Government Commitments: Drinking Water Advisories

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June 11, 2024

Result in sight for long-delayed water law

MP Patty Hajdu addresses the press gallery in the Parliament’s foyer in 2018. Photo by Alex Tétrault/Canada’s National Observer  Canada’s National Observer: Ottawa is one step closer to awarding First Nations control and power over their water supply as a First Nations water bill is headed to committee this Wednesday. Last week, Bill C-61, the...

January 18, 2024

Athabasca Chief Allan Adam consulting with Ottawa on First Nations Clean Water Act

Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) near Fort McMurray attended the consultation with Min. Patricia Hajdu on Bill C-61 First Peoples Law Report: Edmonton Journal – Water — and last year’s tailings fluid leaks from Imperial Oil’s Kearl oilsands mine — were top of mind when Indigenous leaders and technicians from...

December 13, 2023

Clean Water bill ‘just the first step,’ NAN grand chief says

Bill C-61 begins a “long process of developing standards and regulations for safe, clean drinking water, wastewater and source water that respects the sovereignty of NAN communities.” NationTalk: – WABIGOON LAKE OJIBWAY NATION – The people in this First Nation community just south of the Trans-Canada Highway were living under a boil-water advisory for...

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