Government Commitments

Suicide Prevention

“Our Path of Resilience” Newfoundland and Labrador action plan to prevent suicide

June 1, 2022

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador: Our Path of Resilience, a five-year action plan that includes 12 targeted actions and a commitment to improved monitoring, surveillance and research aimed at reducing the incidents of suicide in Newfoundland and Labrador. The action items focus on community mental health literacy and capacity building, as well as prevention, intervention and follow-up services for people impacted by suicide.

Reducing the incidence of suicide in Newfoundland and Labrador requires a strategic and concerted effort by the health, education, justice and social systems. The Provincial Government allocated $2.5 million in Budget 2022 to implement the plan, with a commitment of approximately $4.5 million annually for the next four years.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, the rate of suicide increased by 234 per cent between 1981 and 2017. The majority of these individuals were living with a mental health issue or substance use disorder.

Our Path of Resilience fulfills a commitment made in Towards Recovery: The Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan for Newfoundland and Labrador to develop a Life Promotion Suicide Prevention Plan, with a focus on reducing stigma and empowering communities to build resilience and inclusiveness.

The plan recognizes social determinants of health and their impact on individuals, families and communities, including the impact of intergenerational trauma. It focuses on an equity-based approach by all systems to foster health and healing.

The Life Promotion Suicide Prevention Working Group – which includes representatives from multiple government departments, community organizations, Indigenous partners and people with lived and living experience of suicide loss – worked collaboratively to develop the action plan. Extensive consultation for this plan included 24 targeted sessions across all regions of the province, as well as consultation with the Indigenous Health Team, Recovery Council and Advisory Council.

Implementation of this plan will be overseen by a provincial steering committee, which will include multiple government departments, community organizations, Indigenous partners, as well as individuals with experience of suicide attempt or loss.

For full details on the 12 targeted actions and commitments click on the following link: