NationTalk – The Canada Energy Regulator (CER), Trans Mountain Corporation (TMC) and the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project and Existing Pipeline (IAMC-TMX) have reached a joint agreement to make continual improvements to Indigenous monitoring”
“Collaborating with the IAMC-TMX and Trans Mountain is helping us develop best practices in Indigenous monitoring and will inform how we approach and expand Indigenous inclusion in oversight for all future projects.” says CER Acting-CEO Sandy Lapointe.
Indigenous interests are reflected in the oversight of the Project and are occurring in multiple ways. The IAMC-TMX Indigenous Monitoring Program supports Indigenous Monitors to participate in verifying compliance through in-field inspections with the CER, DFO and Parks Canada. In TMC’s Indigenous Monitoring Program, Indigenous Monitors work directly with the company to ensure traditional knowledge is incorporated directly and pragmatically into construction oversight practices and decision-making.
The Committee was first proposed by Chiefs Ernie Crey (Cheam) and Chief Aaron Sumexheltza (Lower Nicola) to Prime Minister Trudeau and the Premiers of BC and Alberta in June 2016. The Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee (IAMC) brings together 13 Indigenous and six senior federal representatives to provide advice to regulators and to monitor the Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) Project and existing pipeline. Members have a shared goal of safety and protection of environmental and Indigenous interests in the lands and water.
All partners participate in the Committee on a “Without Prejudice” basis. Participation in the Committee does not indicate that a community supports or opposes the TMX Project; nor does it replace or diminish the federal government’s duty to consult or accommodate individual Indigenous communities, or diminish its obligations to comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.