Actions and Commitments:

Exploring Theme: "Commitments to Teacher Education"

Updates on this page: 7 (Filtered by Indigenous Group "First Nations")

June 7, 2024

34 Cree teachers in Quebec graduate from community-based university programs

‘If it wasn’t for my friends and family, I don’t think I would have made it this far,’ student says CBC Indigenous: Four years later and after learning from thousands of kilometres away, 34 Cree students walked across the stage as McGill University graduates last week.  It’s the first time the Cree School Board and...

June 13, 2019

Indigenous teacher education

$2.7M investment in Indigenous teacher education training to educate teachers on how to integrate Indigenous knowledge and teaching methods into classrooms. The funding includes $1.4 million toward teacher education seats for Indigenous students. An additional $600,000 to integrate Indigenous knowledge and culture into the B.C. teacher education curriculum will provide $50,000 to eight institutions for the...

March 19, 2018

Manitoba Colleges Education Review

Manitoba Colleges Education Review highlights several opportunities to enhance and modernize college education by building on existing strengths as well as looks at governance, efficiency, student outcomes, programming relevance to the labour market, financial management, system coordination, partnerships and client services. The province will work towards implementing several key recommendations – including for indigenous students...

June 22, 2016

Joint Commitment to Action for Indigenous Training for Teachers

Alberta Education, The Alberta Teachers’ Association, The Alberta Association of Deans of Education, The Alberta School Boards Association, The Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia, The College of Alberta School Superintendents and The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation signed a Joint Commitment to Action which will ensure all K-12 teachers receive additional training related to First Nations,...

June 1, 2016

Joint Commitment to Action

Alberta Education, the Alberta Teachers’ Association, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and four other education stakeholder organizations in Alberta signed the Joint Commitment to Action to ensure that all students learn about the histories, cultures and world views of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. The Alberta Teachers’ Association has begun to fulfill...

June 5, 2015

Supporting Reconciliation in Saskatchewan Schools

In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, the Ministry of Education developed an online resource (called Supporting Reconciliation in Saskatchewan Schools) to support educators in learning and teaching about the legacy of residential schools and reconciliation. This resource is available in English and French and allows for collaboration and sharing of reconciliation resources...

September 1, 2012

Mandatory teacher education credits

As of September 2012, all teachers graduating from B.C. teacher education programs must complete three credits related to the historical context of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis learners....

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