Actions and Commitments: Call to Action # 42

Exploring Theme: "Govt. Commitments to Aboriginal Justice Systems"

Updates on this page: 30

May 3, 2024

New Indigenous Justice Centre in Nanaimo offers culturally responsive services

NationTalk: Nanaimo News Now – NANAIMO — A long vacant heritage building in Nanaimo’s downtown transitioned to what looks nothing like a traditional law office.  It was done by design.  Occupying the Great National Land Building at 17 Church St. is one of five new regional Indigenous Justice Centres (IJC) operated by the BC First...

January 11, 2024

Justice centre expansion will create safer communities, change lives

NationTalk: VANCOUVER – More Indigenous people will have access to culturally safe, Indigenous-led legal supports and services with five new Indigenous Justice Centres (IJCs) now operating in Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, Surrey and Kelowna. “Making our communities safer means addressing the core issues that bring people into conflict with the law and their neighbours – a...

November 1, 2023

‘Beat them at their own game’: Indigenous Justice Centres aim to dismantle colonial law

Jaime McKinley, office administrator of the Chilliwack Indigenous Justice Centre. Photo by BC First Nations Justice Council Listen to article Canada’s National Observer: It wasn’t until Amanda Carling, a Métis from Red River, sat down in her law class at the University of Toronto that she realized the racist underpinnings of the profession she’d entered.  “Not...

April 12, 2023

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs wants to create First Nations courts to reduce incarceration

As governments ‘continue to tinker’ with existing justice system, grand chief says what’s needed is overhaul CBC News: The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs is reimagining what a justice system could look like for First Nations people in the province, with plans to try out courts in two communities with processes based on First Nations’ legal traditions. As...

March 31, 2023

New Indigenous Justice Centre coming to Kelowna

INDIGENOUS JUSTICE CENTRES Photo: BCFNJC Indigenous residents in Kelowna will be able to access “culturally appropriate justice services” by the end of this year. Earlier this week, the BC First Nations Justice Council announced five new Indigenous Justice Centres that are being built across the province, in Kelowna, Surrey, Vancouver, Victoria and Nanaimo. The council says the...

March 5, 2023

Indigenous smudging protocol introduced to Sask. provincial courts brings some peace amid tragedy

Indigenous lawyer says smudging is good step forward, but wishes for courts to address systemic racism CBC News: Before Brian and Debbie Gallagher read their victim impact statements in a Saskatoon court Wednesday, and when the two people were sentenced for their role in disposing of the Gallaghers’ daughter’s body, both the accused and the family washed...

January 13, 2023

Ottawa laying groundwork for Indigenous justice systems, says Lametti

Indigenous people make up 32 per cent of federal prison population CBC News: Justice Minister David Lametti says Ottawa is building a foundation to allow Indigenous legal systems to flourish alongside the Canadian justice system. Lametti made the comment Thursday at the new Indigenous Peoples Space on Parliament Hill, where he announced $1.5 million in federal...

July 6, 2022

BC First Nations Justice Council, BC and Canada continue to advance Indigenous justice priorities in British Columbia

Department of Justice Canada: lək̓ʷəŋən Lkwungen (Lekwungen)/ Victoria, B.C. Dismantling systemic racism and discrimination from our justice system and revitalizing Indigenous legal traditions will benefit everyone in Canada. A justice system that improves public safety and community well-being while addressing the challenges faced by Indigenous peoples is something that all Canadians can be proud to...

January 20, 2022

BC First Nations Justice Strategy

Department of Justice Canada – Announced of the signing of a tripartite memorandum of understanding (MOU) between BC, Canada and BC First Nations Justice Council to support the implementation of the BC First Nations Justice Strategy, as well as funding to support Indigenous Justice Centres in British Columbia. The parties have committed to work together...

August 12, 2021

Gitanyow Governance Accord

The Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs (Nation/Huwilp) and the government of BC and Canada have signed the Gitanyow Governance Accord. The accord provides a path forward in the B.C. Treaty process toward full self-government. Led by the restored Gitanyow hereditary governance system....

December 10, 2020

Williams Lake Indigenous Court

Prince George Citizen: Williams Lake Indigenous Court will have its first sitting at the Elks Hall following a virtual soft opening Friday, Dec. 11. Yeqox Nilin Justice Society has worked towards establishing such a court within the Williams Lake area for the past six years. The specialized court does not conduct trials, but provides collaborative...

December 5, 2020

Administration of Justice Agreements

The 2020 Fall Economic Statement included $8.1 million to develop Administration of Justice Agreements with Indigenous communities to strengthen community-based justice systems and support self-determination...

November 3, 2020

Gwa’sala-`Nakwaxda’xw First Nations court

The latest of these courts under development is on northern Vancouver Island, led by the Gwa’sala-`Nakwaxda’xw First Nations in partnership with the RCMP, local Crown counsel, judges and other stakeholders. The court plan is queued for final review by the Judicial Council of B.C. in January...

September 7, 2020

Indigenous Justice Centres

Indigenous justice centres have recently opened in Merritt, Prince George and Prince Rupert. While each centre offers unique supports tailored to the local Indigenous community, individuals are able to access: legal advice and representation for criminal and child protection matters; advocacy and support in dealing with agencies such as the police and Ministry of Children and...

June 16, 2020

Open Letter to Premier Brian Pallister “Smoking at VLT sites

“Letter to Brian Pallister, Premier of Manitoba, from Grand Chief of Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO)”. Smoking at VLT (Video Lottery Terminals) sites is about jurisdiction, creating spaces for self-government and taking steps for the revitalization of First Nations laws and the inherent rights of the Nations for which MKO advocates. The MKO does not speak...

