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Exploring Theme: "Indigenous-led Initiatives"

Updates on this page: 71 (Filtered by Indigenous Group "First Nations")

May 25, 2024

A plan to finance First Nations

Toronto Star: It’s no secret that Canada is not on track to meet its commitment to close the infrastructure gap for First Nations by 2030 through current delivery mechanisms and policy approaches. In fact, the Auditor General’s reports released in March 2024 served to reinforce the enormous chasm between First Nations and non-Indigenous communities in...

May 14, 2024

‘There are some brilliant people here’: First Nations Economic Forum a first in Canada

First Nations business leaders gathered in Winnipeg this week to discuss economic transformation. APTN News: Delegates at the First Nations Economic Forum eagerly shared their ideas for economic transformation on a life-sized vision board at the opening of the conference. Financial literacy, nation-to-nation trade and Indigenous-led policy reform were among the diverse suggestions. Over two...

May 13, 2024

Indigenous Leaders: ‘Tree-to-home’ solution aims to increase reliable Indigenous housing stock

Social enterprise One Bowl eyeing Sturgeon Falls for manufacturing facility NationTalk: – Housing has recently become a crisis issue for many Canadians, but Indigenous communities have been tackling a lack of quality housing for decades. Now, Wahkohtowin Development is proposing a solution for First Nations in Northern Ontario. One Bowl is a social enterprise with a “tree-to-home”...

May 1, 2024

Smiles and laughter as a Nation rebuilds

Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu and James Tomma, Kukpi7 (Chief) of Skwlāx te Secwepemcúl̓ecw, at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new subdivision last week. Photo courtesy of Larry Read Listen to article Canada’s National Observer: In Skwlāx te Secwepemcúl̓ecw First Nation, where last summer fires in B.C. destroyed homes and buildings, elders are smiling and laughing...

April 30, 2024

First Nations hope TMX opening will bring prosperity

Canada’s National Observer: Workers stop for lunch at the arena, one of many amenities and infrastructure projects the community of 700 has been able to finance through relationship with industry, in Fort McKay, Alta., on Apr. 25, 2024. File photo by The Canadian Press/Amber Bracken Listen to article Some Indigenous communities in northern Alberta hope the Trans Mountain pipeline...

April 29, 2024

Indigenous electrification strategy released

Niilo Edwards, CEO of the First Nations Major Projects Coalition, and JP Gladu, founder and CEO of Mokwateh. Details about the National Indigenous Electrification Strategy were unveiled at the First Nations Major Projects Coalition (FNMPC) conference in Toronto April 23. There are two main goals in the “Strategy to Accelerate Indigenous Ownership of Net...

April 9, 2024

First Nations Inspection Authority launches operations in Alberta

100% Indigenous-owned, FNIA provides residential, commercial, and industrial inspections and advocates for better building standards for First Nations NationTalk: EDMONTON, AB – Nathan McDonald, founder and owner of First Nations Inspection Authority (FNIA), announced the launch of one of the country’s first Indigenous inspections agencies today. FNIA provides accredited inspection services for residential, commercial, and industrial...

April 9, 2024

Pursuing mining initiatives in Indigenous communities requires balance

NationTalk: Penticton Herald,, The Canadian Press – Darrell Beaulieu believes it’s a balancing act for Indigenous communities to prosper in the mining industry. Beaulieu is the president and CEO of Denendeh Investments Incorporated, an Indigenous- owned corporation representing the 27 First Nations in the Northwest Territories. He’s also president of the Denendeh Mining and...

April 1, 2024

Indigenous Led Projects Forum (ILPF) Opens in Toronto with Keynote Address by Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario

NationTalk: TORONTO, April 1, 2024 – The Indigenous Led Projects Forum (ILPF) opens in Toronto on April 2, bringing together change-making Indigenous, Industry and Government leaders to discuss the most complex opportunities and challenges facing Indigenous proponents. Ontario Premier, Hon. Doug Ford, is delivering the morning’s keynote address. The award-winning documentary, Bridges to the North...

