EnergiMedia – Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Line Project: Canada’s Largest First Nations Led project. The funding framework allows for a viable transmission business with First Nations and Fortis Inc. participating as the equity investors. The project will connect remote First Nations in Northwestern Ontario to Ontario’s power grid, provide for savings associated with avoided diesel costs, and socio-economic benefits to the communities.
The Wataynikaneyap Power partnership consists of 22 First Nations who are leading this project and equally own 51%, while industry partner, Fortis Inc. (“Fortis”), owns 49% of the project. 17 of the 22 First Nations Wataynikaneyap Power communities currently rely on diesel generators that have become financially unsustainable, environmentally risky and inadequate to meet community needs. A majority of the remote communities are at capacity with their diesel generators or face electrical load restrictions limiting the construction of homes and other critical infrastructure that would support community growth. The Project is estimated to create 769 jobs during construction and nearly $900 million in socio-economic value.