June 11, 2020

AFN-QL objects to Bill 61

The Quebec government’s decision to introduce Bill 61, which will allow infrastructure projects to proceed without consultation violates the spirit of an agreement the province came to last year, said the leader of the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador. “First Nations will never accept legislation that ignores the Crown’s duty to consult...

June 5, 2020

Bill 61 declared on March 13, 2020

Bill 61, an omnibus bill (An Act to stimulate the economy of Quebec and mitigate the consequences of the state of health emergency), declared on March 13, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and tabled earlier this week by the CAQ government cannot be misused by the Quebec government to minimize its duty to consult First...

May 14, 2020

Wet’suwet’en Hereditary chiefs sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Hereditary chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en Nation have signed a memorandum of understanding with B.C. and Canada that sets the path for negotiations on legal recognition of their title to 22,000 square kilometres of traditional territory. Effective immediately, the MOU commits Canada and B.C. to recognize that rights and title are held by house groups within the Wet’suwet’en...

May 12, 2020

Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs to sign MOU with governments of Canada and BC

Wet’suwet’en leaders have invited Ms. Bennett and Mr. Fraser to sign the MOU on May 14. Wetsu’wet’en Hereditary Chiefs issued a statement: “The Dinï’ze and Tsakë’ze have had several clan meetings, including meetings in person, and virtual meetings with clan/house members, band council members, youth, elders, people close to home and those far away. The...

May 12, 2020

Wet’suwet’en hereditary Chiefs and Canada to sign an MOU

Wet’suwet’en leaders have invited Ms. Bennett and Mr. Fraser to sign the MOU on May 14. Wetsu’wet’en Hereditary Chiefs issued a statement: “The Dinï’ze and Tsakë’ze have had several clan meetings, including meetings in person, and virtual meetings with clan/house members, band council members, youth, elders, people close to home and those far away. The...

April 30, 2020

Commitment to Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982

We are taking a meaningful approach to section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. This work flows from Canada’s constitutional and legal frameworks and represents a first step in building a nation-to-nation relationship that recognizes and implements Indigenous systems of justice.” The Honourable David Lametti, P.C., M.P. Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada...

March 6, 2020

BC First Nations Justice Strategy

The BC First Nations Justice Council (BCFNJC) and the Province endorsed and signed a new First Nations Justice Strategy. The BCFNJC’s action is supported by resolutions from the BC Assembly of First Nations, the Union of BC Indian Chiefs and the First Nations Summit. The First Nations Justice Strategy sets a path for the partners...

December 16, 2019

Government support for Williams Lake court

Attorney General David Eby issued the following statement in support of the new Indigenous court in Williams Lake. “The Province is working with Indigenous communities to establish Indigenous courts throughout British Columbia. These courts offer alternative sentencing options that honour traditional cultural practices, support rehabilitation and acknowledge the impact the person’s actions have had on...

September 30, 2019

Release of the Viens Commission Final Report with 242 recommendations

Release of the Viens Commission Final Report with 242 recommendations including the following areas: (#34) Fund projects developed and managed by Indigenous authorities that are aimed at documenting and revitalizing Indigenous law in all sectors deemed to be of interest. Amend the existing laws, including the Act respecting the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions, to...

April 5, 2019

Canada and Red Earth Cree Nation sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

The Government of Canada and Red Earth Cree Nation announced they have signed a co-developed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to advance discussions toward developing a stand-alone administration of justice agreement. This MOU on Advancing Reconciliation will guide future exploratory discussions on the administration of justice needs and aspirations of Red Earth Cree Nation. An administration...

March 20, 2019

Funding for national centre of excellence for the study and understanding of Indigenous laws at UVic

The federal government announced in Budget 2019, $9.1 million over 3 years for a national centre of excellence for the study and understanding of Indigenous laws that will house the world’s first joint degree in Indigenous legal orders and Canadian common law (JD/JID).  Starting in 2019/20, the funds will support the construction of “an Indigenous Legal...

January 25, 2019

Provincial court oath affirmation can now use a sacred eagle feather

Witnesses, victims, and offenders appearing in the Provincial Court of Newfoundland and Labrador will now have the option to take an affirmation or oath with a sacred eagle feather. Traditionally, in some Indigenous cultures, the eagle is considered sacred because it flies the highest and closest to the Creator. Its feathers are a symbol of...

October 26, 2018

Cape Breton University seeks funds to build a Centre for Discovery and Innovation

CBC – Cape Breton University is seeking funding from the federal and Nova Scotia governments to build a Centre for Discovery and Innovation, a modern research and instructional facility, including the Marshall Institute which would focus its work on environmental justice and Indigenous approaches to climate change. The institute, named after Donald Marshall Jr., the Mi’kmaw...

May 24, 2018

Law Society Tribunal and Tribunal Committee

A Review Panel of The Law Society of Ontario also recommended that they: explore ways to incorporate Indigenous Law principles and apply them in appropriate cases, with the help of Indigenous Law experts; provide adjudicators with ongoing training in the history of Indigenous Law in Canada, as well as Indigenous methods of dispute resolution, Indigenous...

March 26, 2018

New Indigenous court in Prince George

The new Indigenous court in Prince George had its grand opening. The court will focus on rehabilitation and giving fairer representation for Indigenous persons, with Lheidli T’enneh elders being involved in the final decisions. “To have elders involved in the process, to have recognition of some of the legacy of colonization, and how that impacts...

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