Current Problems: Justice (25-42)

Exploring Theme: "AFN – Canada MOU: Policing"

Updates on this page: 36

July 10, 2024

AFN calls for federal government to recognize First Nations jurisdiction over policing

Progress slow on new First Nations policing legislation CBC News: The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is reaffirming its calls for the federal government to recognize First Nations jurisdiction over policing. Chiefs from across Canada are meeting in Montreal this week for the AFN’s annual general assembly.  On Wednesday, the chiefs in attendance adopted a...

June 17, 2024

Rising violence, funding shortfalls: Indigenous police say Ottawa has left them teetering on the edge

Their policing resources are stretched thin and if something doesn’t change Indigenous forces in Ontario could disband.  The Toronto Star: SIX NATIONS OF THE GRAND RIVER, Ont.—It took Cody Johnson seven tries to be accepted into the Six Nations Police Service. Johnson always wanted to be a police officer growing up on the Six Nations of the...

March 30, 2024

‘Native policing is community policing:’ A glimpse into Indigenous police services in Alberta

Limited resources present a challenge CBC Indigenous: For Tristan Black Water, watching police officers at work was inspiring. So, once he was ready, he decided to join the services and was sworn in as a constable in 2022. “Growing up in this community, I know that everybody is talented in their own way. Everybody has...

March 19, 2024

Money allocated for First Nations, Inuit policing going unspent says auditor general

Karen Hogan says federal government’s and RCMP’s actions ‘not aligned with building trust in First Nations.’ APTN News: Millions of dollars that were allocated for First Nations and Inuit policing is going unspent says Auditor General Karen Hogan in her latest report to Parliament. According to the audit, the cost of the First Nations and Inuit...

March 13, 2024

Alberta announces intention to create organization with ‘police-like services’

Further consultation with Indigenous communities to follow  APTN News: The Alberta government announced Bill 11 which would allow for the creation of a new police agency on Wednesday that would take over the responsibilities of Alberta sheriffs. “Residents have a right to feel protected in their everyday lives,” said Mike Ellis, minister of public and...

March 11, 2024

Brokenhead bringing in First Nations police to replace RCMP

Current members of the Manitoba First Nation Police Service. Last week the Brokenhead Ojibway Nation announced they are transitioning police services from the RCMP to MFNPS. Photo MFNPS© Provided by Winnipeg Sun  First Peoples Law Report: Winnipeg SUN – A southern Manitoba First Nation is transitioning away from being policed by RCMP and bringing in a...

February 28, 2024

Mi’gmaw communities in New Brunswick start alternative to standard policing

APTN News: Seven Mi’gmaw communities in New Brunswick are starting a peacekeeping program as an alternative to conventional policing methods. “I think an important issue for us too is making sure that our people and our children know that they can turn to us for anything,” says T.C. Ward, a Mi’gmaw Peacekeeper, or Wantoqo’tikewinu’k in...

February 9, 2024

Police Reform Talks Stalled over Calls to Oust the RCMP

First Nations groups want a provincial force and expanded Indigenous policing. But BC says it’s not ready to commit. The Tyee: A working group established by the B.C. government to engage with First Nations on reforming the Police Act and bring it into line with the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act has...

February 2, 2024

James Smith Cree Nation tragedy ‘could have been avoided’ says AFN national chief

APTN News: The national chief of the Assembly of First Nations says the lack of First Nations policing and other justice services compounded the tragedy on James Smith Cree Nation back in 2022. “This tragedy is a systemic failure of the police and the justice system,” Cindy Woodhouse of the Assembly of First Nations said...

November 17, 2023

Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation charts path forward on safety amid state of emergency

Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation wants to move forward on plans to develop a community safety officer program, a training facility and wellness and detox centre in Pelican Narrows. Author of the article: Thia James NationTalk: Saskatoon Star Phoenix – Elder Antonia Sewap rarely leaves her home in Pelican Narrows except to visit family members, out...

October 31, 2023

‘Chronic underfunding’: 22 Quebec Indigenous police forces file rights complaint

APTN News: The Canadian Press – Twenty-two Indigenous police forces in Quebec have filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission accusing the Public Safety Department of chronic underfunding. Shawn Dulude, president of the Quebec Association of First Nation and Inuit Police Directors, says federal funding for Indigenous police has set forces up to...

August 16, 2023

Feds blamed AFN for delays, slow progress on First Nations policing bill: documents

PM promised government would bring forward new First Nations policing law in 2020 Stephanie Taylor, Alessia Passafiume · The Canadian Press CBC News: Federal officials worried long-promised legislation declaring First Nations policing an essential service was being delayed by Assembly of First Nations hesitations about the bill, newly released internal documents show. Records obtained by The Canadian Press...

