Background Content: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

Exploring Theme: "Indigenous-led Initiatives"

Updates on this page: 7

May 25, 2024

A plan to finance First Nations

Toronto Star: It’s no secret that Canada is not on track to meet its commitment to close the infrastructure gap for First Nations by 2030 through current delivery mechanisms and policy approaches. In fact, the Auditor General’s reports released in March 2024 served to reinforce the enormous chasm between First Nations and non-Indigenous communities in...

May 1, 2024

Smiles and laughter as a Nation rebuilds

Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu and James Tomma, Kukpi7 (Chief) of Skwlāx te Secwepemcúl̓ecw, at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new subdivision last week. Photo courtesy of Larry Read Listen to article Canada’s National Observer: In Skwlāx te Secwepemcúl̓ecw First Nation, where last summer fires in B.C. destroyed homes and buildings, elders are smiling and laughing...

April 1, 2024

National Indigenous women’s organization accused of union-busting as it lays off dozens of staff

78 employees let go while non-profit plans boutique hotel with spa, convention centre CBC News: The most prominent Indigenous women’s organization in Canada is undergoing a federal financial audit where preliminary evidence of “ineligible expenses” was found, while facing union-busting allegations following a mass round of layoffs, CBC News has learned. The Native Women’s Association...

March 27, 2024

NTI Board of Directors Allocate Funding for Inuit Early Learning and Child Care Funding, Infrastructure, and Improve Compassionate Travel Program

NationTalk: (Iqaluit, Nunavut) Last week Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) Board of Directors met by videoconference, with important decisions for Nunavut Inuit. The Board approved the allocation of $1.38 million for Inunnguinirmut Tukimuattittijiit to review options for the transformation of Inuit-led and Inuit-delivered early childhood services. Inunnguinirmut Tukimuattittijiit is a working group made up of representatives...

March 5, 2024

Treaty 6 creating a revenue sharing model for Alberta’s consideration

Premier Danielle Smith and Confederacy of Treaty Six Nations Grand Chief Cody Thomas speak after a meeting between the Alberta Cabinet and Treaty 6 chiefs. In July, the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations will begin creating a model for discussion with the province to share revenue from natural resource development. It’s a discussion...

February 26, 2024

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Passes Key Resolutions Addressing Treaty Rights, Governance, and Environmental Concerns

NationTalk: Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – The Chiefs-in-Assembly and the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) gathered at the General Assembly on February 21-22, 2024, to discuss and pass several resolutions addressing crucial issues affecting First Nations in Manitoba. These resolutions span topics ranging from fisheries transformation and child and family services to environmental concerns and the...

January 26, 2024

‘For northerners by northerners:’ A look back at devolution in Yukon

Yukon was the first territory to sign a devolution agreement in 2003. APTN News: It’s been just over a week since the Nunavut government, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated and the federal government co-signed the Nunavut Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement. The agreement gives the territory and its people more control of its natural resources and waterways....