Current Problems

Justice (25-42)

RCMP Cultural Training Criticism: Vision150

December 29, 2020

Vision150 is our plan to modernize the RCMP. Our vision responds to the expectations set out in the Commissioner’s 2018 mandate letter and forms the core of our strategic direction. Vision 150 Tracker tracks progress on four themes: People, Culture, Stewardship and Policing Culture.

Tracking Progress for Policing Services: All the following are ON TRACK except when indicated as COMPLETE

  • Ensure transparent oversight of serious incidents (Employees, communities, partners and other stakeholders have trust and confidence in the RCMP
  • Establish an Indigenous Lived Experience Advisory Group (Enhance the trust and confidence of partners and communities) COMPLETED
  • Establish an Office for RCMP-Indigenous, Co-Development, Collaboration and Accountability (Improved relationships with and outcomes for Indigenous people)
  • Implement local policing models that meet community needs (Improved collaboration with partners, communities, and other stakeholders)
  • Implement national and divisional reconciliation strategies (Improved relationships with and outcomes for Indigenous people)
  • Increase the use of restorative justice (Improved relationships with and outcomes for Canadians)
    Partner with Indigenous women’s groups (Improved relationships with and outcomes for Indigenous people)
  • Support greater integration of community, health and social services (Enhanced relationships with partners, communities and stakeholders)