July 28, 2023

Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Calls on New Federal Public Safety Minister to Prioritize First Nations Policing

NationTalk: Ottawa, ON – The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) congratulates Dominic LeBlanc on his appointment as Minister of Public Safety and urges him to prioritize the safety and security of First Nations communities across the country. During the AFN Annual General Assembly in Halifax earlier this month, several resolutions were passed to enhance the...

July 20, 2023

Ontario Regional Chief Glen Hare Voices Concern Over the Lack of Inclusion of First Nations Law Enforcement Under the New Community Safety and Policing Act

Ontario Regional Chief Glen Hare Voices Concern Over the Lack of Inclusion of First Nations Law Enforcement Under the New Community Safety and Policing Act NationTalk: Toronto, ON – Ontario Regional Chief Glen Hare issued the following statement regarding Ontario’s Ministry of the Solicitor General’s decision to proceed towards finalizing their regulations under the new Community...

July 12, 2023

Recognition of First Nations rights a ‘sticking’ point in new policing law plan: AFN

Police tape marks a scene on the James Smith Cree Nation. Photo: APTN file  APTN News: The Canada Press – A lawyer for the Assembly of First Nations says including the recognition of rights is a “sticking” point as the organization negotiates a new policing bill with Ottawa. Julie McGregor updated chiefs gathered in Halifax...

July 12, 2023

First Nations-In-Assembly Support Indigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario

NationTalk: (Halifax, Nova Scotia) – First Nations-In-Assembly have voiced their unwavering support for Indigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario (IPCO) and the push for First Nations Policing to be declared an essential service across Canada. Indigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario filed a Federal Court Motion earlier this year. On June 30, Justice Denis Gascon ordered Public...

July 11, 2023

Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief welcomes Federal Court decision on First Nation policing

NationTalk: HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA (July 11, 2023) — Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Reg Niganobe is relieved with the recent Federal Court ruling on a motion filed by First Nation Police Chiefs of Ontario regarding their funding agreements. The Federal Court has ordered funds to flow to the First Nation police services that were without funding...

July 6, 2023

Funding victory a ‘game changer’ for First Nations policing: lawyer

Lawyer for three First Nations police services says 12-month court-ordered funding extension will force Ottawa to fix ‘mess’ of discriminatory Indigenous policing agreements NationTalk: A lawyer who successfully fought to temporarily extend funding for three First Nations police services — after a lack of funding threatened to shut them down — says the win in...

July 5, 2023

Judge in ruling says Indigenous police chiefs have strong human rights case against Canada

“…basically erecting a concrete wall in terms of any willingness to negotiate the underlying terms and conditions, Canada acted inconsistently with its obligations in reconciliation and acted dishonourably in terms of its honour of the Crown obligations.” — lawyer Julian Falconer WindSpeaker: Three First Nations police services in Ontario have had their funding reinstated, albeit...

July 4, 2023

Assembly of First Nations Welcomes Federal Court Ruling in IPCO Motion on First Nations Policing Funding

NationTalk: (Ottawa, ON) – The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is pleased with the ruling of the Federal Court on a motion filed by Indigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario (IPCO). IPCO filed a motion requesting emergency relief and an order requiring Public Safety Canada (PSC) to suspend application of the discriminatory Terms and Conditions of...

June 12, 2023

Assembly of First Nations Supports Indigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario Federal Court Motion

Jun 12, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) fully supports the Indigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario (IPCO) in their fight for equitable funding for First Nations Police services in Ontario. IPCO has filed a  motion in  Federal Court requesting emergency relief and an order requiring Public Safety Canada (PSC) to suspend...

June 12, 2023

Public safety minister proposes temporary funding for 3 First Nations police services operating on ‘fumes’

Lawyer for the police services in northern Ontario says filing injunction for emergency funding will proceed CBC News: Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino has proposed temporary funding for three Indigenous police services that receive money under a special program administered by Ottawa, after their funding was cut off over two months ago as negotiations for a new agreement have stalled. Mendicino...

June 9, 2023

3 Indigenous police services in northern Ontario could cease operating due to lack of funding

The police services collectively serve around 30,000 people across northern Ontario  CBC News: Three Indigenous police services that serve 45 First Nations across northern Ontario say they are at risk of shutting down due to a lack of  funding.  The Treaty Three Police Service, UCCM Anishnaabe Police Service and Anishinabek Police Service have not received funding from...

April 28, 2023

Experts, family say many questions remain unanswered in James Smith Cree Nation tragedy

Professor questions why RCMP divulged so much about the offenders and victims, but not the RCMP’s own actions CBC News: RCMP gave a detailed summary of the James Smith Cree Nation mass stabbing this week, but some family members and observers say many questions remain unanswered. For nearly three hours Thursday at a presentation in Melfort, Sask., RCMP revealed...

