Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 63: Education for Reconciliation (62-65)

Council of Ministers of Education

July 25, 2019

The Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) is an intergovernmental body founded in 1967 by ministers of education to serve as: 

  • a forum to discuss policy issues;
  • a mechanism through which to undertake activities, projects, and initiatives in areas of mutual interest;
  • a means by which to consult and cooperate with national education organizations and the federal government; and
  • an instrument to represent the education interests of the provinces and territories internationally.

CMEC provides leadership in education at the pan-Canadian and international levels and contributes to the exercise of the exclusive jurisdiction of provinces and territories over education. All 13 provinces and territories are members

Aboriginal Education Plan 2015 – 2017
The CMEC Aboriginal Education Plan 2015–2017 includes work in the four specific areas listed below:

  • Supporting the professional development of Aboriginal students interested in pursuing teaching as a career: considering teacher-training needs, sharing knowledge, and initiating dialogue among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal educators. 
  • Developing curriculum and teaching resources focused on Canadian history and the legacy of Indian Residential Schools for use in Bachelor of Education and teacher-education programs across Canada. 
  • Sharing resources and promising practices in Aboriginal education. 
  • Continuing to promote and encourage the development of resources that address the legacy and history of Indian Residential Schools within all K–12 education systems in Canada.

Aboriginal Education Plan 2019 – 2022

Ministers reviewed and approved the CMEC Indigenous Education Plan, 2019–22 at the Provincial and Territorial Ministers Focus on Indigenous Education and the Future of Education at CMEC 108 July 25, 2019

CMEC 2019–22 has been designed with a goal to provide a more coordinated, strategic approach for provincial and territorial ministers responsible for education to work together to improve Indigenous education outcomes for all learners.

Priority Area # 1 – Supporting Indigenous student success and well‐being in education

  • Objectives: To engage with the topic of Indigenous student success and well-being to foster innovative and culturally relevant learning environments that focus on inclusive growth and the well-being of Indigenous students
  • Key Actions and Deliverables: Report on developments in the area of mental health and wellness, culturally relevant spaces, or other topics relevant to Indigenous student success

Priority Area # 2 – Mobilizing and disseminating provincial/territorial and international successful practices and proven actions to improve Indigenous education

  • Objectives: To advance the work of reconciliation in Canada for the benefit of both Indigenous and non- Indigenous students, as well as for all education stakeholders, and to support successes in learning outcomes by mobilizing information related to best practices in education, such as policy, curricula, pedagogies, and data.
  • Key Actions and Deliverables: Identify and mobilize information on promising practices, trends, and research in multiple thematic areas of Indigenous education, as identified by provinces and territories Assess the funding of and related governance and landscape for Indigenous postsecondary institutions in Canada Remain abreast of emerging K–12 and PSE Indigenous education initiatives Share responses to the TRCC’s education-related CTA

Priority Area # 3 – Teaching excellence in Indigenous education

  • Objectives: To improve culturally relevant and responsive pedagogical knowledge, practices, and strategies to support learners in accessing and meeting curricular expectations
  • Key Actions and Deliverables: Host a pan-Canadian symposium on Indigenizing education

Priority # 4 – Revitalizing Indigenous languages and strengthening Indigenous culture and identity through education

  • Objectives: To highlight advancements occurring within Indigenous-language revitalization to increase levels of intercultural competency as foundational to the improvement of education outcomes for all
  • Key Actions and Deliverables: Report on Indigenous – language education initiatives Host an event for ministers, deputy ministers, and officials that celebrates and facilitates an awareness for Indigeneity (e.g., place, land, Indigenous issues, and Indigenous knowledge) B.2 CMEC Indigenous Education Plan 2019-22 APP1 EN POSTED 2019.07.15.pd