April 1, 2024

National Indigenous women’s organization accused of union-busting as it lays off dozens of staff

78 employees let go while non-profit plans boutique hotel with spa, convention centre CBC News: The most prominent Indigenous women’s organization in Canada is undergoing a federal financial audit where preliminary evidence of “ineligible expenses” was found, while facing union-busting allegations following a mass round of layoffs, CBC News has learned. The Native Women’s Association...

March 27, 2024

Shíshálh Nation rescues, relocates 10 houses slated for demolition

Homes to travel to the First Nation by barge from Port Moody, B.C. CBC Indigenous: Ten homes will be saved from demolition and barged to the shíshálh Nation next week in what one company is calling a “revolutionary housing solution.” Fifty-nine homes in Port Moody, B.C., just east of Vancouver, were set to be demolished to make...

March 26, 2024

The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada Announces its 2024-25 Action Plan

NationTalk: Xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), (Vancouver, BC) – The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) has released its 2024-25 Action Plan. The plan outlines ITAC’s vision for continuing to grow the Indigenous tourism industry to peak 2019 levels of $1.9 billion contribution to Canada’s GDP and 39,000 employed in the industry. The...

March 8, 2024

Global Indigenous Technology House Debuts at SXSW, Pioneering Indigenous Innovation and Inclusion

NationTalk: Austin, Texas – The inaugural Global Indigenous Technology House is set to make a groundbreaking opening at SXSW 2025, showcasing the intersection of technology, innovation, and Indigenous cultures from around the world to uplift Indigenous creative space. Hosted by the Global Centre of Indigenomics, in partnership with Move37XR, this unique initiative aims to create a...

March 5, 2024

Treaty 6 creating a revenue sharing model for Alberta’s consideration

Premier Danielle Smith and Confederacy of Treaty Six Nations Grand Chief Cody Thomas speak after a meeting between the Alberta Cabinet and Treaty 6 chiefs. In July, the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations will begin creating a model for discussion with the province to share revenue from natural resource development. It’s a discussion...

March 4, 2024

First Nations Release Critical Minerals Strategy in British Columbia to Facilitate Net Zero by 2050

NationTalk: (xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil Waututh)/Vancouver, B.C.) – First Nations in B.C. have announced a proactive critical minerals strategy for their territories in British Columbia. The First Nations Critical Minerals Strategy was facilitated and prepared by the BC First Nations Energy and Mining Council and supported by the First Nations Leadership Council....

February 26, 2024

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Passes Key Resolutions Addressing Treaty Rights, Governance, and Environmental Concerns

NationTalk: Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – The Chiefs-in-Assembly and the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) gathered at the General Assembly on February 21-22, 2024, to discuss and pass several resolutions addressing crucial issues affecting First Nations in Manitoba. These resolutions span topics ranging from fisheries transformation and child and family services to environmental concerns and the...

February 21, 2024

Opinion: Facilitate real reconciliation through Indigenous financial institutions

Indigenous communities need better financing entities. Here are two that could help and would eventually be self-sustaining NationTalk: A key obstacle to building economic prosperity in Canada’s Indigenous communities is lack of access to the financing needed to invest in public infrastructure, housing and economic development. Indigenous Services Canada and the Assembly of First Nations...

February 21, 2024

Indigenous Prosperity Foundation Announces Inaugural Board of Directors

NationTalk: The Indigenous Prosperity Foundation (IPF) proudly unveils its inaugural Board of Directors, a crucial milestone in advancing Indigenous empowerment and economic prosperity. Established by the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association (NACCA) in collaboration with Indigenous Financial Institutions (IFIs) across Canada, IPF is dedicated to supporting underserved Indigenous women, youth, and early-stage entrepreneurs through initiatives...

February 6, 2024

Sara Kopamees Interviews the First Nations Major Projects Coalition for Canadian Industry Magazine’s Annual Indigenous Business Edition

NationTalk: TORONTO – Interactive publishers Industry Media recently announced the release of the latest edition of Canadian Industry magazine, the annual Indigenous Business Edition, featuring: the First Nations Major Projects Coalition, National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association,  Xatśūll Development Corporation, any many more organizations moving the needle on industry and Indigenous partnership in Canada. This special edition...

