Government Commitments

Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

Tahltan Elders Provide Direction & Next Steps regarding Tahltan Land Stewardship Plan

May 27, 2024

NationTalk: On May 22nd and 23rd, 2024, TCG Lands & Regulatory Affairs Department, Tahltan Lands Stewardship Planning Team, and acting President Heather Hawkins met with Tahltan Elders in Dease Lake to provide a Tahltan Stewardship Plan update, including progress made since the last meeting with Tahltan Elders in October 2023.

Team TCG presented a draft Tahltan Stewardship Plan, including an update on achievements pertaining to the implementation of the Shared Prosperity Agreement (SPA), which committed the Province of BC and the Tahltan Nation to co-develop a land-use plan, and to test new processes related to mineral permitting, pacer mining and land use.

The Tahltan Stewardship Plan, a pivotal requirement identified by Tahltan members since the early 2000s, sets the framework for managing Tahltan lands and resources to safeguard them for present and future generations. Developed by and for the Tahltan community, it draws on collective wisdom and guidance from Elders. This plan prioritizes the holistic health of the land, including earth, air, water, flora, fauna, spirits, and their interconnectedness. It advocates for the voiceless elements like water, Salmon, Caribou, Moose, and the land itself. Informed by Tahltan Knowledge, community input, and scientific data gathered by technical teams, the plan upholds stewardship principles.

“The Tahltan Elders Council is very happy with the progress made by the Tahltan Central Government in designing a Tahltan Stewardship Plan by Tahltans for Tahltans. Moving forward, the Tahltan Stewardship Plan will enable the Tahltan Nation to fulfill our inherent stewardship responsibility in a true Government to Government relationship with the Province,” Carl Carpentier, Tahltan Elder, Chair of the Tahltan Elders Council.

“At the conclusion of the two days, there was a unanimous endorsement and support for the Tahltan Stewardship Plan, as outlined in the Tahltan document “Keep Our Trails Open”. The Elder Council has given clear direction to continue advancing the Tahltan Stewardship Plan and to establish Tahltan candidate protected and conserved areas,” David Rattray, Tahltan Elder.

“Tahltan Elders have given the TCG our marching orders. We will be holding Tahltan Lands Stewardship Engagement in all three communities – beginning May 26th – and plan to hold a virtual engagement with Tahltans outside of Territory. The Tahltan Land Stewardship Plan – the culmination of many years of work by countless Tahltans – will be presented to the Nation at the upcoming AGA for final sign off,” Heather Hawkins, acting President, Tahltan Central Government.



The Tahltan Central Government (TCG) is the administrative governing body of the Tahltan Nation. The Iskut Band and the Tahltan Band continue to govern Tahltan interests with respect to the Indian Act in the communities of Iskut, Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek. The TCG is the representative government of the Tahltan Nation with respect to the inherent and collective Aboriginal title and rights shared by all Tahltan people.

The Tahltan Nation’s Territory spans 95,933 square km of Northwest British Columbia or the equivalent of 11 per cent of the province. Tahltan Territory includes 70 per cent of BC’s Golden Triangle – a world-class mining jurisdiction with a thriving mineral exploration sector. For more information, visit:

For further information, please contact:

Communications Advisor
Tahltan Central Government