Current Problems

Church Apologies and Reconciliation (58-61)

Métis National Council calls for “Royal” apology

May 19, 2022

BBC: Indigenous leaders met Prince Charles in Canada and asked for an apology from the Queen over the “assimilation and genocide” of indigenous schoolchildren.

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall have been on a three-day tour of Canada – where the Queen is head of state – to mark the 96-year-old monarch’s Platinum Jubilee.

Cassidy Caron, Metis National Council President, who had said before the event she would also ask for an apology from the Queen, said the prince was “listening” and “acknowledging” what had happened in Canada’s past which was “very important” for the country.

In a speech on the first day of his tour of Canada, the prince pledged to listen to and learn from the country as it starts the process of reconciliation with indigenous communities.