January 29, 2024

Move beyond checking boxes when it comes to reconciliation

“It’s a critically profound and interesting and well-written document. And companies are increasingly looking at it in much deeper ways and trying to understand the implications on their own strategies.” — Craig Hall, VP, Indigenous Works, about the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Kelly Lendsay, president and CEO of Indigenous Works NationTalk:...

January 26, 2024

‘For northerners by northerners:’ A look back at devolution in Yukon

Yukon was the first territory to sign a devolution agreement in 2003. APTN News: It’s been just over a week since the Nunavut government, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated and the federal government co-signed the Nunavut Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement. The agreement gives the territory and its people more control of its natural resources and waterways....

January 23, 2024

Investing in self-determination and food sovereignty: Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Development Corporation acquires a majority stake in ColdAcre Food Systems Inc.

NationTalk: Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Development Corporation (NNDDC) is proud to announce the acquisition of a majority stake in Yukon company, ColdAcre Food Systems Inc (ColdAcre). Established in 2019, ColdAcre is a food system technology developer and manufacturer. Best known for their hydroponic technology, ColdAcre works with clients to  incorporate a diversity of growing capabilities including,...

January 18, 2024

Flipping Indigenous regional development in Newfoundland upside-down: lessons from Australia

Newfoundland and Tasmania, Australia, have been described as ‘mirror islands’ with striking linkages. Site of one of the field excursions during the authors’ 12-day exchange to Tasmania, Australia. (Author Provided, Brady Reid), Author provided First Peoples Law Report: The Conversation – In an era of “global boiling” the Canadian government has set ambitious targets to transition towards a net-zero future with...

January 17, 2024

Indigenous leaders applaud Oil and Gas Industry collaboration at IRC Reconcili-Action Conference

NationTalk: BOE Report – As a polar vortex began its descent into BC & Western Canada late last week bringing record low temperatures, the Indian Resource Council (IRC) was trying to warm things up on Bay Street in Toronto with a conference proposing major project collaboration and investment for true reconciliation and action with Indigenous peoples. The...

January 10, 2024

First Nations, Métis settlements join forces for deal backed by Indigenous Opportunities Corporation 

“To be able to support two deals in this sector is very, very important.” — Chana Martineau, CEO for the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation Chana Martineau: CEO for Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation The Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation (AIOC) has expanded its reach into northern Alberta with oil and gas infrastructure assets. The newly-formed Wapiscanis...

January 9, 2024

Bison bounce back in the American West, giving Indigenous nations hope for restorations of their own

Tribes and the U.S. government are reintroducing herds of native animals like never before, and Canadians who want to do the same are taking notes Bison graze on Kalispel territory in northeastern Washington state. This tribe is one of several in the United States working toward restoration of animals that have fed Indigenous people in...

December 4, 2023

Award-winning framework gives a voice to Indigenous youth transitioning out of care 

“A lot of funders, they’ll put certain stipulations about evaluation in funding agreements that are pretty black and white. They’re numbers based and they don’t always capture the full story.” —Kirsty Choquette Kirsty Choquette is one of nine Mitacs award winners nationally. Kirsty Choquette has received an award for developing a framework that gives...

November 27, 2023

Panel on capitalization of the Indigenous economy encourages taking time to get it right

“Our shareholders are our people. And so, we don’t always get the opportunity to take an investment opportunity and multiply that back into the market, because we need to take care of the needs of today for our shareholders and our people.” — Justin Bourque, president of Athabasca Indigenous Investments From left to right: Justin...

November 27, 2023

First Nation leader provides Mi’kmaw worldview of economic reconciliation

“We are not only revitalizing our own community but also offering a model of development that is holistic, just, and deeply respectful of the intricate web of life.” — Rose Paul, CEO of Bayside Development Corporation Rose Paul, CEO of Bayside Development Corporation of the of Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation. Rose Paul has earned her...

November 25, 2023

Indigenous economy surging toward $100B, Indigenous leaders say

‘Indigenomics’ event held to bring companies and governments into wave of growth CBC News: Entrepreneur Rob Tebb can see his company becoming bigger — a lot bigger. “The opportunity is there to just grow this business to four or five times the size that it is,” he said. Tebb, who is Métis, owns Regina-based Xtended...

