Current Problems

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (43-44)

Montreal Economic Institute Poll against UNDRIP

October 6, 2020

Canadian Press – The Hydro-Québec project to export electricity to the United States referenced by MEI is currently being challenged by the Innu of Quebec who have filed a lawsuit against Hydro-Quebec seeking $4 billion in compensation for the ecological and cultural damage caused by the damming of the upper Churchill River in the early 1970s.

“The massive hydroelectric project led to the creation of the Smallwood Reservoir, which flooded 6,500 square kilometres of traditional Innu territory, destroying fishing and hunting grounds, caribou habitat and ancestral graves, Grand Chief Etienne Rich, Innu Nation of Labrador said – “all without any compensation”.

Is it any wonder that MEI opposes UNDRIP!