Actions and Commitments: Call to Action # 30

Exploring Theme: "Actions to Reduce Overrepresentation"

Updates on this page: 41

June 10, 2024

Government of Saskatchewan Announces Major Investments in Public Safety

Includes $4.7 Million for Courtroom Safety and $45 Million for First Nations Inuit Policing Program NationTalk: The Government of Saskatchewan continues to invest in major public safety initiatives across the province through the ministries of Justice and Attorney General and Corrections, Policing and Public Safety. Today, Justice Minister and Attorney General Bronwyn Eyre and Corrections, Policing and...

May 3, 2024

Governments of Canada, Saskatchewan and Prince Albert Grand Council announce funding to study implementation of Indigenous-led police services

NationTalk: Public Safety Canada – Prince Albert, Saskatchewan – Today, the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs; the Honourable Paul Merriman, Minister of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety; and Grand Chief Brian Hardlotte, of the Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC), announced an investment of more than $1.4 million to support...

January 9, 2024

RCMP launches Race-Based Data Collection pilot project

Addressing systemic racism and discrimination is an organizational priority for the RCMP. NationTalk: Ottawa – After two-years of extensive consultations in communities across Canada, the RCMP’s Race-Based Data Collection Initiative will be piloted in select detachments across the country starting in January 2024. The Race-Based Data Collection Initiative aims to collect, analyse and report race-based...

December 8, 2023

Expanding legal supports and services for Indigenous people living in urban areas

NationTalk: Department of Justice Canada – Toronto: Everyone in Canada should expect to live in a society where the justice system is fair and accessible. The Government of Canada is committed to providing fair and equal access to justice for Indigenous and racialized communities and addressing systemic racism and discrimination in all its forms and...

June 7, 2023

New head of Nunavut RCMP aims to hire more Inuit

‘We’re still struggling,’ said Chief Supt. Andrew Blackadar CBC News: The new head of the RCMP in Nunavut says he’ll continue to try to recruit more Inuit to work for the police service. “We don’t actually have a number in mind, but it’s to increase from where we are right now,” said Chief Supt. Andrew...

May 11, 2023

RCMP officers to begin field testing Body-worn cameras in Nova Scotia, Nunavut and Alberta

NationTalk: As part of on-going efforts to be transparent and accountable to the communities we serve, the RCMP will start field testing body-worn cameras in three different areas of the country. In the coming days, body-worn cameras will be worn by frontline RCMP officers at select detachments in Nova Scotia, Nunavut and Alberta. Audio and...

March 14, 2023

Improving access to legal supports and services for Indigenous families in Montreal

NationTalk: Department of Justice Canada Access to justice is a fundamental Canadian value and an integral part of a fair and just society based on the rule of law. Our Government is committed to providing fair and equal access to justice for Indigenous and racialized communities across the country and addressing systemic racism and discrimination...

March 8, 2023

Collaboration With FSIN Enhances Police Oversight

NationTalk: The Government of Saskatchewan is continuing its support of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations’ (FSIN) Special Investigation Unit (SIU) with an operating grant this year of $88,000. “For the past 20 years, the partnership between the Government of Saskatchewan and the FSIN has provided a culturally-sensitive means of submitting public complaints about law...

January 13, 2023

Ottawa laying groundwork for Indigenous justice systems, says Lametti

Indigenous people make up 32 per cent of federal prison population CBC News: Justice Minister David Lametti says Ottawa is building a foundation to allow Indigenous legal systems to flourish alongside the Canadian justice system. Lametti made the comment Thursday at the new Indigenous Peoples Space on Parliament Hill, where he announced $1.5 million in federal funding...

January 4, 2023

B.C. top court broadens sentencing law aimed at reducing Indigenous incarceration rates

British Columbia’s top court has broadened the sweep of a sentencing law meant to reduce incarceration rates among Indigenous peoples, ruling that Indigenous-specific sentencing can be applied even to offenders who have become disconnected from Indigenous communities and are only minimally aware of their heritage. “Disconnection is one of the very harms associated with Canada’s...

October 7, 2022

Indigenous-Led Program To Help Women Transition Back Into Their Community

NationTalk: Today, the ministries of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, Justice and Attorney General, and Health announced their partnership with the Saskatoon Tribal Council (STC) to collaboratively design and deliver the Īkwēskīcik  iskwēwak transition program in Saskatchewan. “Community-based reintegration initiatives such as Īkwēskīcik  iskwēwak help ensure supports are in place for individuals transitioning out of...

September 28, 2022

Alberta Provincial Court releases Indigenous Justice Strategy

The Indigenous Justice Strategy aims to ensure Alberta judges and staff have a clear understanding of Indigenous history, heritage and laws, as well as establishing Indigenous cultural practices in court. But as Morgan Black explains, some critics say it’s a band-aid solution to a systemic issue. Global News (Canadian Press): Alberta’s provincial court has announced...