April 13, 2023

NAN, NAPS Support CHRT Complaint Against Canada on Underfunding of First Nations Policing

NationTalk: OTTAWA, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Deputy Grand Chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum, Nishnawbe Aski Police Service (NAPS) Chief of Police Roland Morrison, and NAPS Board Chair Mike Metatawabin have released the following statement supporting the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal complaint filed by the Indigenous Police Chiefs of Ontario against the Government of Canada: “This...

April 5, 2023

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Brings Forward Justice Issues for Meeting with Minister of Public Safety Office

NationTalk: Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) Grand Chief Cathy Merrick and other First Nations leaders from Manitoba met with Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino in Ottawa yesterday to discuss how our governments can work together on common goals of public safety and share solutions from a First Nations perspective....

April 5, 2023

Ottawa backs away from timeline for law to make First Nations policing essential service

The Globe and Mail: The federal government is backing away from setting a timeline to introduce legislation that would declare First Nations policing an essential service, but at least one regional chief hopes to see it this spring. Ghislain Picard, a member of the Assembly of First Nations executive, says it has been fighting for improvements to...

April 3, 2023

First Nations police launch human-rights complaint against Ottawa over funding

The Globe and Mail: Police chiefs presiding over First Nations police forces in Ontario have launched a human-rights complaint alleging that the federal government is placing reserves in crisis by failing to deliver adequate funding. The claim, which was obtained by The Globe and Mail, was filed last week at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal...

March 27, 2023

Saskatchewan Indigenous groups sound alarm on crime-wave crisis

The Globe and Mail: An Indigenous leader in Saskatchewan says the province’s First Nations are struggling to confront a crime wave as they await legislation and government funding to bolster policing. Edward (Dutch) Lerat, a vice-chief of Saskatchewan’s Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, said many First Nations are trying to determine how to start up...

March 24, 2023

Confidence lost in RCMP, says First Nation calling for external investigation into deaths of 2 girls

St. Theresa Point struggling with ‘rampant’ drug crisis, chief of First Nation in northeastern Manitoba says CBC News: The chief of a northeastern Manitoba First Nation where two girls were found dead outside earlier this month says the community has lost confidence in the RCMP investigation and its ability to stop rampant drug trafficking. St....

March 24, 2023

Who pays for First Nations policing, and who benefits? Saskatchewan’s struggles point to problems with funding models

After last year’s stabbings at James Smith Cree Nation, reserves are rethinking how to keep themselves safe – and how to navigate a maze of jurisdictions that Ottawa plans to redesign The Globe and Mail: The first 911 call, after the attacks began at James Smith Cree Nation, was made at 5:40 a.m. It was...

February 21, 2023

Challenge of the Decision Rendered on December 15, 2022 in Favour of Mashteuiatsh

NationTalk: MASHTEUIATSH, QC  – The Pekuakamiulnuatsh First Nation and the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (AFNQL) deplore Quebec’s decision to challenge before the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) the judgment rendered by the Court of appeal of Quebec on December 15, 2022. The Attorney General of Quebec has filed an application for leave to appeal to take the case to the highest court in...

November 6, 2022

First Nations leaders question new Sask. marshals service amid calls for better policing

Some see benefits to the move, while others decry a lack of consultation CBC News: As Indigenous communities in Saskatchewan call on governments for local policing forces and resources to address safety concerns, some First Nations community organizations are raising questions about the province’s newly announced marshals service. This week, the provincial government announced the planned Saskatchewan Marshals Service —...

October 19, 2022

‘Long overdue’: First Nations Police Chiefs respond to plan to expand Indigenous policing

Reaction is coming out swiftly to the federal government’s plan to make First Nations policing essential across the country. Saskatchewan has just one First Nation-administered police service: File Hills First Nations Police in Balcarres. The service has been in operation for about 20 years, serving five different First Nation communities in Treaty Four Tribal Territory....

October 11, 2022

Manitoba Government to Advance Priorities at Upcoming Annual Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Justice and Public Safety

Increased Prevalence of Violent Crime, Keeping Illegal Guns Off Streets will be Focus: Goertzen Concerns about increasing violent crime, particularly those committed with knives and illegal guns, will be a priority for the Manitoba government at a meeting between federal, provincial and territorial justice ministers held in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia from Oct. 12 to 14,...

September 29, 2022

Make Indigenous policing essential

Toronto Star: In the early morning hours of Sept. 4, Saskatchewan RCMP received a call reporting a stabbing on the James Smith Cree Nation. Three minutes later, two officers were dispatched to the scene. In most communities, that response could be quick enough to save some lives. But since the officers had to travel 45...

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