Actions and Commitments: Call to Action # 90

Exploring Theme: "Govt. Funding Commitments"

Updates on this page: 4 (Filtered by Stakeholder "Ontario")

November 19, 2018

Agreement between ISWO and CBC

Agreement between ISWO and CBC builds on their past partnership to further improve awareness of and increase access to major sport and cultural events for Indigenous youth and adults in Ontario over the next five years. CBC Sports will provide a minimum of 100 hours of live and on-demand coverage throughout the series of ISWO...

November 16, 2018

Twin five-year historic agreements for Indigenous sport and wellness

ISWO announcing twin five-year historic agreements for Indigenous sport and wellness. A collaboration between the City of Ottawa, Ottawa Tourism and Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation will result in the hosting of several international sport and cultural events in the area, in addition to a multi-platform media partnership with the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC)...

October 2, 2018

Standing Bear, a leadership program for Indigenous youth

Standing Bear, a leadership program for Indigenous youth, developed by ASWCO, stands apart from other leadership programs for three primary reasons: the program was developed in consultation with more than 550 Indigenous youth across Ontario, the program is culturally grounded within an Indigenous framework of learning, being and doing, and the program works to create...

The Aboriginal Sport and Wellness Council of Ontario

The Aboriginal Sport and Wellness Council of Ontario (ASWCO) is the official Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sporting Body (P/TASB) for Ontario and serves all 133 First Nations, in addition to Inuit and Metis Peoples, living both on and off reserve, in urban and rural settings. ASWCO operates more than forty events on an annual basis, including multi-sport...

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