Indigenous Success Stories


RAVENSTRUST Legal Defence Fund

January 1, 1970

RAVENTRUST website – RAVEN’s mission is to raise legal defence funds – over a million dollars since 2014 – to help Indigenous Peoples in Canada defend their treaty rights and the integrity of their traditional lands and cultures. RAVEN’s vision is a country that honours the ancestral laws, rights and stewardship values of Indigenous Peoples and their equitable access to the justice system within a thriving natural environment.
The Pull Together campaign helped fund legal challenges that led to the cancellation of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline. A second Pull Together campaign is currently targeting Kinder Morgan. Additional campaigns raised the funds that enabled the Tsilhqot’in National Government to achieve success in defence of Teztan Biny (Fish Lake) and their sacred homeland. We have kept the Beaver Lake Cree Nation’s legal action alive, despite efforts to have it thrown out of court. We helped four Yukon First Nations defend the Peel Watershed in a historic Supreme Court victory. And we have assisted other nations, such as Lake Babine First Nation, with legal actions.