November 17, 2023

Indigenous-led organizations in Canada, Australia sign MOU

Economic-development organizations commit to greater collaboration NationTalk: GATINEAU, QUEBEC – The Indigenous Peoples in Australia and Canada share a similar history marked by the dispossession of their lands and waters, the denial of their rights, systematic exclusion from the economy and from opportunities for wealth creation. This exclusion and marginalization of Indigenous Peoples from economic...

November 9, 2023

First Nations-led renewable energy organization is a historic move for BC

NationTalk: The Georgia Straight – Smalyax K’uul means “coming together as one”—and that is exactly what First Nation leaders in BC’s northwest are doing. We have come together to form K’uul Power: a First Nations-led organization that will pursue the development and operation of renewable energy transmission and generation projects in northwestern British Columbia. As the Chief of...

October 25, 2023

McLeod Lake Indian Band signs with province, regulatory agency to lead $7B clean energy project

Agreement sets up framework to create low carbon energy through Indigenous owned, operated projects CBC Indigenous: The Canadian Press – The McLeod Lake Indian Band in northern British Columbia has signed an agreement in partnership with the province to work on what Premier David Eby calls an “elegant” proposal for a clean energy hub on band territory north...

October 24, 2023

Anishinabek Nation kicks-off inaugural Anishinabek Nation Economic Development Opportunities Forum

NationTalk: SAULT STE. MARIE, ONTARIO – The Anishinabek Nation is excited to kick-off its inaugural annual Economic Development Opportunities Forum now underway from October 24 to 26, in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. “Economic sovereignty has never been more important for our communities than presently,” states Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Reg Niganobe. “With a shifting...

October 19, 2023

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business and Global Affairs Canada release Adàwe: Export Experiences of Indigenous Entrepreneurs report

NationTalk: Toronto, ON – Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) and Global Affairs Canada (GAC) have partnered for a two-part report to better understand the experiences of Indigenous exporters, the challenges they face, and the potential of prosperity and growth they can achieve through trade. Released today, the first report, Adàwe: Export Experiences of Indigenous...

October 6, 2023

First Nations Housing Professionals Association to transition the Centre of Excellence on Matrimonial Real Property from the National Aboriginal Land Managers Association

NationTalk: [OTTAWA ONTARIO, 2023-10-05] – The First Nations Housing Professionals Association (FNHPA) is thrilled to announce a momentous leap forward in its mission to advance the First Nations Housing industry through education and training Effective September 25, 2023, FNHPA will commence the transition of the Centre of Excellence on Matrimonial Real Property (COEMRP), previously under...

October 3, 2023

New USask Indigenous health department first of its kind in Canada

NationTalk: University of Saskatchewan News – The University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) College of Medicine is creating a first of its kind department in a Canadian medical school, dedicated to improving the health outcomes of Indigenous Peoples in Saskatchewan through academics and education. The Department of Indigenous Health and Wellness received University Council approval in April...

September 24, 2023

Soar program aims to lift Indigenous entrepreneurs to new heights

New business accelerator plans to guide 5 successful indigenous companies to become big-name brands CBC News: The co-founder of a new accelerator for Indigenous entrepreneurs said successful First Nations business owners kept telling her they wanted to grow but felt stuck on a plateau. “There was this gap that once you cross the million dollar mark,...

September 19, 2023

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business releases Trading Nations: Supporting International Indigenous-To-Indigenous Trade Policy Development

NationTalk: Toronto – As the Canadian government continues to voice its commitment to make advancements towards economic reconciliation, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) has released a comprehensive report on the state of trade policy development and its impact on the Indigenous economy. Trading Nations: Supporting International Indigenous-To-Indigenous Trade Policy Development was released today to...

September 11, 2023

4 northern Ontario First Nations form coalition to bid on new power line

The power line will connect the Wawa and Porcupine transformer stations in northeastern Ontario CBC News: Four northern Ontario First Nations have formed a coalition to bid on a power line project that would pass through their traditional territories.  Taykwa Tagamou Nation, Michipicoten First Nation, Chapleau Cree First Nation and Missanabie Cree First Nation have...

