Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 24: Health (18-24)

New Indigenous cultural safety training for health-care providers

December 14, 2022


A new online course called To Know Better is to Do Better: Translating Indigenous Knowledge to Health Practice for Health-Care Providers in Nova Scotia is now available.

The six-module online course will teach health-care providers how to create culturally safe environments for Indigenous patients in their clinics and offices.

The course was launched by Tajikeimik, a Mi’kmaw health and wellness authority, along with the IWK Health Centre and Dalhousie University. The project is inviting 375 health clinicians from the IWK, Nova Scotia Health and Mi’kmaw community health settings in Nova Scotia to participate in the course with a plan to expand in the future.

The modules focus on the concept of Two-Eyed Seeing or Etuaptmumk, a worldview that combines two perspectives at once — the lens of Indigenous knowledge and Western science.

The course will educate people on the Mi’kmaw language, culture, geography, and trauma-informed clinical practice while examining how racism and colonialism have harmed Indigenous people seeking care.