Actions and Commitments:

Exploring Theme: "Govt. Commitments to MMIWG"

Updates on this page: 7 (Filtered by Stakeholder "Alberta")

November 16, 2023

Comments on Sundre, Alberta man being charged in the 1976 homicide of 16- year-old Pauline Brazeau

NationTalk: Edmonton, AB: With the recent news of a Sundre, Alberta man being charged in the 1976 homicide of 16- year-old Pauline Brazeau, Esquao, the Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women, wishes to extend its gratitude to the Alberta RCMP and Calgary Police Services for their determined efforts in solving this 47-year-old cold case...

June 3, 2022

Premier’s Council to guide Alberta’s response to the MMIWG Final report

Government of Alberta: A new Premier’s council will guide Alberta’s action in response to the National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). The Premier’s Council on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG Council) will report to the Premier on government action and identify the gaps that need to be addressed...

January 4, 2022

Alberta Joint Working Group on MMIWG Final Report

Alberta Joint Working Group on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls issued their Final report to the Alberta Government. The Working Group was appointed to provide advice, direction and input into the Alberta government’s proposed action plan to address the calls for justice contained in the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing...

December 22, 2021

Alberta RCMP Historical Homicide Unit (HHU)

HHU was established in 2007 under the organization’s Serious Crimes Branch (SCB) to review, assess, prioritize, and investigate unsolved historical homicides in RCMP jurisdiction across the province. In 2020, the HHU secured funding for a federally-funded investigator to support the recommendations of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. This investigator will...

March 4, 2020

Joint working group to inform MMIWG Action Plan

The Alberta government has appointed three Indigenous community members and three members of the legislative assembly to inform a government action plan that responds to the calls for justice of the National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The joint working group will support the government’s actions by: Advising on options to...

September 8, 2016

Order in Council granting Commissioners the authority to examine areas of provincial jurisdiction

The Government passed an Order in Council granting the same Commissioners with the authority to examine areas of provincial jurisdiction, such as child welfare, justice, and health. Alberta also established a Family Information Liaison Unit. The unit is intended to be a single point of contact where experienced front-line staff can provide families with information...

August 3, 2016

Support for MMIWG Inquiry

Ensure provincial powers are available to the commission to support their critical work in Alberta....

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