August 24, 2023

How Indigenous communities can establish food security in a changing climate

CBC News: One of the many effects of climate change is that it is leading to food insecurity in Indigenous communities across Canada.  For example, bird species that traditionally disperse plant seeds to new sprouting locations are becoming less common due to changing weather patterns, while invasive species are threatening traditional resources that Indigenous communities obtain...

August 22, 2023

Alberta First Nations tribe spins hay into gold

Kainai Forage sets a new record with a 40,000 tonne first cut and it has no plans of stopping there Kainai-Blood Chief Roy Fox (Blackfoot name Makiinima) stands in front of a painting of Stamikso’sak, a Blood Tribe war chief from the early 1800s. Photo:Supplied  NationTalk: Alberta Farmer Express – Four years ago, Kainai Forage set...

August 11, 2023

First Nations-led infrastructure project worth billions looks to benefit Treaty 5 and beyond

Proposed Wáwátéwák Corridor would run east-west between northern Manitoba to northern Alberta CBC News: A First Nations owned and operated coalition is working to assert the sovereignty of Indigenous People with plans for a new multibillion-dollar inter-provincial infrastructure project. Called the Wáwátéwák Corridor (Wáwátéwák is for Cree for northern lights), the project is meant to brighten the futures...

July 13, 2023

Ogemawahj Tribal Council and Water First announce new training internship for water treatment plant operators

Partnership supports technical skills development and community capacity for water resources management NationTalk: RAMA FIRST NATION, Ontario, July 13, 2023– Water First Education & Training Inc., in partnership with Ogemawahj Tribal Council (OTC) and participating communities, is pleased to announce a new water treatment plant operator training program for local Indigenous youth and young adults....

July 11, 2023

BCAFN Releases Report Highlighting First Nations Vital and Significant Economic Contributions

NationTalk: (Lheidli T’enneh Territory, Prince George, BC) — The BC Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN) has released their report: Economic Contributions of BC First Nations. This important report is part of the broader work BCAFN has been doing regarding First Nations economic development including the creation of the Black Books: First Nations Guide to Economic...

July 9, 2023

Indigenous leaders strive for economic growth as they tout B.C. LNG

The Globe and Mail: Three Indigenous leaders will be promoting plans to export liquefied natural gas from British Columbia, striving for economic growth as they work to address climate concerns when building new energy projects. Karen Ogen, chief executive officer of the First Nations LNG Alliance, will appear at a Monday morning event before an...

July 2, 2023

Indigenous tourism — which offers sustainability and cultural connection — is booming in Canada

After bouncing back from pandemic lows, revenues are expected to triple by 2030 if demand continues CBC News · Posted: Jun 27, 2023 4:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: July 2 CBC News: On a sunny afternoon, a group of cyclists tours through Banff National Park, stopping midway to hike through the park’s Sundance Canyon.  When they...

June 26, 2023

Electra Announces Commitment for Strategic Investment from First Nation-Owned Three Fires Group

NationTalk: Toronto, Ontario – Electra Battery Materials Corporation (NASDAQ: ELBM; TSX-V: ELBM) (“Electra” or the “Company”) announces that it has received a commitment for a strategic investment from the Three Fires Group Inc. (“Three Fires”) in support of advancing the Company’s battery materials park north of Toronto and accelerating its battery recycling strategy in North...

June 16, 2023

Massive Vancouver land development unveiled for Jericho area

The Globe and Mail: Vancouver’s Indigenous nations had already pitched an ambitious plan for a massive new development on the city’s west side two years ago that would double the current population there. Now, a revised plan being released Friday by the consortium of Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh nations has increased the amount of housing dramatically, with...

May 25, 2023

5 years on, Maskwacis, Alta., early childhood program celebrates community connections and benefits

Early Years offers wraparound services to families with children under 5 Five years ago people in Ermineskin Cree Nation, one of four First Nations in Maskwacis, Alta., launched a child development program called Early Years to fill a need.  Annette Morin, currently a recruiter for the Early Years program, said the Indigenous-led program doesn’t tell parents what...

