviving and re-imagining the art of dance
Home Page: Health (18-24): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/03/11 In this Kanien'kehá:ka birth helpers collective, women are empowering each other
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/03/28 A mixed bag of opinion from Supreme Court justices, but Vuntut Gwitchin residency rule prevails
Call to Action # 29: Justice (25-42)
2024/03/26 Île-à-la-Crosse residential school survivors tell their own stories in award-winning documentary
Call to Action # 47: Royal Proclamation and Covenant of Reconciliation (45-47)
2024/03/22 The Doctrine of Discovery: First Peoples Law Report
Call to Action # 49: Settlement Agreement Parties and the UN Declaration (48-49)
2024/03/22 The Doctrine of Discovery: First Peoples Law Report
Call to Action # 75: Missing Children and Burial Information (71-76)
2024/03/22 Commission releases interim report into unmarked graves at residential schools
Home Page: Business and Reconciliation (92): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/03/26 The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada Announces its 2024-25 Action Plan
2024/03/18 What defines an Indigenous business? A guide aims to weed out fronts and frauds
2024/03/12 Saskatchewan Creating Opportunities for Indigenous Businesses
2024/03/12 New National Definitions Will Direct Contracts to Legitimate Indigenous Businesses
2024/03/08 Global Indigenous Technology House Debuts at SXSW, Pioneering Indigenous Innovation and Inclusion
2024/03/04 First Nations Release Critical Minerals Strategy in British Columbia to Facilitate Net Zero by 2050
Call to Action # 92: Business and Reconciliation (92)
2024/03/07 Indigenous lawyer stresses early engagement is key to success of major projects
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/03/22 Behind the scenes of the award-winning documentary Keepers of the Land 
2024/03/19 Indigenous nations and world views key to combating climate change: report
Home Page: Food Insecurity: Other Issues
2024/03/21 Indigenous food gathering nourishes culture and climate resiliency 
Home Page: Housing: Other Issues
2024/03/27 Shíshálh Nation rescues, relocates 10 houses slated for demolition
Home Page: Treaties and Land Claims: Other Issues
2024/03/21 In Brief: Thomas v. Rio Tinto Alcan Inc., 2024 BCCA 62 (First Peoples Law Report)
2024/03/07 What Was Required to Create a Historical Treaty?
2024/03/05 Treaty Road looks at the painful stories behind the numbered treaties signed with Canada’s Indigenous peoples

Indigenous Success Stories

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/03/04 Wally Firth, N.W.T.'s first Indigenous MP, remembered as a humble trailblazer
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/03/15 Indigenous Bar Association Celebrates Eileen Sasakamoose’s Lifetime Achievement Award
Home Page: Media and Reconciliation (84-86): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/03/14 Prestigious awards go to Indigenous artists whose work challenges and propels society forward
2024/03/12 Filmmaker is seen, awarded for her community commitment
Home Page: Sports and Reconciliation (87-91): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/03/20 Sagkeeng Oldtimers hockey team inducted into North American Indigenous Athletics Hall of Fame
2024/03/17 One of Canada's 1st First Nations Olympic gold medallists named to North American hall of fame

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What’s New in Indigenous Watchdog: 201 new entries Aug. 1 – Aug. 31,2023

66 Positive Actions = vs 98 Current Problems  Calls to Action (C2A) Status: August 1, 2023 Not Started Stalled In Progress Complete 15 20 46 13 16.0% 21.3% 48.9% 13.8% Status Legacy Calls to Action(1-42) + 50-52, 62-65 Reconciliation Calls to Action(43-94) Not Started 2, 9, 10, 26, 34, 42, 51, 52, 64 45, 46,

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