Government Commitments

Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

Lawsuit over Turning the Page Agreement, Nov. 26, 2014

June 4, 2018

MMF’s has authorized legal proceedings against the Pallister government for its breach of the honour of the Crown and the Kwaysh-kin-na-mihk la paazh Agreement (“Turning the Page Agreement”) signed between the MMF, Manitoba Hydro and the Manitoba Government in November 2014. “It is outrageous and embarrassing for a Manitoba Premier to act like this—to overreach and politically interfere with the management and operations of Manitoba Hydro in violation of laws and well-established policies. This is particularly so when these unilateral and sharp actions violate a legally binding agreement and attempt to force a Crown corporation to breach a legally binding agreement negotiated with an Indigenous people. We will hold the Premier to account for his actions,” said President Chartrand