September 23, 2022

Govt. of BC funds pilot program to address structural factors contributing to Indigenous overrepresentation in the criminal justice system

NationTalk: tkwəɬniwt (Westbank), Syilx Territory, BC: Recommendations from an independent investigation into ‘repeat offenders’ were announced today by the Province of BC. Among these was a recommendation for the Province to fund the development of a pilot project, designed and led by the BC First Nations Justice Council (BCFNJC) to address the structural factors that...

January 20, 2022

BC First Nations Justice Strategy

Dept. of Justice, Canada – Announcement of the signing of a tripartite memorandum of understanding (MOU) between BC, Canada and BC First Nations Justice Council to support the implementation of the BC First Nations Justice Strategy, as well as funding to support Indigenous Justice Centres in British Columbia. The parties have committed to work together...

October 5, 2021

The Virtual Indigenous Justice Centre

Government of BC – The Virtual Indigenous Justice Centre (VIJC) is a partnership between the Province and the BC First Nations Justice Council (BCFNJC). The centre will provide a range of assistance and supports to Indigenous peoples, including First Nations, Inuit and Métis, who are otherwise not eligible and/or cannot access legal aid, including: providing...

June 21, 2021

Indigenous Human Rights Strategy 

The Commission’s Indigenous Human Rights Strategy (Strategy) will guide the Commission’s practices and initiatives to reduce barriers Indigenous peoples face when seeking to enforce their human rights under the Alberta Human Rights Act. The overarching goals of this strategy are: To help address and reduce systemic racism against Indigenous peoples in health, education, child welfare, housing, justice (including...

June 18, 2021

Indigenous Elders Advisory Council

The Manitoba government has established an Indigenous Elders Advisory Council to provide guidance in addressing the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system, Justice Minister Cameron Friesen announced today. The eight-member Indigenous Elders Advisory Council, chaired by Manitoba Justice, meets on a monthly basis and is guided by a Terms of Reference with...

June 7, 2021

Viens Commission response: investments in Aboriginal and urban community justice programs

Announced measures to support justice in Aboriginal and urban communities. In response to the Viens Commission’s recommendations, the Québec government wishes to further develop Aboriginal community justice and combat the over-representation of this population in the justice system. The investment covers: the establishment of new urban community justice initiatives to satisfy the needs of the First...

April 8, 2021

Budget 2021: Investments in Restorative Justice

Government of Manitoba: Continue $1.2 million in restorative justice initiatives for First Nations and Metis communities. ...

March 5, 2021

Investments Interpreter and other services in Indigenous languages

As part of the government’s response to the Viens Commission, the MMIWG Inquiry and the Report on Racism, $5.5M funding for the improvement and deployment of interpreter services in Indigenous languages Development of agreements with Indigenous organizations for the training, accreditation and hiring of interpreters in Indigenous languages in the context of justice-related activities. In...

January 12, 2021

Custody Rating Scale Class Action Lawsuit

A class-action lawsuit filed in federal court challenges the Custody Rating Scale over systemic bias in its security classifications. “CSC’s ongoing use of [the Custody Rating Scale] on Indigenous inmates must be recognized as the product of deliberate and conscious race-based discriminatory treatment of Indigenous inmates that resulted in and continues to result in, longer and...

December 16, 2020

Mandate letter to Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada

The January 2021 mandate letter to the Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada David Lametti states as a priority to “introduce legislation and make investments that take action to address systemic inequities in the criminal justice system, including to promote enhanced use of pre- and post-charge diversion and to better enable courts to impose...

September 29, 2020

Premier apology to Indigenous and Black citizens for systemic racism in justice system

CTV News – Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil apologized Tuesday to Black and Indigenous Nova Scotians for systemic racism in the province’s justice system, and said the government is committed to reform. McNeil said he is putting together a restorative justice team composed of members of Black and Indigenous communities, as well as members of government...

June 8, 2020

Modernize the Police Act

CTV News (Calgary) – Minister of Justice and Solicitor General Doug Schweitzer we will expedite the government’s current work to modernize the Police Act. This will ensure we have the governance framework and policies in place so Albertans are confident that our police are accountable to the communities they protect. Policing only works when citizens feel assured...

March 6, 2020

First Nations Justice Strategy

The BC First Nations Justice Council (BCFNJC) and the Province endorsed and signed a new First Nations Justice Strategy. The BCFNJC’s action is supported by resolutions from the BC Assembly of First Nations, the Union of BC Indian Chiefs and the First Nations Summit. The First Nations Justice Strategy sets a path for the partners...

January 13, 2020

First Indigenous Court in New Westminster

The province’s first Indigenous court was established in New Westminster in 2006, with the seventh iteration scheduled to begin sitting monthly at the Williams Lake courthouse in May. An Indigenous court is a sentencing court — it does not conduct trials, but it provides an Indigenous perspective, based on a holistic and restorative approach, to...

