Current Problems: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

Exploring Theme: "Judicial"

Updates on this page: 11

January 18, 2024

Nova Scotia Court of Appeal Upholds Class Action Decision of January 27, 2022

NationTalk: Nova Scotia (Attorney General) v. Joyce 2023 NSCA 9 January 17, 2024: The Respondents, four Mi’kmaq members of the Native Council of Nova Scotia, whose rights to hunt and harvest were arbitrarily and without meaningful consultation, stripped from them and others who already exercised established rights. In doing so, the respondents claim the Province...

July 6, 2023

Saskatchewan refuses to negotiate a deal over Ile-a-la Crosse residential school settlement say feds

The federal government says it’s willing to sit and negotiate a settlement with survivors of the Ile-a-la-Crosse residential school but it needs the province of Saskatchewan at the table to make a deal happen. “The Government of Canada is willing to step up to the plate and settle its portion of the liability with survivors...

May 9, 2023

Federal Court of Appeal Allows Judicial Review of Bait-and-Switch Approval of Emergency Towing Vessel Contract on BC’s Coast

NationTalk: BELLA BELLA, BRITISH COLUMBIA – Heiltsuk Horizon is welcoming a Federal Court of Appeal ruling that allows a judicial review of a complaint the company filed against the federal procurement process to acquire two emergency towing vessels meant to protect BC’s coast against marine oil spills and other maritime accidents, as part of Canada’s Oceans...

March 22, 2023

Court of Appeal Rejects Saskatchewan’s “Misconceived” Legal Attack Against Métis Nation–Saskatchewan

NationTalk: Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) welcomes the decision announced by the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal, which soundly rejected the provincial government’s inappropriate attempt to prevent MN–S from advancing issues of Métis title and Métis commercial harvesting rights in its litigation against the Province. The matter arose in the fall of 2021, when MN–S asked the courts...

February 24, 2023

Métis Nation of Alberta mounts court challenge to Manitoba Métis self-government deal

Judicial review against Manitoba Métis Federation and Canada was launched fall 2021 CBC News: The Alberta branch of the Métis Nation has signed an updated self-government deal with Canada, even as it is in court challenging a similar agreement between the Manitoba Métis and Canada. In a Federal Court judicial review filed in 2021, the Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA)...

June 5, 2022

Métis Nation of Alberta claims victory over Alberta government’s negotiating scrip settlement with illegitimate Métis groups

Toronto Star – The future of a lawsuit seeking to hold Canada accountable for the loss of Métis lands is in doubt after about a third of the plaintiffs asked to withdraw from the action when their legitimacy was questioned. The Métis Nation of Alberta says the move proves that it speaks for Alberta’s Métis...

March 4, 2022

MMF Lawsuit against Manitoba Government breaking Manitoba Hydro contract

Manitoba Métis Federation: The Supreme Court of Canada decided not to hear the Manitoba Métis Federation’s (MMF) appeal of the Manitoba Court of Appeal’s (MBCA) decision in Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. v Brian Pallister et al. Important issues raised by the MMF remain to be decided by the courts, and the Crown’s duty to consult...

December 11, 2021

24th anniversary of Delgamuukw-Gisday’wa decision

Union of BC Indian Chiefs – UBCIC marks the 24th anniversary of the Supreme Court of Canada’s ground-breaking Delgamuukw-Gisday’wa decision, which confirmed the continuing existence of the Wet’suwet’en and Gitxsan Title and Rights, contrary to provincial claims that their Title, if it had existed, had been extinguished. On December 11, 1997 the six members of...

November 18, 2021

Wet’suwet’en Coastal GasLink protests

Toronto Star – Fifteen people, including Indigenous elders, media and legal observers, had been arrested by the afternoon, according to Jennifer Wickham, a spokesperson for the hereditary chiefs and their supporters. Wickham stressed they had been acting peacefully. Wickham said armed RCMP officers in tactical gear with canine units and heavy machinery moved into the...

May 7, 2021

MMF Lawsuit against Manitoba Government breaking Manitoba Hydro contract

Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF) – The Manitoba of Appeal ruled against the MMF legal challenge to the Pallister Government’s March 21, 2018 decision to stop Manitoba Hydro from honouring a July 2017 Agreement made between Manitoba Hydro and the MMF, which was negotiated bilaterally under a framework put in place through the Kwaysh-kin-na-mihk la paazh...

February 6, 2020

Wet’suwet’en Coastal GasLInk protests

Union of BC Indian Chiefs – RCMP began aggressively raiding Wet’suwet’en traditional and unceded territories under the watch of the Provincial and Federal Governments. Chief Don Tom, Vice-President of the UBCIC concluded “Using armed force to take Indigenous peoples off their unceded and traditional territories against their will is not reconciliation, it is colonialism in...