April 25, 2023

First Nations and US Tribes gather for a continental discussion about Indigenous values in deal-making

Over 1500 delegates from Indigenous nations, industry and government gather in Vancouver to showcase leading successful Indigenous-industry deals from around the world NationTalk: COAST SALISH TERRITORY — The Canadian-based First Nations Major Projects Coalition (FNMPC) is hosting over 1500 delegates representing Indigenous nations, industry, and government at the Westin Bayshore hotel April 24th & 25th...

April 24, 2023

Water is sacred to Indigenous people. They have been fighting to protect it for decades

For Indigenous people water is more than just hydration: It’s alive and holds a spirit. Water is life UNRESERVED: Water is Sacred – CBC News: For Pamela Palmater, making sure that people are aware of the threats facing water is an urgent matter. “When we tend to look at dangers to water, you might...

April 20, 2023

CIER, One Drop Foundation and Private Sector Partners to Launch the Indigenous Water Allyship

NationTalk: WINNIPEG, MB and MONTRÉAL, April 20, 2023 – Today, the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER), Canada’s first Indigenous-directed environmental non-profit organization and the One Drop Foundation announced the launch of the Indigenous Water Allyship, a first of its kind collaborative-led initiative to improve living conditions and health through water and art in Indigenous communities across Canada. The initiative is co-designed...

April 15, 2023

First Nations investors redefining Canada

J.P. GLADU AND KEN COATES CONTRIBUTORS Toronto Star: Last week’s sale of a $1.12-billion stake in seven Alberta pipelines to First Nation and Métis communities is one of the most important milestones in Canadian economic history. The acquisition of the Enbridge pipeline shares by Athabasca Indigenous Investments, which is owned by almost two dozen Treaty...

March 27, 2023

Traditional healing program will help combat intergenerational harm, Southern Chiefs’ Organization says

New program will treat spirit, body and mind with culturally informed practices CBC News: The Southern Chiefs’ Organization officially launched a program Monday that it says will help Manitoba’s Indigenous communities move forward. The traditional healers program will use culturally informed practices to treat the spirit, body and mind while also deepening participants’ cultural connection, says...

March 21, 2023

Atikameksheng Anishnawbek, Sagamok Anishnawbek and Wahnapitae First Nation partner in historic, collaborative agreement with successful Canadian mining contractor

NationTalk:, Sudbury– Atikameksheng Anishnawbek, Sagamok Anishnawbek, and Wahnapitae First Nation and Technica Mining are proud to announce that they have entered into a partnership under a new business entity called Aki-eh Dibinwewziwin, which means “to be owned by the earth”. The name of the company was intentionally generated by Anishinaabe Language holders from each...

March 21, 2023

Cowessess First Nations’ $21-million Awasis solar project is a prime example of how Indigenous communities are leading the way for green power in Canada

Toronto Star: On a wintry day last November, Daphne Kay looked up at an expanse of gleaming solar panels located on Cowessess First Nation reserve land just east of Regina and cried. It was the mix of past and present that moved her, watching her fellow community members hold a traditional round dance to mark...

March 17, 2023

Two First Nations in B.C. share child welfare agreement – and salmon

APTN: Two First Nations in B.C. came together this week to sign a declaration recognizing their child welfare jurisdiction. To mark the occasion and follow their tradition, the Gitsegukla traded salmon with the Simpcw. There was also drumming and singing during their ceremony in Prince George, B.C. Gitsegukla Chief Anne Howard said the declaration was...

January 26, 2023

Tahltan Nation and Nisg̱a’a Nation Announce New Partnership That Will Maximize Economic Benefits at The Seabridge KSM Project

NationTalk: Announced today, Tahltan Nation and Nisg̱a’a Nation (the “Nations”) have joined together in a new partnership. This partnership brings new life to a historic and centuries-old Peace Treaty, through the Treaty Creek Limited Partnership. The new partnership will optimize their participation at the Seabridge KSM project, further establishing the Nations as industry leaders in...

January 18, 2023

Chief Crystal Smith: First Nations want an energy future, not eco-colonialism

Industry and to some extent government, have learned to work with First Nations to establish genuine economic reconciliation opportunities, particularly in the energy sector. NationTalk: The Mirror – Premier David Eby should not be persuaded by a recent activists’ ultimatum calling on him to place rejection of liquefied natural gas projects at “top-of-mind” to meet...

