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Exploring Stakeholder: "Government of Canada"

Updates on this page: 4 (Filtered by Theme "Food Insecurity Reports")

May 22, 2024

Food Banks Canada’s annual Poverty Report Cards show most of the country on edge of failure as struggles with poverty continue to climb

NationTalk: TORONTO- Canada has reached a critical turning point as poverty and food insecurity worsen in every corner of the country, but despite the scale of the crisis, most governments are not responding with the urgency that is needed, according to Food Banks Canada’s newly-released 2024 Poverty Report Cards. Food Banks Canada’s 2024 Poverty Report Cards...

October 21, 2020

Climate crisis and First Nations Right to Food

The Narwhal – Human Rights Watch released “My fear is Losing Everything: Climate Crisis and First Nations’ Right to Food in Canada“. The report details how longer and more intense forest fire seasons, permafrost degradation, volatile weather patterns and increased levels of precipitation are all affecting wildlife habitat and, in turn, harvesting efforts. The report...

September 29, 2020

Beyond Hunger

“Community Food Centres (CFC) – Release of “Beyond Hunger.” Even before COVID-19, food insecurity affected nearly 4.5 million Canadians. In the first two months of the pandemic, that number grew by 39 per cent. Food insecurity now affects one in seven people, disproportionately impacting low-income and Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) communities. “Beyond...

March 2, 2018

Food Sovereignty and Harvesting

Qukiqtani Inuit Association: “Food Sovereignty and Harvesting” – Food sovereignty for Inuit means the right to nutritious locally-sourced food. In Nunavut this translates to country food. Harvesters play an integral role in Inuit food sovereignty. They provide country food that feeds communities, reinvigorates Inuit cultural practices and stimulates local economies. Food sovereignty incorporates Inuit knowledge,...

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