Alberta Native News – On June 20, 2018, Maskwacîs Cree Chiefs hosted a ceremony to mark the signing of a provincial education framework agreement between the four Maskwacîs Cree Nations and the Government of Alberta, ensuring new enhanced education funding from the province. Effective immediately, the Agreement outlines how the Provincial Government will support the Maskwacîs Education Schools Commission (MESC) as they develop a robust Cree-based curriculum that integrates language, culture and land-based learning while improving student outcomes such as literacy and numeracy at all levels.
It also identifies how the province can supplement any funding, expertise, training and other supports to strengthen the new Maskwacîs Cree school system—and how, in turn, MESC will share their curriculum learnings—including First Nations history, residential school history, Treaty rights and land-based programs—with Alberta Education.
Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, MESC will oversee all 11 schools in Maskwacîs across the four Nations, serving more than 2,300 students from Kindergarten to Grade 12.