Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 18: Health (18-24)

Federal investments for Nishnawbe Aski Nation Health Services

August 5, 2021

 Indigenous Services Canada – Government committed $17.8 million over the next two years in additional federal support to Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) for their continued efforts and progress towards transforming the design and delivery of their health services. Earlier this year, the Government of Canada signed a trilateral statement with NAN and the Government of Ontario, committing to work together in partnership to support the establishment of a First Nations health services delivery system in NAN Territory that will be governed by, and accountable to, First Nations. These partners are currently working to advance the Wechedowin (Helping Each Other) document that will further articulate their key commitments towards health system reform, including the priority to create a NAN-wide health commission. This will ensure that NAN’s 49 First Nations communities, which are mostly remote and isolated, have close-to-home access to culturally safe health programs, services and supports. The Wechedowin Document is a bridge document from the 2017 Charter that further articulates partner commitments to advancing health system transformation in NAN Territory.