Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 38: Justice (25-42)

Correctional Services Investigator Report 2017-2018: Recommendation # 15

October 30, 2018

Recommendation # 15
I recommend that the CSC develop a National Gang and Dis-Affiliation Strategy and ensure sufficient resources are allocated for its implementation, inclusive of (core and cultural) programs, employment and services. Special attention should be paid to Indigenous-based street gangs. This strategy should:

  • be responsive to the unique needs of young Indigenous men and women offenders, including education and meaningful vocational opportunities;
  • ensure that non-gang affiliated young adult offenders are not placed where there are gang members who may attempt to recruit or intimidate them;
  • facilitate opportunities (e.g. workshops, seminars, public speakers, etc.) where young adults can engage with their culture and/or spirituality, and age-specific activities;
  • incorporate best practices and lessons learned from other jurisdictions and other public safety domains.

Aboriginal female youth between the ages of 12 and 17 are incarcerated at a rate that is six times greater than their proportion in the general population (2015 – 2016).