Current Problems: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

Exploring Theme: "Financial"

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June 19, 2024

Their land, their choice: When economic reconciliation and climate justice conflict

By Matteo Cimellaro | Analysis, Urban Indigenous Communities in Ottawa Illustration by Ata Ojani/Canada’s National Observer  Canada’s National Observer: It all started with a pipeline.  Twelve years ago, 16 B.C. First Nations came together to purchase an equity stake in the Pacific Trail Pipeline. The pipe was set to weave through ecologically sensitive rivers, lakes and valleys that the...

May 29, 2024

Alberta stronger than ever: Premier Smith

NationTalk: “It was one year ago today that voters in Alberta elected our government to a second consecutive mandate. First and foremost, I want to say that being able to serve Albertans as their Premier remains the honour of a lifetime. I cannot overstate how proud I am of this beautiful province and the people...

May 24, 2024

Feds earmark $31M to Wehwehneh Bahgahkinahhogn redevelopment project

Money will support building repairs, environmental upgrades and workforce development. APTN News: The Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO) received a $31 million funding boost from the federal government to support the redevelopment of the Wehwehneh Bahgahkinahhogn project. Affordable housing units, a childcare centre and a museum are among the spaces slated to open in the former downtown Winnipeg Hudson’s...

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