- That the Government of Northwest Territories implements a process to respond to patient and family concerns related to the care that they receive within the health care system.
- in partnership with communities, recruit and train Indigenous first responders, nurses, and physicians from within the communities and surrounding areas to decrease turnover and transiency, ensuring continuity of care.
- develop and initiate policies for the implementation of mandatory and ongoing cultural safety training, with content designed and delivered in partnership with the Indigenous community, for all health care workers. Cultural safety training should be grounded in an anti-oppression framework and include concepts of unconscious and perception bias (racism), Indigenous view of family including next of kin.
- explores recruiting and retaining Indigenous Elders to work collaboratively on cultural safety training.
- That the Government of Northwest Territories affect change within their health-care system to recognize the value of Aboriginal healing practices and use them in the treatment of Aboriginal patients in collaboration with Aboriginal healers and Elders where requested by Aboriginal patients.