Current Problems: Education (6-12)

Exploring Theme: "Systemic Racism"

Updates on this page: 21

June 14, 2024

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) Criticizes the Lack of First Nations Representation and Calls for Dissolution of MVSD Board

NationTalk: Treaty One Territory, Winnipeg – The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) says the absence of First Nations representation on an oversight panel appointed by Education Minister Nello Altomare further underscores the need for the complete dissolution of the Board of Trustees for the Mountain View School Division (MVSD). The three-person oversight panel, announced this...

June 5, 2024

Indigenous Students Say Law 14 Puts Their Education at Risk

NationTalk: A group of Indigenous CEGEP students are speaking up about the harmful and unjust effects of Law 14 on Indigenous young people and their communities in Quebec. Law 14, formerly known as Bill 96, aims to promote and protect the French language in Quebec. As of September 2023, all CEGEP students in anglophone colleges...

May 24, 2024

Chiefs call for action after teacher questions Fredericton school’s powwow

Leaked email cites ‘spiritual’ nature of event, likens it to a priest holding a prayer vigil with communion CBC Indigenous: Indigenous students at Fredericton High School and First Nations leaders feel disgusted and discouraged after a teacher allegedly opposed a powwow held at the school earlier this week. St. Mary’s First Nation Chief Allan Polchies Jr. shared...

March 27, 2024

‘Time for some action’: Review to look at systemic racism in Yukon education

First Nation Education Directorate, child and youth advocate team up to find things that ‘need to be changed’ First Peoples Law Report: CBC News – Melanie Bennett, executive director of the Yukon First Nation Education Directorate (YFNED), says there have been many reports and recommendations made over the years, about how the Yukon education system can better serve Indigenous...

February 22, 2024

Employment rates among Black, Indigenous groups in N.S. fall short of goals set 10 years ago

Some progress has been made, but community leaders say inequity remains NationTalk: Black and Indigenous Nova Scotians still face lower employment rates compared to the rest of the population  —  10 years after a sweeping report on the province’s economy recommended change. A decade ago, the Ivany Commission made 19 recommendations to improve the economic...

February 7, 2024

Feds’ labour data shows wage gap for Indigenous workers

Canada’s National Observer: Federal Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan launched labour data tool Equi’Vision on Friday. Photo from file by Carl Meyer. Listen to article A new tool created by Ottawa to reveal potential barriers in the workplace shows a significant gap in wages for Indigenous workers.  On Friday, Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan launched a tool called Equi’Vision that...

December 19, 2023

Far from home, Indigenous students face challenges getting education but there’s hope

NationTalk: Global News, The Canadian Press – Charla Moonias lost her friends, her language and the connection to her culture after she left her northern Ontario First Nation at 14 years old to go to school hundreds of kilometres away. There was little support available as she struggled with addictions, tried to cope with the...

December 14, 2023

Indigenous students in Ontario still face inequities 

Sol Mamakwa, Ontario NDP MPP for Kiiwetinoong, poses for a photo after speaking at the Matawa education conference. Photo by Matteo Cimellaro / Canada’s National Observer  Canada’s National Observer: Indigenous students in Ontario still have lower attendance and graduation rates and are suspended twice as often as their non-Indigenous peers. The educational outlook was released...

September 25, 2023

Mounties investigate group attack on Métis boy at Cochrane school 

The Reconciliation Action Group claimed the boy was targeted for being a member of the Métis Nation of Alberta and his mother’s outspoken advocacy on anti-racism matters  Police and school officials are investigating after a teenage Métis boy was injured in what a local advocacy group is calling a “hate-fuelled” attack at a Cochrane school...

September 6, 2023

More than 500 Indigenous classes won’t have a teacher this week: here’s what we should do

Amid national teacher shortages, Indigenous communities are struggling enormously to recruit and retain teachers. The Toronto Star: Students start school this week in Eabametoong First Nation, a community 360 km northeast of Thunder Bay, where seven teaching positions remain unfilled; this includes two all-important kindergarten teachers for students who are starting school for the very...

