Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 41: Justice (25-42)

Government releases National Action Plan

June 3, 2021

CBC – Government releases National Action Plan. Our goal here is to end the genocide,” said Denise Pictou Maloney, co-chair of the National Family and Survivors Circle (NFSC), one of the many groups, along with the federal and provincial governments, that have been co-developing the plan. The NFSC’s contribution to the plan, titled the Path Forward, Reclaiming Power and Place, identifies 30 actions that relate to many of the inquiry’s 231 recommendations, which it called “calls for justice.” They include prioritizing equitable funding, oversight for the implementation of the Calls for Justice, data collection, improving policing agencies and proper implementation and monitoring of Gladue reports.

The federal 2020-21 budget has earmarked $2.2 billion for implementing the inquiry’s recommendations.