Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 8: Education (6-12)

School Board Funding

November 13, 2020

Government is providing $13.5M over 3 years to support First Nation, Métis, Inuit, and urban Indigenous education partners. This funding will provide certainty for school boards while ensuring safe learning environments for Indigenous students – either in person, or through remote and alternative learning options.

  • Safe transitions for students from Nishnawbe Aski Nation and remote communities
  • Land-Based and Elder Programming for First Nation students relocating to larger, urban centers to attend High School so they may access traditional and cultural supports
  • Advancing recommendations from the Seven Youth Inquest including: training and supports for Boarding Home Parents to ensure students have a safe learning environment away from their home communities; culturally-safe learning to support students in completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
  • Creating/Promoting a culturally rich alternative learning program for Métis students through the “River Program,” in partnership with Limestone District School Board, where students participate in ceremonies and other cultural activities and are provided ongoing cultural teachings and support from local Elders and knowledge keepers.
  • Capacity building for the Tungasuvvingat Inuit (TI) to increase access to culturally appropriate supports and resources for Inuit students by strengthening school board relationships, engagement with community members, and improving access to Inuit-specific curriculum resources for all learners. This program also supports Inuit language promotion and explores ways Inuktut can be implemented and strengthened within both the Ontario education system and through services in the Ottawa area.