Government Commitments

Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

Indigenous Human Rights Strategy

May 3, 2021

The Alberta Human Rights Commission is seeking feedback on its new draft Indigenous Human Rights Strategy. The research shows that Indigenous people face disproportionate rates of racism, discrimination, and hate in their day-to-day lives, and they continue to experience disadvantages and injustices as a result of the lasting effects of Canada’s colonial legacy. Despite this, the Commission’s data suggests that Indigenous people do not access the human rights complaint system at the same rate as non-Indigenous people. With the ongoing human rights issues that Indigenous people in Alberta face, the Commission recognizes the need to prioritize this work and develop a comprehensive strategy to address these issues. The Commission is seeking Indigenous and general public and responses to:

  • Indigenous Human Rights Strategy
  • Indigenous Advisory Circle Terms of Reference
  • Backgrounder: DRAFT IHRS Backgrounder_Apr2021.pdf