August 10, 2023

Indigenous-led archaeology school ‘disheartened’ after dig site vandalized twice in 4 days

School says it will be limiting public access to weekdays only CBC News: Members of an Indigenous archaeological field school are “disheartened” after discovering their dig site in Gatineau, Que., was vandalized twice in the span of a few days. The team from Anishinàbe Odjìbikan said they first discovered damage and missing items on their site at Lac...

June 7, 2023

Sask. gov’t should do more to support Indigenous students as grad rates remain stagnant​: auditor

Gaps at Saskatchewan Polytechnic also identified in auditor’s report CBC News: Saskatchewan’s auditor has determined the province needs to do more to improve success for Indigenous students. Less than 50 per cent are graduating Grade 12 during the expected time period, according to a new report from the provincial auditor’s office. “Having a high school diploma...

May 11, 2023

Opinion: To get Indigenous murder and suicide rates down, first face facts

Canadians need to agree on the hard fact of modern life that education is a prerequisite for economic success  NationTalk: Financial Post – From 2017 through 2021, 1.45 non-Indigenous Canadians in 100,000 died from homicide. Among Indigenous Canadians the rate was six times that: 8.88 in 100,000. That average masks a stark regional difference, however....

February 13, 2023

Governor General’s office closes social media comments after a wave of hateful remarks

Rideau Hall says comments have been ‘abusive, misogynistic and racist’ in nature CBC News: The office of Canada’s Governor General says it is turning off comments on all of its social media accounts due to an influx of abusive comments and “violent threats.” A statement was posted on the Governor General’s Twitter account Monday that...

January 31, 2023

Quebec Education Minister’s Priorities: Bernard Drainville must intervene to decolonize education laws that undermine First Nations autonomy

WENDAKE, QC, Jan. 31, 2023 – On the occasion of the return to Parliament, the First Nations Education Council (FNEC) Chiefs Committee reacted coldly to the seven priorities that will guide the Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville, during the current mandate. “In his priorities, we would have liked to see Minister Drainville commit to integrating an eighth priority...

January 25, 2023

Fewer than half of Indigenous students graduate on time from Edmonton public high schools

83 per cent of Alberta students finish high school in 3 years, provincial reports show CBC News: Indigenous students in Edmonton continue to have lower high school graduation rates than their non-Indigenous peers. Annual education results reports, which include statistics from Alberta Education for 2021-22, show that more than 80 per cent of Edmonton public school and...

October 18, 2022

How School Trustees Can Lead on Reconciliation

Some districts have worked to support Indigenous students’ success while others lag. School boards can make the difference. The Tyee: School board election campaigns across B.C. saw a lot of attention focused on gender and sexuality inclusion and “parents’ rights.” But some candidates made reconciliation a major part of their platforms, and now comes the test. As...

October 4, 2022

Ontario Regional Chief Glen Hare Calls for Action to Address Systemic Inequalities in Ontario Education System

NationTalk: Toronto, ON) Ontario Regional Chief Glen Hare issued the following statement condemning recent actions of the Office of the Minister of Education that perpetuate systemic inequities in the Ontario education system: “Recent actions by the Office of the Minister of Education do not support Ontario’s commitment to work with First Nations as partners on...

May 19, 2021

Access to Education for Inuit Youth

Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse – Considering the limited availability of residential care units for youth in Nunavik, Inuit youth must leave their communities to receive rehabilitation services. Two media articles reporting that Inuit youth could not speak their language in rehabilitation centers prompted the Commission to launch...

May 3, 2021

Alberta: Human Rights Strategy

The Alberta Human Rights Commission has released a “draft” Indigenous Human Rights Strategy to reduce systemic racism that Indigenous individuals and communities face in health, education, child welfare, housing, and justice (including policing and corrections) systems. Research, data, and information collected from consultations with key stakeholders indicate that systemic racism—in the health, education, child welfare,...

May 13, 2020

Premier Pallister ignores Métis and First Nations contribution to Manitoba History

Premier Pallister missed a golden opportunity to advance reconciliation by deliberately choosing to ignore the contribution of the Métis and First Nations peoples to the founding of Manitoba and its entry into the newly formed confederation of Canada. “Manitoba” derived from the Cree, Ojibwe or Assiniboine languages means “straits of Manitou, the Great Spirit”. (Canadian...

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