Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 63: Education for Reconciliation (62-65)

Nunavut Department of Education – 27 School Boards

January 1, 1970

Education Agreements: As there are no local school boards, the Minister of Education works with District Education Authorities, Regional School Operations (RSOs), and education staff within each community to ensure school programs are delivered in accordance with Inuit societal values and with respect for Inuit cultural identity.

Development for Indigenous History and Culture: The legacy of residential schools is taught at the Grade 10 level in schools in Nunavut, and completion of this social studies course is a requirement for graduation.Teacher Education Programs: Specific content is provided as part of the Nunavut Teacher Education Program. Additionally, content is provided as part of the teacher orientation that is conducted at the community level with the participation of local District Education Authorities (DEAs).