Call to Action # 67

We call upon the federal government to provide funding to the Canadian Museums Association to undertake, in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, a national review of museum policies and best practices to determine the level of compliance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and to make recommendations.

Why “In Progress?”

Sept. 27, 2022: Canadian Museums Association released “Moved to Action: Activating UNDRIP in Museums” calling for support for Indigenous-led organizations, initiatives, and self-determination at every level of museum operations and within all museum positions across the country. The report highlights 10 recommendations and 30 new standards for implementing UNDRIP and supporting Indigenous self-determination in museums.

On April 16, 2019, the federal government committed $680,948 to fund the CMA Reconciliation Project to support a national review of museum policies, in collaboration with Indigenous peoples, which will look the best ways to determine their level of compliance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and to make recommendations. The CMA will receive $351,508 to lead the professional development and sharing of best practices across Canada. These activities will include workshops, online learning modules, a national museum-worker bursary program, Muse Magazine, online bi-weekly newsletters, and museology reports.

CMA Website: The CMA is working closely with its Reconciliation Council and other stakeholders across the country to survey and collect feedback, identify key issues, and ultimately produce and disseminate a report with clear recommendations for the inclusion and representation of Indigenous communities within museums and cultural centres.

The official federal government website “Delivering on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action” states that the final report is expected to be completed by March 31, 2022.

Current Status


Call to Action
last updated

May 13, 2024

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