Actions and Commitments:

Exploring Stakeholder: "Government of Nova Scotia"

Updates on this page: 5 (Filtered by Theme "Commitment to Health Care Workers")

May 11, 2023

Province Invests in Training More Nurses

NationTalk: Anyone interested in becoming a nurse in Nova Scotia will have more options as the Province is increasing the number of nursing seats across the province, with many opening this fall. Premier Tim Houston announced today, May 11, the government will support a new nursing program at Acadia University, in partnership with Cape Breton...

April 4, 2023

Cdn. Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) Releases Health Human Resources Assessment Report

NationTalk: Ottawa – Today, the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) released its report on health human resources (HHR) in Canada.  The report, titled “Canada’s Health Workforce: Pathways Forward”, provides key findings designed to inform stakeholders (including governments). The report provides evidence-informed approaches to addressing the current challenges facing the Canadian health workforce. The three...

February 24, 2023

More Funding to Support Healthcare Recruitment in Mi’kmaw Communities

NationTalk: Health and wellness organization Tajikeimik will receive funding from the Province to help recruit Indigenous healthcare workers. In collaboration with the L’nu Nursing Initiative at Dalhousie University, Tajikeimik will create a magazine and website focusing on Mi’kmaw nurses and career opportunities. These resources will promote nursing programs, provide information to help navigate application processes...

October 26, 2022

New Practical Nursing Program Will Train 30 L’nu Students

Nova Scotia is training more healthcare workers to provide a diverse range of care in communities across the province. Starting in the 2023-24 academic year, aspiring practical nursing students can learn as part of a Mi’kmaw cohort at the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) Pictou campus. “We’re so pleased to be working closely with Mi’kmaw...

May 12, 2022

Cape Breton University and Dalhousie University Pilot Undergraduate Medical Education Partnership

NationTalk: Today, Cape Breton University (CBU) and Dalhousie University (DAL) have announced they will partner on a Medical Education Pilot Initiative aimed at innovative and creative solutions to alleviate family physician shortages in rural Nova Scotia, including Cape Breton, Mi’kmaq and African Nova Scotian communities. In a bold and innovative strategy to address healthcare needs...

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