Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 19: Health (18-24)

The Inuit Tuberculosis Elimination Framework

December 10, 2018

The Inuit Tuberculosis Elimination Framework was released by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami as a next step in ongoing efforts to address staggeringly high rates of tuberculosis (TB) among Inuit living in Inuit Nunangat. The Framework describes six priority areas for action and investment:

  1. Enhance TB care and prevention programming
  2. Reduce poverty, improve social determinants of health and create social equity
  3. Empower and mobilize communities
  4. Strengthen TB care and prevention capacity
  5. Develop and implement Inuit specific solutions
  6. Ensure accountability for TB elimination

These priority actions will be used by the four Inuit regions to design and implement TB elimination action plans that are customized to reflect each region’s priorities, needs and strengths. Using this approach will also ensure the interventions and activities described within each action plan are informed by local TB epidemiology and health systems. The regional TB elimination action plans are expected to be released by March 2019.