December 5, 2022

Indigenous-led program unites families, diverts kids from child welfare system in 98% of cases

‘They don’t leave you, even when you’re at your worst,’ says mother applauding program in Manitoba CBC News: There was a moment in Cara Courchene’s life when reuniting with her children seemed out of reach. The child welfare system seems stacked against parents like her, but one Indigenous-led program has had remarkable success in trying to change that....

November 24, 2022

Launch of RoadMap – a pathway toward economic reconciliation

NationTalk: OTTAWA – The First Nations Financial Management Board (FMB) will launch a practical and optional framework to advance Indigenous economic reconciliation on Nov. 29 in Ottawa. RoadMap offers realistic and implementable options to empower First Nations governments to move past the failed one-size-fits-all approach. The RoadMap Project supports the implementation of the United Nations Declaration...

November 10, 2022

AFOA Canada launches new certification program aimed at closing the infrastructure gap facing Indigenous communities

New program will be created in collaboration with TD Bank Group and the Canada Infrastructure Bank   NationTalk: OTTAWA, ON – AFOA Canada has collaborated with the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) and TD Bank Group (TD) to develop a project financing certification program that will strengthen Indigenous peoples and communities abilities to structure and manage large...

May 17, 2022

AFOA Canada partnership with Harvard Business School

Leading People and Investing to Build Sustainable Communities program More Indigenous professionals from across Canada have attended Harvard University through a unique partnership between AFOA Canada and the Harvard Business School (HBS). From May 9-13, 2022 AFOA Canada members together with participants from the United States, Australia and New Zealand achieved an Executive Education Program Certificate....

January 7, 2021

Mi’kmaq First Nations Coalition purchse of Clearwater Seafoods

Clearwater – FNC Holdings Limited Partnership representing a coalition of Mi’kmaq First Nations and Premium Brands Holdings Corporation through a new equally owned corporation, 12385104 Canada Inc., will acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Clearwater....

November 9, 2020

Mi’kmaq First Nations Coalition purchse of Clearwater Seafoods

First Nations Finance Authority – Provided a $250M loan to the Mi’kmaq First Nations Coalition comprised of communities from across Nova Scotia and Newfoundland: Membertou Waycobah Potlotek Paqtnkek Pictou Landing Sipekne’katik, and Miawpukek. The loan was to purchase the Canadian off-shore fishing licences from Clearwater Seafoods resulting in a 50% equity share in Clearwater. Under...

February 17, 2020

Indigenous brief to the Laurent Commission

The Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (AFNQL) and the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC) presented a joint brief to the Laurent Commission (Special Commission on the Rights of Children and Youth Protection) aimed in particular at reaffirming the rights of First Nations to decide on the future and education...

March 12, 2019

Call for Independent Inquiry into death of Tina Fontaine

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) renews its call for an independent inquiry into the death of Tina Fontaine. The investigation, report and recommendations are a start, but the content remains firmly based in a colonial approach as it pushes First Nations aside and advances an investigation from outside provincial jurisdiction, and does not attempt to reconcile working...

February 20, 2019

Actions to improve conditions of Indigenous children

The winter session of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) voted Tuesday on three measures to improve conditions for Indigenous children: The FSIN prepare for a potential upcoming court case with the Saskatchewan government about the treatment of Indigenous children in foster care. The potential court case would come if the federal government does...

October 24, 2018

AMC “Bringing Our Children Home Act”.

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) Chiefs-in-Assembly endorsed the “Bringing Our Children Home Act”. “Today, we are reclaiming our collective sovereignty and jurisdiction for the care and protection of our children in every way in order to ensure we safeguard their well-being, provide them with a cultural shield according to our respective Anishinaabeg, Anishinininwak, Dakota Oyate,...

April 25, 2018

First Nations Leadership Council Concerns on “Bill 26”

First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) while acknowledging “some promising components” in Bill 26 also have the following concerns: The amendments were prepared unilaterally and without consultation by BC The amendments are technical and operational and do not go far enough in addressing the principles of UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Truth and Reconciliation...

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