Anishinabek News – The Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement, a historic self-government agreement on education, was ratified on August 16, 2017. The Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement and the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement take precedence over the federal legislation. Canada is obligated to enact legislation to bring the negotiated agreements into effect. Therefore, it is a recognition of existing, Inherent Rights, not a creation of those rights.
What has been accomplished?
- We have our Nation’s flag— our Eagle staffWe have an Anishinabek Nation constitution that was proclaimed in 2012, way ahead of the Agreements
- We have our Anishinaabe Laws expressed by our Elders in the Preamble of the Anishinaabe Chi-Naaknigewin.
- We have developed an Appeals and Redress System that is the beginning of an Anishinaabe system of justice.
- We have concluded 30 First Nation constitutions that were developed by the community members and that guide their law-making processes.
- We have an Anishinabek Education System under First Nation self-government that is soon entering its fourth year of successful operations.
- We have conducted dozens of capacity development workshops on a wide range of First Nation governance topics.
- We coordinated the Education Working Group for over 20 years as it developed the Anishinabek Education System.
- We also coordinated the Governance Working Group. We developed an Anishinabek citizenship law.
- We have held numerous conferences bringing Elders and youth together and bringing Anishinabek together to share and to develop our communities, and to create a vision of the future.
- Most importantly, we helped our Head Getzit Shikenh in bringing our Anishinaabe Clan Teachings and Traditional Governance workshops to Anishinabek in First Nation citizens in their communities throughout the Anishinabek Nation territory.