Call to Action # 22

We call upon those who can effect change within the Canadian health-care system to recognize the value of Aboriginal healing practices and use them in the treatment of Aboriginal patients in collaboration with Aboriginal healers and Elders where requested by Aboriginal patients.

Why “In Progress?”

The federal government response focuses on specific programs and services as opposed to the broader strategy and policy recommendations adopted by national health advocacy organizations:

  • HealthCareCAN
  • Canadian Medical Association
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons,
  • Indigenous Health Alliance
  • Canadian Partners Against Cancer
  • Dalla Lana School of Public Health Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health.

The official government website “Delivering on The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Actions” states: Immediate steps will be acknowledged and taken in collaboration with Indigenous peoples to address anti-Indigenous racism to achieve patient and cultural safety across health systems and improve the quality of care for Indigenous peoples. Work and engagement will continue through 2021 and beyond.

In order to achieve real change and improve the health and wellness of Indigenous peoples in Canada, Indigenous, provincial, territorial and federal governments will work together to address the social determinants of health, including poverty, employment, education, social support networks, housing, physical environments and early child development. The solutions will be distinctions-based, partner-driven and respect the diversity of Indigenous peoples to meet their unique needs, no matter where they live, whether it be in urban, rural, remote or northern environments.

Current Status

In Progress

Call to Action
last updated

July 15, 2024

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