Government Commitments:

Exploring Theme: "Agreements"

Updates on this page: 6 (Filtered by Stakeholder "Manitoba")

April 11, 2023

Taking the lead on new nation-building projects

NationTalk: Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba have signed an agreement to collaborate on joint economic corridor projects to boost trade and economic growth. The signing of a memorandum of understanding between the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba will foster the development of new economic corridors across the three provinces. This groundbreaking partnership aims to bolster...

July 6, 2021

Manitoba Métis Self-Government Recognition and Implementation Agreement

An agreement with Canada recognizing the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) as the existing democratically elected government of the Manitoba Métis. This agreement ensures that the MMF will continue to provide responsible and accountable self-government. The Agreement signed by Minister Carolyn Bennett and Manitoba Métis Federation President David Chartrand is Canada’s first Métis self- government agreement...

June 4, 2018

Lawsuit over Turning the Page Agreement, Nov. 26, 2014

MMF’s has authorized legal proceedings against the Pallister government for its breach of the honour of the Crown and the Kwaysh-kin-na-mihk la paazh Agreement (“Turning the Page Agreement”) signed between the MMF, Manitoba Hydro and the Manitoba Government in November 2014. “It is outrageous and embarrassing for a Manitoba Premier to act like this—to overreach...

March 2, 2018

Mineral Development Protocol

The Manitoba Government stated it is working in partnership with First Nations to develop a provincial mineral development protocol to advance mineral development opportunities and projects on Indigenous territories but has excluded the Métis Nation of Manitoba from discussions. “The protocol, as is now being written, will mislead and confuse industry and increase instability, financial...

November 15, 2016

Framework for Advancing Reconciliation

Jointly developed Framework Agreement sets out a process to begin formal reconciliation negotiations to address the outstanding issues raised in the 2013 Manitoba Métis Federation Inc. v. Canada decision of the Supreme Court of Canada that will lead to a modern-day treaty with Canada. “This is a monumental and historic time for Manitoba’s Métis. After...

May 27, 2016

MOU on Advancing Reconciliation

Sets out a mutually agreeable path forward on finding a shared solution on implementing the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) Decision (2013 Manitoba Metis Federation et al. v. Canada decision of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC). The SCC decision is about undue delay in providing the land grants promised to the Métis in s. 31...

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