September 19, 2019

Customizing case management plans

Better supporting rehabilitation and reintegration through individualized assessments completed for every admission. As part of an evidence-based approach to incarceration, case management plans will be tailored to address the unique needs of inmates to guide their rehabilitation. Enhanced culturally-responsive programming will be implemented to meet the diverse and unique needs of Indigenous individuals and other over-represented...

August 29, 2019

Gladue Report Writing Pilot Project

The Council of Yukon First Nations has begun to administer the Gladue Report Writing Pilot Project, taking over from the Yukon Legal Services Society, a non-profit organization also known as Legal Aid. The transfer took place August 1, officially putting the project into the hands of Yukon First Nations....

July 8, 2019

The Gladue Rights Research Database

In what started May 2018 as a subscription-based online resource, the Gladue Rights Research Database now has open access through $18,000 funding from the Law Society of Saskatchewan, Legal Aid Saskatchewan and the province’s Ministry of Corrections and Policing....

March 6, 2019

Gladue Reports writing project update

Representatives from the Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) and the Yukon Legal Services Society say it’s still too early to tell what difference the pilot program is making, but it’s provided a structured way to get necessary information before Yukon courts. Roster of 3 writers trained, 37 reports written for Indigenous offenders since pilot...

March 6, 2019

Indigenous Justice program

$689,160 over 3 years through Indigenous Justice Program Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and the Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) met to discuss the SCO’s First Nations Justice Strategy Program and justice priorities in their communities. SCO’s First Nations Justice Strategy Program uses a restorative justice model that reflects Indigenous...

November 2, 2018

Eleventh Justice Summit: Indigenous II

 Planned in partnership with representatives from the B.C. Aboriginal Justice Council and the Métis Nation British Columbia, the event invited Indigenous leaders and community experts, as well as justice and public safety leaders, to discuss Indigenous peoples’ experiences with B.C.’s justice system and how the system can be improved. Participants discussed the importance of increasing the...

May 3, 2018

The Correctional Services and Reintegration Act, 2018

The Correctional Services and Reintegration Act, 2018 was passed today and will result in improved conditions, increased transparency, and will apply a consistent and evidence-based approach to rehabilitation and reintegration to better prepare those in custody for a successful and well-supported return to their communities. Specific to the Indigenous population: Ensuring incarcerated individuals have access...

April 26, 2018

Funding for new Community Justice Centres

Community Justice Centres move justice out of the traditional courtroom and into a community setting to help connect individuals with holistic supports that address the root causes of crime. They are justice hubs that bring together services – for example justice, health, Indigenous, mental health and addictions, housing, and social services – to respond to the unique needs of...

February 20, 2018

Pilot funding to standardize writing Gladue reports

Yukon is funding $530,000 on 3-year pilot project to formalize and standardize the process of writing Gladue reports for judges sentencing Indigenous offenders. “This is really about getting the best possible information about any individual offender before the court, for consideration in determining what’s an appropriate sentence, and what the variety of that sentence might...

October 30, 2017

New Bail Directive

Ontario unveiled a new bail directive to reduce barriers faced by Indigenous and racialized communities at the bail stage, ensure low-risk and vulnerable individuals have access to the appropriate supports for safe releases, and speed up the bail process....

October 16, 2017

Indigenous Community Corrections Initiative (ICCI)

CISION – $10M over 5 years for Indigenous Community Corrections Initiative (ICCI) to help previously incarcerated Indigenous Peoples heal, rehabilitate and find good jobs through community-based and culturally relevant projects, with a focus on alternatives to incarceration and on reintegration supports. Eligible projects could include counselling, treatment for addictions, mental health treatment, job training, literacy,...

September 18, 2017

Commitment to reduce the over- representation of Indigenous people

Highlighted the importance of continuing to work together with Yukon First Nations and partners health, education and housing to reduce the over-representation of Indigenous people in justice system and build safer, healthier, stronger communities....

July 18, 2017

Funding for restorative justice initiatives

$360K support for restorative justice initiatives in communities across the province focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community....

March 22, 2017

Budget 2017 investments

$55.5M/5 yrs ($11.1/yr): Funds for Indigenous Justice Program to help reduce overrepresentation of indigenous people in the criminal justice and corrections systems. $65.2/5 yrs.$10.9.yr ongoing: To address the over-representation of Indigenous peoples in the criminal justice and corrections systems and help previously incarcerated Indigenous Peoples heal, rehabilitate and find good jobs,” ...

January 1, 2017

Educational workshops for lawyers

Under the auspices of the Criminal Lawyers’ Association (CLA), a series of educational workshops (Jan-June 2017) organized by Shaunna Kelly, Hicks Adams LLP aims to demystify aboriginal justice issues to boost awareness and understanding of Gladue Court....

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