Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 14 : Language and Culture (13-17)

Tripartite MOU on Education with the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians 

February 27, 2017

The Federal Govt. and the province have signed a tripartite MOU on Education with the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (A.I.A.I.),

  • Language & Culture
    Assist First Nations in developing a community-based language strategy.  Support the development of localized language and culture curriculum along with research on traditional learning ways.  Provide opportunities for the integration of community based culture and language resources to support the provincial curriculum and other initiatives identified. 
  • Relationship Building
    Enhance and share professional development and training opportunities for educators in First Nation and provincially funded schools for the purpose of sharing classroom resources, and teaching strategies, including strategies to assist students to improve their education outcomes.  Collaborate with provincial school boards on the sharing of data and resources.
  • Transitions
    Develop strategies to support the transition of students between First Nation and provincially funded schools. Collaborate with school boards to develop an effective communication strategy and support mechanisms to enhance parent/family/community engagement.