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Updates on this page: 3 (Filtered by Indigenous Group "First Nations")

January 23, 2024

Wyloo Metals CEO gives update on Ring of Fire mining projects, though First Nations resistance continues

Some First Nations still opposed to development as need for critical minerals grows CBC Indigenous: As the demand for critical minerals grows, the CEO of the main company involved in northern Ontario’s Ring of Fire says it’s developing a nickel deposit that could be producing minerals for two decades.  Wyloo Metals CEO Kristan Straub gave the update Tuesday...

December 13, 2023

CN finally acknowledges “complex history of railways” after mass resignation of Indigenous advisory council

“They continue to enjoy…the use of land and so on, just as our people continue to experience the impact of the loss.” — Roberta Jamieson, former co-chair of CN Rail’s Indigenous advisory council Murray Sinclair and Roberta Jamieson, former co-chairs of CN Rail’s Indigenous advisory council It took the resignation of its entire Indigenous...

December 11, 2023

Entire Indigenous advisory council for CN Rail resigns

Murray Sinclair says the unanimous resignation was due to ‘disagreements.’  Photo: Danielle Paradis/APTN  APTN News: Twelve members of the Indigenous advisory council for CN Rail have unanimously resigned citing disagreements between the group and Canadian Rail. “As we step back from CN, we are earnest in our belief that CN has missed the mark on...

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